Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Irritating, fixable design flaw

Member Posts: 6
edited May 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just sat through yet another one of these awful types of games, and I'm scratching my head as to why BHVR doesn't fix this, since it would be such an easy fix.

It was a close game, the survs did 4 gens, but I managed to kill 2, so there were 2 survivors left.

The 2 survivors proceeded to just hide, and continued to hide for 20 mins.

Not a gen was touched in that entire 20 mins, so I'm left twiddling my thumbs. I can't search the whole map, all the have to do is hide behind something and move slightly to avoid crows.

So I'm thinking to myself, why doesn't BHVR fix it? It is such an easy fix. Here you go: If a survivor has not interacted with a generator for more than 5 minutes (and has not been involved in a chase in that 5 minutes) they get the crow effect. Simple. Fixed.

They know what they're doing. They know they're holding the game hostage and wasting time. It's not fun, and it's even worse than the old-fashioned hatch stand offs because as a killer I literally cannot end it. I have to wait for them to stop hiding.

Please please please fix this, because I'm absolutely sick of this wasted time, and, while fairly rare, it does happen more often than you might think.

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  • Member Posts: 6

    I don't think reporting is the solution here. They already have the crow afk system, it would be so easy to amend it to include objective-refusal. A gameplay fix is much more elegant and effective than relying on reports.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Matches can last up to 60mins I believe before it ends in defeat. If survivors want to take their time doing things, then it's really a design issue and not a survivor one. Survivors doing nothing is not that common, usually it's one or two maximum but even then it's mostly a solo queue problem. Decrease the timer then you don't need crows for refusing to do objectives.

  • Member Posts: 6

    I'm not talking about 'survivors taking their time doing things' I'm specifically referring to survivors hiding for 5+ minutes (sometimes this can last upwards of 30 minutes) without touching a generator. I don't think there should necessarily be a time limit for matches, and I don't really understand your point here. What problem do you see with my proposed solution? I think it's intuitive (I didn't do the objective for over 5 mins so I have the crow effect). I think everyone would understand this implementation and there's literally no downside.

  • Member Posts: 156

    But that's what I'm highlighting, the fact survivors are in no rush to do anything means they can hide for 10min, get immersed etc whatever you think. No one ever thinks about the match timer as being a threat because unless you're playing against a killer who is camping 3 gens, matches seldom get drawn out for so long. So by making the match timer shorter, not only are survivors fighting against the killer, but also the timer, so eventually they have to do something you see what I'm saying.

    Having no-objective crows isn't really that necessary, it's a thing that just doesn't happen enough to warrant. If it happens to you, raise your MMR, because higher skilled players mostly do not want to be sitting around doing nothing.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Happened to me too on Eerie of Crows as Onryo, waited even longer, 40 minutes, until they finally came out and worked on a gen, ended off with a 3k.

  • Member Posts: 6

    I have 3k hours, completed literally all tome challenges, tend to win most games, pretty sure my mmr is high. I don't think you understood the thread properly, maybe give it a reread? It has nothing to do with mmr, and you haven't provided a single valid reason why the suggestion shouldn't be implemented, or a single drawback to implementing something like this. Are you just here to derail?

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    This is actually a very common problem that happens a lot and needs addressing.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    because stealth and 3 gen is same side of the coin for different roles. they fixed 3 gen hostage but they need fix stealth hostage.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I agree. at same time, i don't think BVHR understand the nature of the problem because they're implementing finisher mori which is not solving issue.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 61

    Yep survivors keep holding me hostage. One time I was playing survivor, I was left to die on hook. I spectated and the survivors were leaving lockers, dropping their item and entering it to avoid the crows. Game needs to boot the player out if they haven't touched an objective or been in contact with the killer. Had to DC from a match because all 4 survivors were hiding for over 20 minutes as well.

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