chaos shuffle is great, but I wanted it as a feature - not a mode.

Emeal Member Posts: 4,699

This is cool and all, but I wanted the option to let the game pick certain stuff for me, Please bHVR.

Allow us to use the Random Perk option in our builds, but also create one for random addons and offerings.

Thanks for listening.


  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 1,541

    The good news is they take data in from modifiers to see how well they do to see if it would make for a good feature down the road. :)

    That’s likely what is happening. 🤓

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,699

    I know, but its unfair, because nobody WANTS to play without their Crutch perks. The Killer Queue in my region is instant right now.
    Which makes me so sad, because I love this. But anyone looking at these numbers would conclude, "Oh I guess players dont want random elements." or "Why would we waste time implementing a feature nobody except maybe 3 players would use."

  • TrinityVista
    TrinityVista Member Posts: 3

    I've been waiting for this kind of thing. I wish it was a feature too, but I love the mode as well. I love mixing up my build, and not knowing what everyone else is running. Makes the game so fun and less sweaty for me.