What do you think about killer slugging for hatch?



  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338
    edited May 16

    It's just boring tbh, like just hook the 3rd surivvior and let's keep the game progressing.

    I had a match against a Spirit with an AFK Meg, they refused to down the Meg so she was just standing there with crows the Spirit couldn't find me for a good few minutes then I just went in a locker and watched TikTok for abit. I just thought "You clearly want this very badly so whateves"

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    Why is it the killers agency to end the match in this scenario? The last survivor could clearly not care about hatch and run up to the killer and just show themselves if a person is being slugged. That way the game ends quicker, games drawn out for long is the main concern as i see.

    But if you still want to escape thats your good right, just like its the killers good right to want that 4k for their tome challenge.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 288

    But if it is counted as "void" or "null", why is the survivor getting points? Why is the killer not getting points, same as the survivor?

    That is something i do not understand. If it is "void" then one of two things should happen:

    • The survivor gets escape points, the killer gets the same points
    • The survivor does not get any points, the killer does not either

    If the hatch is rewarding the survivor with lot of points (again, i know that 2500 are much less than escaping through the gates, but is still a lot) and the killer does get nothing, then the hatch totally counts as an escape for the survivor.

    I actually agree that should be a real "null", so either remove the survivor points or give the killer the same points. After all hatch is purely "RNG" unless some offerings are in place, so i think it makes sense.

    Also, fun fact, its RNG for both sides but survivor gets 2500 points for finding it (and escaping of course) but the killer gets a mere 250 for finding it (and closing it), so the reward for the RNG clearly favors survivor. It is clearly counting as a escape for the game.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 829

    It sounds cope,butI ran Exponential after having some real terrible times and that perk is so clutch and satisfying, especially at 1 gen.

    When only 2 survivors are alive, I like to boon far away from the action. The killers won't hunt a boon, so if there's only 1 ot 2 gens left the killer runs the risk of throwing over greed.

    This assumes, of course, that your teammate doesn't give up or try to sell you to the killer

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 288

    Cmon my guy, you know as much as me that literally nothing in this game gives 2500 points or more in an instant outside of escaping the trial or some event scores from events like Halloween or others. Also, in the post-game screen it literally shows as if the survivor escaped.

    Hatch = Escape. The game counts it as an escape.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    Do I enjoy being on the receiving end of the slugging tactic? No, it's like I'm playing a video game and it doesn't seem super video gamey when I'm waiting an eternity to bleed out. I am very bored.

    Do I believe it is a viable strategy to secure the 4k? Yes, do what you gotta do, I understand.

    Those are my thoughts on that basically.

    P.S. Remove Hatch.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 616

    The 2v1 situation with generators left is always akward. Survivors hate the 4K slug and they want to got next and not laying on the ground for 4minutes or hide on the edge of the map for four minutes. It's boring, annoying, and kinda disrespectful by wasting the time of all. The killer, on the side, wants the 4K to get the pip, archive done, or wants it (same when survivors want sometimes the 4 escape). There is also the situation where both survivors hide forever, and this is also boring, annoying, and disrespectful.

    In my opinion, we need a surrender opinion with which one survivor can die instantly to give the other one the hatch - the one survivor "asks" the other one if they can give up to give the other one the hatch and if this other survivor agrees, the surrender survivor dies. The killer gets the points and everything from the surrender survivor and it would end the game faster. I think something like this would make situations like these healthier.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    No they aren't but they're entitled to chance. It's not lore accurate in every horror film final survivor has chance to escape. Lore accurate would be closing hatch before they made it and kill them or when survivor tries to open exit and kill them.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    We can say those are not really risks the risk is like 1% killer actually lose because of them. Bleedout or sacrifice is still kill. If they pick up now you actually can get both. Unbreakable most likely buys little bit time then you can continue and even they use it when you sacrifice the other you likely can still get them. Rarely anyone use that perk.

    What is anactual risk in 2vs1 is if they pick up, heal and manage to hide and they just stay hidden until you find them that can waste incredible amount of time. But other that that these are only risks to consider when it's endgame.

  • dbdplayerabc123
    dbdplayerabc123 Member Posts: 70
    edited May 17

    I used to be the killer that slugged to secure 4k, but now I just take the 3k and play the hatch endgame. It's quicker, and more often than not I find the hatch first anyway. There are times I'll still slug for 4k if the last survivor is injured and I know their general location, but I don't have time to play hide n seek all day. Feels like I'm holding myself hostage honestly.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    A bleed out is not the same as a sacrifice if the killer is trying to pip or complete a challenge.

    And as you said, there’s a risk of the Survivors picking themselves up and hiding and wasting even more time. There’s also the risk that the Survivors finish the gens if there’s only one or two left. Small risks are still risks.

    Anyways, as I mentioned before, my point is that Killer Players shouldn’t be vilified or disparaged for playing the game using means the devs allowed. If people have problems with a mechanic or gameplay, they’re free to bring it up to the devs constructively and not attack the player.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Because they didn't deserve to escape. It was a lost match for them. This is the only game in the genre where this is even a discussion.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 364

    I would say the situations may be different but the feeling is some what the same. Which is giving up because the match now feels hopeless. Hatch is really the only comeback mechanic survivors have. It's also probably part of the reason that DC's or hook suicides don't go higher than they already are. It's the only last hope survivors have in the game.

    The beginning of the game is different in that if the match feels hopeless, and there are more than 2 alive, then getting hatch feels less achievable. Watching 2 teammates go down in the first 30 seconds of a match, or running the killer for 45 seconds while not seeing a single gen get touched, also can cause a match to feel hopeless.

    The biggest difference between beginning and end is playing out a full match, to at least have the hope of hatch. Then seeing the killer take away that only hope by slugging. Makes it feel worse. When people encounter the latter enough, why not just end it at the start?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 17

    There’s very rarely a scenario in the first 60 seconds of a match to warrant hopelessness and removing yourself on hook. Whereas by the time it’s only 2 survivors left and ones already down that is generally lost. Those are very different scenarios which are not comparable as that is my point since the previous person was acting as if they were the same.

    I get that the hatch is the last chance at hope but at that point the game is over unless there’s only 1 gen left. Your only chance at that point is if the killers plays really bad or just camps the guy on the ground so you get to finish the gen. Having times of hopeless is how games work. If killer only has 1 hook and the gates are powered that is generally hopeless for him as well unless the survivors just play bad, that’s how things go. Even though that scenario is hopeless I wouldn’t advocate for a freebie rng kill to be given to the killer for no reason.

    If you wanna advocate for a new feature that can give hope through skilled play I’m totally down for that idea. However just giving free rng escapes for the sake of hope to me is bad design.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Me and my friends call that "title matching" because the killer's playing like they're about to win a championship belt lol. A lot of people do it for no reason on casual games. When I'm playing killer I don't bother unless the last guy was an annoying flashlight goblin.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 288

    I agree about the inconsistency of the score points actually.

    But anyways, as i said earlier, in the post-game screen it shows as if the survivor escaped. There's no different icon for the hatch, just the same one as the escaping and the survivor gets rewarded, that is an undeniable fact.

    Even if people don't want to call it a "lose" or a "win", there are far more points that show it more as a "win" instead of a "lose" or a "tie". I always have seen like that since i started playing in the early days, and when i see people saying that is not a "win" i'm always like "Are they blind or something?!".

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 364

    See I kind of have a different view on it. Often times the first 60 seconds to 2 minutes completely dictates how the game goes. At least in my experience. That being said, I've had amazing comeback games as survivor, not in a long time, but it has happened. Nothing is ever going to make solo queue teammates do gens or anything else for that matter though. Doesn't matter how the match goes.

    That's also why the hatch being a last chance of hope doesn't just happen when 2 survivors are left. It can feel like the only option of escape shortly after the match starts.

    As far as killers go, they do have a last chance effort, camping/tunneling. Even if the match feels hopeless there is always an option there to try. It may not pan out or it may lead to a 4k. Whereas the survivors option seems to depend on how the killer chooses to play it at the end. The survivor slugged on the ground has it worse of all, unable to do anything but crawl around.

    I wouldn't know how to make a skill based mechanic for comebacks as survivor. It most likely would be as unfun as the killers choice to try and camp/tunnel. Id like to see killers have a different option as well. Maybe a way for both sides just to steer off course, forget the objective for a moment, but do something that could possibly slow the game down a bit afterward. Or even reset a small portion of progress. But then that would have to be balanced out somehow so that it couldn't be used to stomp the other side lol.

    Personally, I don't care about the hatch mechanic one way or another. Was just stating how giving up at the start or end of a match could often be because of the same feeling. That is my opinion of course.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    So its a good thing, otherwise you'd have no folded clothes!

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 322


  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited May 17

    There is nothing wrong with it. The 4mins provided by bleed out is greater than the 2 mins provided by a hook. A killer is free to use that time if needed.

    As survivor when slugged I crawl to a common hatch spawn location and try my luck. I've hatched out more than once.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 288

    Also kinda minor thing but still something i did notice. When survivors escape (or win, call it as you want) they are more prone to say "gg" rather than when they die (or lose), and im only counting the ones who stay in the post-game chat after dying of course, not the ones who leave to start another game.

    Kinda curious, but when survivor gets hatch they also tend to say "gg" most of the time, same as when they escape. As i said just a minor observation but still interesting.

    So yeah, i'm pretty sure that the people who think that is not a win for them are just a vocal minority here. Most of the people in-game seem to think of it as an actual win.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Well unlike the hatch, tunneling/camping at least required him to be able to down them in the first place, so some skill there even if it’s little, whereas hatch is just free rng completely. Don’t get me wrong though, I want tunneling/camping removed as well. Tunneling/camping artificially gives killers kills they didn’t earn and removes skill from the game.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 397

    It's just weird to me that in other games when the enemy is not taking the chance to close the game and take the win you have a chance for a comeback, but for some reason in this game if the killer wants to just wander off to find the hatch or teabag for the entire bleedout timer they kind of… can? And there's nothing you can do about it? Not even a surrender to finish the match and leave with your dignity. And some players are okay with it, which is baffling to me.

    Like, I got teabagged by a Ghostface for the entirety of my bleedout timer, grabbed me at the last tick, hooked me, AND THEN apologized (with an xD, of course) in the end game chat. I just had to sit there until the timer ran out and people really defend that as being peak gameplay or something.

    Or when killers wander off and I crawl away then they realize they lost me and have to wait for the entire timer and then I'm the one getting blamed for wasting people's time. Bud just left to close the hatch and break a couple of pallets and people agree I'm the bad guy in this situation? Surely the killers should be the ones doing their job instead of letting me bleed out for a couple extra points?

    Why am I not allowed to keep fighting when my oponent gets cocky? I shouldn't be the one getting punished because the enemy doesn't feel like closing the game.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 364

    I agree there. Hatch is completely up to rng most of the time. Minus the couple of offerings I guess those could be used to intentionally wait it out. But I don't think they should even exist because of that reason.

    I don't really have issues with tunneling/camping like I once did, I just find it unfun for both sides. Some people do enjoy it though I suppose.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    This would never work in soloQ, since 2v1 you describe is actually 1v1v1, and both survivors will want to be the one who escapes. They should just make it impossible to escape alone, or open the hatch with 2 survivors in game as soon as one of them enters the dying state.

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    If the last survivor is in sight or know location otherwise, fair game. It may actually take the killer less time for themselves to just go after and down the 4th than it would to find hatch, close it and then to the little tango with the exit gates. Slugging for the 4K when they have no idea where the survivors are, kinda rude. I get you want your 4K but the other survivor shouldn't have to wait up to 4 minuets doing nothing for this to happen however this is an issue with the game first and foremost. The game should give the survivor in this situation some way to give up and move on or the "optimal" play for the killer shouldn't have to involve forcing a survivor into 4 minuets of inaction in a match they've already lost (optimal in this context being optimising rewards/gains from an individual match).

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    yeah but the killer just wants their 4k? why should they handicap themselves if they can aswell avoid hatch races and play it safe?

    Complaining about drawn out matches when you are the last survivor while you hide somewhere in a corner is kinda backwards, same goes for only blaming the killer if you are the one slugged, then you should blame your teammate equally. Both are too stubborn to finish the game, not JUST the killer.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Bleedout very unlilely denies pip if you did well on other emblems. Which is very unlikely if it's 2vs1 and gens still left. Though im not sure if red grade requires now 4K to +2 pip then there is chance it can lower your score. But steam still count bleedouts to your kill total so it's still kill. That survivor died and didn't escape.

    Bleedout really only hurt killer if he is obsessed about his sacrifice total like me. Xbox don't count bleedouts to kill total but it does not count mories either. So yes then bleedout is gonna suck so then it best to avoid slugging in that situation unless you know where both survivors are and that only time when I slug and few times it had lead to bleedouts.

    That's why I have wanted deerstalker basekit for killer in that situation and bleedout button or unbreakable for survivors if they're slugged for extended time in that situation. So that only if killer plays well he gets the 4K and not by bleeding out the other survivor 4 minutes. If killer gets 2 quick down he deserves that 4K and survivor should not be able to hide.

    Only once when I have slugged survivors have managed to do last gen so I consider that risk so minimal that it's not real risk. Most of the time in that situation there are at least 2 gens left so survivor finishing gens should not happen.

    Killer player should not expect survivors to thank him for playing most boring way possible. Slugging cost incredible amount of time for both sides yes killer could played probably another match in that time it can potentially cost. Now I mean the situation where killer goes his way go search whole map to get both survivors.

    If you know where both survivors are even see the other when you downed other what else is killer supposed to than try to down both is that even slugging? Because in that situation it feels like that's just doing your objective.

    Now bleeding out someone 4 minutes is not the objective while trying to desperately search the other survivor. You can do that but it's just boring and it is scummy way to play. I try to avoid to do that as killer I know how much it sucks and I don't want to either waste my own time.

    I only mostly do it when I want adept or challenge or after bad matches and yeah then I do whatever it takes. Or when I want to kill specific survivor but that's when I let the slug escape but most of time I just try to search the survivor I wanna kill. Most of the time that is because I only let female survivors escape or the other was toxic to me.

    I do hope devs do something about it because like I said it's boring and wastes time. Something to make it more bearable at least that bleedout button. Now if it happens to me I just leave and go do something else but I don't think that is what everyone should do? Now good thing is slugging in 2vs1 is not very common it does not happen every game maybe every 1/5 or rarer.

    So most killers also find it boring and they just take 3K. Now usually killer does find hatch first so slugging is not even neccessary even those killer who bleedout other survivor 4 minutes often find the hatch first and still get the 4K.

  • IndigoWendigo
    IndigoWendigo Member Posts: 30

    ”Oh no, the killer is playing effectively and trying to earn more points, how dare they?”

    Yall call securing a 4th kill sweaty while Adrenaline is still a thing.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    When I'm on killer myself, I almost never do it. Searching for a last survivor that is only trying to hide is much more boring than racing them for the hatch/playing for gates after closing it. There is at least some tension and excitement in the latter scenario, and it usually ends faster. And I regularly give the last survivor hatch anyway. Exceptions exist however, such as when the survivors were going out of their way to try and be annoying, BMing or hiding all match or the like. Then I sometimes if still rarely will try everything in my power to make sure the last person dies as well.

    On survivor, instead of hiding when the killer is slugging the second-to-last survivor, I will often simply reveal my position and go for a chase or play aggressively to pick up the other survivor. I might still survive until the other person bleeds out, then having a chance to get hatch regardless. Or we might actually get gens done. Both of those scenarios are unlikely, but in either case, I just do it because having a chase is more engaging than trying to hide. Exceptions being things like a killer that went out of their way to be obnoxious, so as to not give them the satisfaction or knowing that they would hump me for 4 minutes if I gave them the opportunity to.

    I do think unless challenges are in effect, it takes a particularly boring or petty person to slug for the 4k, especially in matches where they won decisively against what was clearly lesser opposition. I feel the same way about the last survivor hiding, but to a lesser extent because they have less agency over the situation, and they are in a lost spot hoping for a lucky escape and not playing to "win more" when already in a winning position.

    The 2v1 and 1v1 endgame scenarios could still be tangibly improved upon such that they don't yield these unfortunate situations that lead to slugging, hiding, stalling, hatch stand-offs, unwinnable positions, and so on.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    We should just get rid of the concept of hatch escape and end the game at 3k. There's nothing hassle-free.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,950
    edited May 28


    Nice tribalism.

    Both sides want to win. Both sides want the best possible outcome.

    As @Huge_Bush already mentioned: if the killer camps the last survivor in end game, the gates are open and all survivors are still alive, why do they try to safe the fourth almost every time?

    3 escapes is a win for the survivor team and a loss for the killer.

    The only difference between both scenarios is, that if the killer tries to secure a 4k, the survivor input is pretty unfun whereas the situation of the survivors trying to get the 4man out is usually less boring.

    This means, that it ultimately comes down to one side feeling entitled to not be slugged. If the hunt for the final survivor would be more interesting and less stale, I don't think there would be so many complains.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    There is way to kill final survivor without slugging finding hatch first or the survivor that lot more entertaining for both sides. In my experience killer has about +70% chance to find hatch first that's pretty good percentage should it be 100%? Is killer entitled to 4K always?

    Slugging wastes time and usually end other survivor bleeding out and killer still find the hatch most of the time and get the 4K anyway. So again there is mess boring way for killer to get last chase and 4K it's just not quaranteed. Neither is save in endgame killer is pretty much quaranteed 1K.

    Sometimes that altruistic gives chance for even more it can turn thr game 3-4K for killer would think that is not bad thing. It's different situation survivor and killer role is not equal other is team and other is alone. I suppose only specific scenarios like survivor being hooked other side of map/basement where saving is not possible or when bubba is camping and survivors keep doing trades desperately trying get everyone out can be considered somewhat equilavent of slugging.

    Cause outcome will be same most of the time killer still get 1K survivors just waste time but slugging is still worse of these two evil because at least with trades everyone gets bp and killer even chance for more kills. Rarely do survivors achieve 4 escapes in those scenarios. Most of the time survivors just leave they know there is no chance. But if survivor is hooked at exit that just would be cruel to leave them not even try saving them.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,950

    No. Disagree. It is definitely possible for survivors to get all 4 out against a variety of killers that camp if done correctly. There are situations, Bubba for example, where it is not possible but against a ton of others you can the 4man out.

    I dont know how you gopt to your 70% when it is literally completely random where the hatch spawns if no offering is in play. It could spawn at the survivors- or the killers feet or across the map. No consistency whatsoever.

    You also forgot one important aspect that relates to this. Consistency. If the killer wants a consistent chance at getting the 4k, like for their adept as an example, they do not want to leave their chance up to luck. They want the most consistent chance of success. Sadly this means slugging for the 4k.

    I never siad, that the killer is entitled to 4k or the survivor being entitled to escape.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,950

    One is a perk that CAN be equipped, the other is the outcome of a match. How are these connected again?

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,609

    This has been a very productive discussion; I just wanted to pop in with a reminder to keep comments civil and respectful.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,783

    As long as adept challenges exist, I think it's fair to do.

    Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose is the way I see it.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    I don't say is not possible but it's hard if the survivor is hooked other side of the map. You need killer to make mistakes too and need to be swf. Solos in this situation just leave maybe one goes to make trade and killer gets then both... In the end saving in endgame benefit killer quite often too.

    My roughly estimate is 70% time killer does find hatch consistently before survivor. Killer moves 115% speed and many can teleport with power for example which gives better chance. That's about how often I find it before survivor and sometimes I find the survivor searching hatch and down them.

    Well adept is different situation but it's rare reason to slug for 4K. I haven't seen in while anyone even adepting but most of the slugging happen because killer feel they need 4K. Even the chance is very good still get 4K if they don't.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,950
    edited May 28

    Again, I have to stress, that saving in endgame is absolutely possible. Getting a 4man out is sometimes very possible despite the killer not making mistakes. Depends heavily on the killer and their power though. Swf definitely have the better chances of achieveing this, but its not uncommon for soloq to pull this off as well. Perks like borrowed time serve wonders to do this.

    So you want to tell me, that you track how often you find hatch before the survivor does? Thats honestly impressive. The movement speed difference does not make it more likely for the killer to fin the hatch. As I said before, the spawn of the hatch is completely random. If both survivor and killer would go from the same position, the exat same way, then yes. The killer would find ti faster due to the movement speed. However, this is not how it goes. Both survivor and killer start their search from very different situations. The hatch might spawn clooser to the survivor, making their way a lot shorter than the one the killer has to take. This would make their movement speed difference irrelevant.

    Exceptions to this are killers like Blight or Billy, who can traverse every corner of most maps in seconds. But even for these killers, it is still up to rng, because the hatch could, as mentioned before, still spawn at the survivors feet, making their movement speed powers irrelevant.

    Its rather funny though, that if the killer finds the survivor that is loooking for the hatch and starts to chase them, its actually more likely for the survivor to reach the hatch first because the survivor is the leading role in chase, therefore reaches certain spots earlier.

    The 4k is the best possible outcome for the killer. Nobody can blame the killer for wanting to achieve that. Its unfortunate, that the most consistent way for the killer to get this outcome is rather boring for the survivor side. For the record, I almost never slug for the 4k. I personally do not care for 4k at all. But I can understand people that do.

    It ultimately comes down to the game and the devs to create a better end game scenario, that is more interesting for both parties. I have been against the randomness of the hatch for a long time and am definitely of the opinion, that this system needs a major overhaul.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,233

    I really don't think it should be a thing. It's not really a question of who "deserves" a kill or escape, and more of a question of game flow.

    It drags the game out for four unnecessary minutes, where nothing is really getting done and no gameplay is being had. It's boring for both parties involved and not even really worth it for the killer bloodpoint wise.

    I think some form of base anti-slug mechanic should become active when two survivors remain. Adepts could potentially be refactored to ignore Hatch escapes as well.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,957

    9/10 its done out of spite, nothing else. Hatch only exist to give the last survivor a reason to keep playing, its not a win for the survivor or a loss for the killer its just a pity.

  • BbQz
    BbQz Member Posts: 83
    edited May 29

    If hatch offered zero points the pursuing it would be pointless the minute a person or even two died the remaining players would just AFK near hooks and the game would end. The potential of getting points for a lost game keeps the game going and interesting to the survivors and the killer.

    This is the issue with slugging for the 4 kill as that strategy becomes more common survivors are more likely just going to give up as the game win potential reaches 0. Or worse they will see the writing on the wall and think their time being used to waste the killers time is a good trade. As I've watched survivors during a slugging at two scenarios wait till full bleed out then hide during end game collapse just wasting every second which realistically could have been used to play almost a whole second game...

    TLDR: hatch keeps players playing the match even when winning is unlikely, circumventing it just makes players give up early or intentionally punish killers by wasting time and vice versa

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 288

    TLDR: hatch keeps players playing the match even when winning is unlikely, circumventing it just makes players give up early or intentionally punish killers by wasting time and vice versa

    I totally disagree with this. What happens in most of my games is that when only two of them are alive and is impossible to win by repairing gens, both just hide and try to get the other one found and killed first so they can get hatch.

    So i do think it would totally be the same if no hatch was involved, but at least it would not be RNG.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    I seldom slug for the 4K but I almost always slug.

    My goal is to get the last survivor and hook him.

    If I find him again, the slugged one gets the hatch.

    But I only do that if the match was somewhat competitive.

    e.g. Chaos mode is pure chill. I often let a couple of survivors finish their gen and leave.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    That would be all well and good if the hatch was guaranteed to spawn away from both remaining players, but it can spawn right at either of their feet, ruining the dynamic. Can't breathe new life into a game if it arbitrarily picks a winner instantly as it spawns in