“Some” Basic attack perks should be removed

Is there any reason why Surge is basic attack only? Especially with the 8 gen regression limit. Why is Rapid Brutality an M1 perk only?
What killers are stopping these perks from being available to all attacks. Is it because Trickster would get 5% haste for every knife he lands? Can’t it be made to activate when taking a health state? I’m not saying exposure perks should work with hatchets but just that some perks are M1 only and don’t need to be.
I'll grant your wish. The cost is Lethal Presuer is totally reworked into something else 😁
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I’d take that deal lol. Lethal Pursuer is heavily over rated and I only use it for the aura read duration extension. If it didn’t do that I would never touch it. In fact, it didn’t do that when it first released and nobody used it. It was complete garbage lol
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Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Wesker, Chucky etc etc are the reasons RB can't work on M2's.
Can't wait for Starstruck Agi Nurse to come back after we seemingly JUST got rid of her.
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Well rapid Brutality does work on Spirit so that point is moot. Her phase walk attacks work with all M1 Perks.
I specifically said non exposure perks so your point about star struck nurse is also irrelevant.
Wesker has a heavy cooldown on landing his M2 so it wouldn’t be crazy for those 2 perks to work on him. And Chucky is 110 so again it would be beyond fine.
Anything else?
Post edited by HexHuntressThighs on10 -
Well to be fair, the M2 on Spirit is only her phasing. You still have to M1 to attack.
Also, no need to be so aggressive, this is just a silly game meant to be fun.
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I wasn’t aggressive at all. It’s text lol, no tonality can be read from what I wrote. All I did was debunk every point they made.
And Spirts M2 Makes her move 2x as fast as survivors and make her invisible. As well as her being considered to be top 3 strongest killers in the game. So I think at the very least Surge and RB should work on special attacks.
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I was hoping to get people’s reasons for why they are or shouldn’t be basic attack only perks, like what Pulsar said. I disagree with them but I like their input.
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Yeah that's a good point, my bad. Gotta love how unless you do the asterisk thing you can't tell what emotion someone's trying to get across.
Overall, I think with some killers, making it work on M2 damage would be a little much. That one guy earlier mentioned Nurse, and while you did specify non-exposure perks, she doesn't really need for the M2 to apply Surge or whatever. And with Spirit, I don't think she does either (personally I didn't know that she did but still).
Ultimately though, I do see your point and while I don't fully agree, I respect it. Also, sorry again for mistaking you just having a civil debate as you being a jerk. Hope to meet you in the Fog someday!
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And I don't think they should.
I'm really not sure why you're trying to make strong Killers even stronger. Instead of buffing weaker Killers, you've decided that Killers that are already exceedingly powerful need to be more powerful.
Just a bit odd.
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You think surge is stronger than Pain Rez? I guess on indoor maps it would be. And Rapid brutality is 10 seconds of haste that has 3 seconds taken away from it by the weapon wipe animation.
Actually you have a point, since it can't be used on stronger killers they should buff Surge to 15% since it's only used by weak killers. And maybe make RB 15-20 seconds.
Or you know they could make it work on everyone and not much would change at all tbh. It's not like surge is or has ever been meta lol. It's pretty much cooked now with the 8 regression limit. Oh and blights attacks count as special attacks too. So actually no strong killers would benefit at all.
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Except for the fact it doesn't make any of the strongest killers stronger besides Spirit but she already benefits from them currently :)
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No deal. I will never play on Haddonfield without this perk ever again. There is no consistency in spawns on that map and some others can have similar issues depending on rng.
I still play Startstruck Nurse. I mean, it's Nurse. Even if it doesn't work it's still ridiculous. And every once in a blue moon some giga brain survivor decides to bodyblock a hook anyway.
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I meant to say it doesn't matter for her because she can already use it. And it doesn't make anyone else stronger because the perks are mediocre to begin with lol.
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Haddonfield was just redone. Give it time before being sure there's no consistency.
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Yeah, let's not get Surgolt nerfed, thank you very much
-an m1 enthusiast
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It's barely better than kicking a gen normally. It's great on indoor maps nut that's it lol. it needs a buff.
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Barely better? It let's you tap survivors to cause AoE regression instead of ever tapping an actual generator. It used to have a 30 second cooldown. This streamlines the killergameplay loop by making you more time efficient
What's kept it balanced over the years is that M2 killers are free to use it, but must make a conscious decision to use power or go for Surge value
I guarantee you that if Surge procs on amy down, it will get hard nerfed. And what does that accomplish?
Surge has been seen as one of the least good regression perks besides like, Oppression, but now it's one of the best simply because it hasn't been whacked by the nerfhammer.
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You know what, that's pretty funny.
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Not sure what that last point is about since your whole argument was about making Surge (and other perks) work on M2's.
Surge, PR, PGTW and Grim. Fun fun fun, just what we need, more regression.
I honestly think most of your points in this reply are just strawman arguments. There's no shot you think that buffing Surge to 15% or having RB last 20 seconds is a smart move.
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Could you imagine a Huntress standing in the middle of Gens and throwing Hatchets to get Surge value
Or a Hillbilly zooming around gets a Down on a Survivor close to a Gen that's almost done
Having a long cooldown or being 110% doesn't matter
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Those are some good points. It just seems bad to me because on outdoor maps, it's essentially worthless. And you hit gens for 8% a max of 8 times when they could be hit for 20-30% 8 times. Ruin is better than surge really in every way besides it being able to be cleansed
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Well surge would be connected to where the survivor went down at like Forced Hesitation so she couldn't do that. And Again gens can only be hit 8 times so it really isn't that crazy any more. Would you rather them run Pain Rez and Pop and hit the same gen 8 times for 20% each or them run surge and hit the gen for 8% 8 times?
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That's not what straw man means lol. Also yes it should be buffed since only weak killers use it. And my last point is related because it further disproves your first point of saying it makes strong killers stronger as it clearly doesn't. So that's how its related lol.
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I think some perks have the M1 requirement to reduce their strength on heavy M2 Killers. Naturally, M1 Killers need the boost more anyways, so I think it is fair to have the requirement for most things (of course niche exceptions apply, e.g. old Dark Devotion).
(Also nice name.)
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Thanks lol. I figured that's why they have the limit. That's why I was thinking it could be buffed since only weaker killers use it and now gens have an 8 hit limit.
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That hasn't changed though. The spawns are exactly the same they have been since the graphical update. It's the one thing they'll probably never get right on that map. Well, other than balance of course. First it was the most survivor sided map in the game, then it was terrible for both sides and now it's just horrible for survivors.
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Rapid Brutality would probably be too strong on Blight's with double speed add-ons.
But Surge would probably be fine, people are just overreacting over that perk.
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Surge is a top 5 perk in terms of use rate, I don't think it really needs any buffs.
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Surge,dark devotion. Stbfl ( specially gaining tokens)
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Agreed. People literally tweaking about it for some reason lol. RB only lasts 7 seconds and blight has to recharge his tokens after landing a hit so he couldn't even do much with it. unless he M1s first. But even then it doesn't compare to his old add ons. And it's one less gen slow down perk AND no bloodlust. So I think it would be fine.
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I was thinking so only because weaker killers use it. Let's be honest Blight and Nurse are not using surge. They use Rez and Pop lol. And the new 8 gen regress limit.
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I have not survived there since the update and last night I got a 4K as Myers at 4 generators.
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That would mean Surge would be changed to where the Survivor is and not where the Killer is…. and BHVR has a hard time with coding
Pain Res only has 4 tokens and 4 separate Hooks that need to be used and yes while it does 20% of Total progression it's still only 4 times… and if the same Gen is hit that's on the Survivors for repairing it to be hit or not repairing other Gens
Pop does 20% of Current progression after the 5% default regression is applied
If the Killer is able to get Pain Res and Pop on the same Gen then again it's on the Survivors not the Killer
And normal regression takes place after those Perks take effect
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Well, proving me wrong I guess. I had hoped you might be able to see how having 15% regression on multiple gens instantly would be a problem. I had also hoped that you might see how 5% Haste for 20 seconds could be an issue, especially considering how we just got rid of MFT because, "3% Haste is WAY too much, Killers can't counter it!!!!"
Your intention to buff these Killers by allowing them to use M1-only perks was my point. They can't use them now, which is fine, since they don't need the extra power. You, however, have decided that they do actually need the extra power and want to give them those perks, for some reason. Inconsequential? Maybe. Strange priorities? Definitely.
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Nurses absolutely did use it before they removed all her m1 synergy. Facing her on Midwich was even worse than it is now. That is a cherrypicked example, but it wasn't uncommon.
If they weren't on Jolt it was because they had no room because of starstruck agitation +her need for an info perk
I cried tears of joy the day she lost the ability to use Jolt if I may be honest.
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15% aint crazy considering the 8 hit limit. Maybe 12 would be better. Again the perk is very good on all 7 indoor maps. And is mediocre on al 89 outdoor maps lol. Besides made for this deserved the nerf because survivors were literally throwing up and sobbing about the Huntress's yew seed brew add on slowing them by 3% for 15 seconds. You can't have your cake and eat it to. That was a huge double standard that shouldn't have lasted as long as it did tbh.
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But back then there was no kick limit. If she could do that nowadays all the gens would be unkickable in 2 minutes flat lol.
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Lethal. No grants a permanent 8%haste untill your first down additional whenever you gain the undetectable effect gain a 2%haste untill an injure or the effect wears off
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I see your game...
You want to pop Surge by throwing an Orbtial across map, and get 5% speed boost whenever you land a hatchet...
You can't fool me HuntressThighs 😏
But yeah, that's the reason, killers with strong M2s like Nurse, Blight, Wesker, Pyramid Head get a lot of value from their M2 already. These perks have strong effects to help out the killers on the weaker end of the spectrum.
Rapid Brutality for example disables bloodlust, which on someone like Trapper or Pig is a big deal... on Nurse or Huntress... who cares about bloodlust?
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Surge I can agree with, rapid brutality and save would be horribly overpowered if they were given to huntress. Many of them I could agree could be looked at the be on m2’s, but save or rapid brutality would be horrible for the game.
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Oh right, I guess that would be true. Blight has such a low recharge on his power that I lowkey forgot that he even has it lol.
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Do you want them to be using Pain Res, Pop AND Surge? Because they will.
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🤫You’ve caught me lol 😂 But in all honesty, I just don’t think the perks are strong enough to warrant them being M1 only and if their job is to help weak killers they could be buffed because they really barely help weaker killers. M1 only perks shouldn’t exist outside exposure perks. It’s limiting and boring and unuasable on 1/4 the killers in the game.
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If you use all 5 tokens it will take about 6 seconds to get his power back too. That’s on top of the weapon wipe and injection animations.
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Yeah I wasn’t including STBFL because that seems obviously made for weak M1 killers specifically now that they changed it. But losing Bloodlust because of Rapid Brutality would actually be a huge hindrance to Huntress at some loops. I’ve done the math and about 15% of the loops in the game you’re forced to M1 at as Huntress, no matter how good you are you HAVE to M1 or leave. And bloodlust helps out tremendously at those loops. So it can be a huge trade off.
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They wouldn’t do that because there is an 8 regression limit. Surge would eat that limit so fast that pop and pain Rez wouldn’t be useable. Having surge would literally shut down the other two.
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This is assuming that survivors are going down constantly (same fallacy which has gotten all other gen defence perks nerfed), and are getting downed around active gens all the time, which good survivors never do. Let's not balance for casuals.
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That’s a great point tbh. Also surge can be countered by going into a locker.
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They would.
The 8 regression limit is still pretty difficult to hit even with a huge amount of regression like that.