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Survivors realize that Deathslinger isnt hitscan right?

Member Posts: 121

i keep getting hate from survivors telling me i have no skill, because deathslinger has a gun. i explain to them that

hes just like huntress, needing to lead shots. but then they counter argument by saying he has a sight which

automatically means he takes no skill, but then i explain back that his hitbox is tiny for that reason.

slinger has this weird reputation that he takes no skill but instead its the opposite , he requires tremendous skill but even still is just a average or above average killer.

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  • Member Posts: 1,845

    My usual complaints are 'Deathslingers are all mean' even though I play him like everyone else I play, but this is a new one I haven't seen yet.

    I don't even know how you can convince them unless they play 'Slinger themselves.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    There is always someone who will claim “ ______ takes no skill”

    Huntress doesn’t have skill because Hitboxes

    Trickster doesn’t have skill because he has so many knives

    Artist doesn’t have any skill because her unbeatable anti loop

    Slinger doesn’t have skill because his sights

    Ignore them and move on. Simple as that.

  • Member Posts: 588

    People will always try to invalidate your experience by insulting you or insisting you just aren't good at the game regardless of which "side". Just try to ignore it and have fun. Don't let them spoil your mood :) keep on keepin' on cowboy

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 61

    Those are survivors who are not playing killer. I had a very negative mindset as well when I only mained survivor. Dude I thought deathslinger was the worst killer ive ever played in my entire life that i had more fun playing addonless + perkless trapper than a full built death slinger. Don't know who they are to complain when that guy is one of the worst range killers in the game not even A tier killer and his ability doesnt even guarantee a hit. Cant even shoot that far. I want to see more death slingers + hes hot

  • Member Posts: 5,951
    edited May 2024

    I had people tell me that Billy took no skill and was a guaranteed 4k on every map. Before the rework. Without addons.

    People will complain about everything and say that XYZ thing takes no skill. In most cases they just say it because they want you to feel bad about winning or worse about losing.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Deathslinger is actually terrible. He needs his instascope back. That's the benefit he gets for being 110%, needing to lead with his shots, and having a puny hitbox on them. The way you play with him now, you're never gonna get a shot on them unless they're running in a straight line or have nowhere to dodge. You just bait repeatedly that you're gonna use the gun, and then M1, which takes forever but that's all he's got. So his best add-ons might actually be the ones with movement speed while aiming down sight. Previously, when he did have instascope, it was (not double reload) reload and miss cooldown. I used to main him, and now I barely play him. It can't always be, "Oh, he took no skill before, so now you're entitled and don't want to play him." I don't want to play a garbage killer. He wasn't that good before, seeing as he never saw tournament play nor did he have a high win rate, and since his nerf he's just been dead. These kinds of killers take tons of work to get momentum, when I can just play a high their and put in minimal effort to get high momentum. Play some high Deathslinger matches, especially on console, and see how far you get. Notice the plethora of problems he has.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Yeah, Trickster didn't need that knife count nerf. People just see, "He has so many knives!" and think that alone makes him OP. That was when he still had the nonsense recoil and was 110% btw. He's really not that easy to play with how small his knives are and how he's constantly switching throwing hands.

    Artist has anti-loop, but if you run away from the loop or make a read then she loses it. The strongest loops, shack and jungle gyms, stop her from seeing you. Therefore, once she has her bird up you can literally just guess when to run, and she'll have to guess herself when to launch it, because if she mistimes it then the whole chase gets reset.

    People too often feel that when playing survivor, they always need to have an option which negates the killer's ability to hit them, or else the killer's unfair. That's the misunderstood nature of the chase. You're not supposed to last forever against a killer; you're supposed to waste as much time as possible, and that's how the killer loses. They lose to your team, not to just you.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    It feels like his shots straight-up don't register anymore. He has a pea-sized hitbox in addition to the age-old strategy of survivors dodging, which doesn't even have to be a full dodge. They just twitch one way or another, and it misses. I'm not mad that they have that counterplay. I'm mad at the extent to which it negates your good aim. You should be hitting those shots but the game says no. That's why he sees way less play than Huntress and Unknown. Even Trickster and Plague might have better hitboxes.

  • Member Posts: 193

    I'd assume the people who say that are either only-survivor players or they're just trying to get a rise out of you. Slinger is a fun killer to go as and against IMO, and even though he's got his problems, hitscan is not one of them at all.

    Kinda like I've seen others say, just ignore them (obviously easier said than done but still). People who actually know the game know Slinger isn't designed like that.

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