Thoughts on Thalita and Renato?

I main both of them, and I rarely see them in my lobbies. I love their voice lines when they load in together at lobby, and their backstories are very nice, I'm Brazilian and the details of my country in these two survivors are amazing!
The siblings backstory is not only featured in their lore, but in their cosmetics a little bit as well, it shows how great their relationship with each other is, and how they both care for one another very deeply.
I really loved kiting at the beach with my brother, and cousins when I was younger. Watching the cutscenes, and learning more about the two reminds me so much of my childhood.
The dog tattoo on Renato's arm are dogs that roam the areas of Brazil, when I lived in Sao Paulo I would see these stray dogs, they are normally named Vira lata Caramelo, which are unknown/mixed dog breeds, with a caramel fur color. We are very proud of them as a whole. Those dogs being featured on Renato is one of the many reasons why I main him.
In Brazil, we love soccer, and beaches. The many beach themed skins for the two of them is really nice, including the soccer cosmetics.
Also, this charm is the cutest thing:
Thalita reminds me of myself in some ways, but especially when it comes down to being very protective of my siblings, which Thalita was towards Renato when Skull Merchant attacked them.
I'd love to see these two get more love, especially Renato. Having siblings in DBD to me was an amazing idea, and I thank the people who made these two survivors.
I'm not sure how deep these two are for you, but they are quite important for DBD, and in general in my eyes, how do you feel about them?
Usually played by rage quitting trolls in my experience.
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I see them in most games that is weird that you do not.
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I've yet to come across a bad Renato player, the ones I played with were gods, but most Thalita's in my games do tend to rage quit I agree.
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Thalita is more common then Renato, but compared to others like Feng, Sable, Mikeala, Jane, I tend to not see her so often. :(
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Renato deserves more love for sure, which maybe I'm only saying that because he reminds me of how I see myself (a little more shy and inward, but loving to his friends and family), but based off the reception of Tools of Torment, idk how likely it is to see more stuff for him.
I feel like Thalita is somehow less popular, but that's more because people who play her act like toxic Neas with less skill usually (in my experience).
Essentially what I'm trying to say is that they both deserve more love but in different ways, if that makes sense.
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I see Renato more than Thalita, but they do appear a decent amount of times.
They were both the better things to come out of the "Tools of Torment" dlc, and perkwise Renato especially introduced a new meta perk, so I'm fine with then both!
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Both need more cosmetics! I love all of Renato's skins, and he deserves a lot more. Thalita is super beautiful, though I do agree that she could get a pants cosmetic rather then shorts/skirts.
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I personally see thalita and Renato on an average basis. Of course not more so than Sable, Feng, mikaela, nea, Kate, Meg. All of which are basically the golden children of bhvr. So you can kind of understand why you see them more since they are always given skins.
Youll start seeing more of thalita and Renato if bhvr decides, whenever that is, to give them more skins. There is no reason for ppl to choose them over the same top survivors who constantly get skins every week.
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I see Thalita a bit more than many survivors, Renato not as much but he's still not -that- rare.
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Renato gets used a bit he's a very quiet surv
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I appreciated getting new survivors who weren't wealthy socialites or famous celebrities. There's been too many of those in my opinion and I'd like to avoid those types from now on. But the twins themselves feel underwhelming as characters, I don't find them very interesting.
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I think they are a good representation of us despite some stereotypes. E vai respirar um ar puro por favor.
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I find them quite uninteresting, just like the whole Chapter itself.
Annoying voices/screams. Most Players who play them are either bad, ragequitters or toxic.
Bad or niche Perks at best, Background Player is an exception. The Teamwork Perks are a complete failure.
Don't like their music either.
Wouldn't mind if they deleted Tools of Torment altogether.
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I like the characters, Renato more so than Thalita but she is alright, a little… boring?
Also, i feel like their animations still look a little bit Sim-like compared to others, especially on Thalita, textures also look a bit too clean imo(?)
wasn’t Thalia a model?
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Outside of Background Player, trash perks pretty much. Decent looking characters tho. They introduced most useless and yet not returned arch-perk type: "teamwork" which is like one of the worst if not worst archetype of perks.
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Look, I love Renato. I called him my spirit animal just from seeing his lobby animations, before I even read his backstory and found him so incredibly relatable that it was honestly kind of scary. It's why I switched my profile picture to him from Oni (who had been my portrait for years due to a running joke with my high school Chemistry teacher) and why he's in serious contention for being my main once I (eventually) get around to P6'ing all Survivors.
But once I put all of my biases aside, the Lyra siblings are just… incredibly shallow characters. Thalita's characterization in the archive just kind of annoys me, Renato only gets a little development, and the archive in general is quite possibly the worst in the entire catalogue (not to mention how it mispronounces Renato's name EVEN THOUGH THALITA LITERALLY SAYS IT IN TWO VOICELINES! HOW DO YOU SCREW THAT UP?). They're better written than characters like Sable (probably the most shallow character in the roster) and Gabriel (just pure wasted potential), but as a whole they just don't do anything. I genuinely don't have much to say about them because of how empty they are.
Their perks are also… kind of garbage. I'd argue Cut Loose is a tad underrated, but it's still low-B AT BEST. Friendly Competition is just Prove Thyself: Horrible Edition, the Teamwork perks are in contention for the worst perks in the game, Blood Rush is the ONLY perk in the game that has NO EFFECT WITHOUT ANOTHER PERK (seeing as it can only be used while Exhausted and is completely pointless to use with any of the add-ons that cause it), and Background Player is fun to use but painful to go against (pre-rework, I haven't seen how it is on the D&D PTB).
Overall, while I will always consider Renato one of my favorites, objectively speaking they just aren't that great.
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yo leave my gabe boi alone ok, hes fine 😤
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Hey hey! Not on gabe. His lore is literally unique from the rest of the cast. References so many sci fi elements from other video games, even a really good book called a brave new world. Besides, both end transmission character share a similar circumstance they had to deal with in their lore and it does show their development in how they deal with it up to the point at being taken.
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I could go into a whole separate discussion about why I find Gabriel so disappointing (and believe me, I don't think anyone is more disappointed in me saying this than myself since science fiction is probably my second favorite genre, right behind fantasy), but in short, it boils down to:
- His base backstory doing very little to build him up (which isn't entirely on him, since they needed to establish his time period). It establishes that he's a clone, but proceeds to do NOTHING with that.
- His archive had so much potential to be a great story as he realizes that his memories just don't line up with what reality tells him and starts questioning his existence. There was real potential for a deep dive into what really makes us human. Does Gabriel being a clone with fabricated memories make him any less human? I don't think so, but what perspective does he take? We'll never know, because once he obtains his medical records and starts piecing things together, instead of RESOLVING THE CONFLICT, they decide to give us a flashback to one of his fake memories with his "mother"… AND THEN THE ARCHIVE ENDS!!! Instead of finishing the story and showing us how he ultimately processes everything, they waste space with visual memories that add NOTHING to the story and leave the main conflict of it unresolved.
Maybe I was a little harsh in saying he's worse than the Lyras, but I'm also of the opinion that characters with WASTED potential are worse than characters with NO potential at all. The blueprint for a great character was there, but they decided to completely screw it up instead. THAT is why I dislike him.
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eu gosto deles mas ainda vou jogar mais com a kate…
still annoyed at the soccer cosmetics being in english
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not his fault if it wasnt programmed to harm the crew
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Nothing against them as characters.
As far as preconceptions go, I second the impression that Renato's tend to be good players.
Design wise, absolute trash. 6 terrible perks to water down an already inflated perk pool. Should have been one single survivor with two distinct skins similar to Legion or the new DnD survivor.
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Oh. Well. I hate to break it you, but it seems you really had high expectations for this archive which I understand. However, you have to realize, EVERY OG character are deliberately, by dbd standards, to be a flawed character that goes into the realm with unresolved issues. And I believe they do it on purpose lorewise. You have to accept that these are flawed characters but appreciate whatever development they do go through as they enter the fog. And I believe they did it well with gabriel and singularity.
Now if they start making tomes that explores their time and development and learning the truth while in the realm, then we can really start having a conversation on how these characters can be fully fleshed out. However I believe that will never happen tho because of how trials work etc. The only alternative to more lore and more about their character is if they do a 2nd tome like david or through cosmetics which only gives very small details about them.
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I hope BHVR doesn't do double-survivor chapters anymore, they should stick to this idea of multiple survivor skins in a single slot. They absolutely should have started doing this with Thalita and Renato.
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Best thing to ever happen to Dead by Daylight since Stranger Things.
Lemme sum up that charm:
Thalita: Dammit Renato! You're too damn big!
Renato: Yippee :)
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Aesthetically, they’re super cool and I love their lore and the fact they’re siblings.
Their lack of popularity is down to a really simple fact… they’re part of arguably one of the most critically panned and disliked chapters in DBD history. Their perks range from mediocre/situational to downright bad, and the killer from their chapter is universally disliked with equally bad perks.
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The stereotype that bothers me is that their tome seems to present Brazil as this beautiful and happy place. It was probably to make an homage to the country, but we who live here know that, while Brazil's nature and culture are beautiful indeed, the reality of living in it is not that pretty…
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I believe the mispronouncing is simply because the person who voiced the narrator isn't brazilian and is not used to pronounce the name, and there is a pretty good chance they recorded it before they could listen to Thalita's voice actress lines (the tome was one of the first ones during the time all the new tomes were about the latest released characters, which means it was probably done at the same time as the chapter, which wasn't common before). It's a similar case to why the coleague Adriana stalks in her lore is called "Juau" by the narrator instead of "João" (of course, the "ão" sound is pretty hard for anyone who isn't brazilian to pronounce).
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Honestly, I still appreciate Gabriel's tome more than most character's tome lores that had been released at the time since the Knight for the simple fact that it still tells more than just things that are already in his bio anyway. I get that it doesn't go very far off either and is still a little shallow in that matter, so it too suffered by the way tomes were being written at the time. But between the tomes 14 and 16, all the character tome "stories" (most of them didn't even look like stories, just a colection of loosely related entries), except for Gabriel and Vittorio, either told a bunch of stuff that was already in the bio (literally all the killer memories in this tomes), or has a bunch of separate entries with no narrative sequence between them that don't develop the character a lot… or both. Gabriel's at least felt like a story untold by his bio about how he noticed signs that his memories weren't real.
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Either way, one thing I loved about Renato and Thalita is that they have voice lines spoken by brazilian voice actors. However, what disappointed me about that is that their lines seem to have only a small chance of coming up even when they appear together in a trial. All the other survivors with voicelines speak them all the time, but with the ones with the sibblings can only trigger when both characters are in the same lobby, which is already rare, AND they still don't trigger most of the time even when that happens? Come on…
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The whole chapter was made to pander to Brazilian audiences (and also weebs), so there's no way BHVR would have written anything that showed the country's rough side. They wouldn't risk upsetting the people they're trying to please. But they did go too far in the opposite direction, their writing comes off as too idyllic, too eager to please.