Survivors crouching but not teabagging. (I need an explanation of what happened)

I was playing clown in a match i was winning by a lot, had two people hooked once and one people hooked twice and they didnt even finish their first gen.

I go back to basement because i heard the unhook and the two survivors stop, look at me and start crouching at high speed while looking at me.

I dont know what that means, but its similar to what some survivors do to ask me to let them open the gates when they are the last player (which i tend to concede if i already hooked 3) so i interpreted that as asking me for a bit of lenience and i leave without hitting them or hooking them (it could easily had been a double-kill).

They do a gen, i hook another guy, and when i find those same two survivors working on a gen again, instead of running, the start looking at me and crouching quickly again. I walk up to them and get in melee distance but they didnt even buldge. Again, since i had a large advantage that map, i kicked the gen, throw a few bottles to scare them and let them go without killing them (they are both dead on hook) Later, with one survivor dead and everyone else dead on hook, and 3 gens done, they try the same next to another gen and this time i do hit them both and kill them both.

Where they trying to ask for lenience as i thought originally? Or is some etiquette here that i dont know?

They weren't teabagging because they were facing me and they didnt try to flee or anything while they did it, but surely they didnt expect me to let them go every single time, because that would be stupid.

Im still wondering what the hell happened in that match.
