I don't understand how people find Chaos Shuffle fun?

When all they can do is tunnel, camp, slug and rushing the generators. You guys are unreal sometimes.
you get random perks which may create unplanned situations that are helpful/funny/whatever that you wouldn’t get
Meanwhile, in the normal mode, you still only encounter tunnel, camp, slug and genrushing but you also face only a select pool of perks that are being used in annoying/unfun ways.
You do not wanna imply that facing Pop and Scourge: Pain Resonance every match is fun? Or feeling the need to run those..16 -
Im sry, that I need to tell you, but I think its a skill issue. Tunneling works best on weaker teams and survivors. If you get tunneled a lot, that means you are the weak link and your team doesnt protect you enough. Also if your teammates get tunneled you and your team doesnt protect your mates not enough. Yes I know solo que sucks, because the mates can be rlly rlly stupid, but its a team game and ots up to the team to protect against tunneling. If you have a rlly stupid teammate, that goes down in six seconds you will probebly lose no matter what. It sucks, but you will get good teammates from time to time.
Chaos shuffel is fun for me, becaue I can play killer without worring to have to play against 16 meta perks. You see in this mode how good a survivor is and who is just using the best perks every time. As survivor you dont need to worry about getting a nurse with four genregression perks. With good team work you can easly win, but sometimes you get ######### by somthing like no mither xD, but is fun, even with getting no mither.
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That's how the normal game is anyhow, at least in Chaos Shuffle you see more funny/meme perks.
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I like it because it's more fair for solo survivors. I don't have to ever worry about getting matched with a high tier killer who is running 3-4 slowdowns. People already tunnel, camp, etc in normal matches. At least now I can play games without them stacking a ridiculous amount of slowdown on top of it. This is easily the most fun I have had in DBD in a long time. I don't even want to keep playing after the modifier is removed because I know I will immediately get matched with a Hillbilly using a full slowdown build.
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Im sry, that I need to tell you, but I think its a skill issue. Tunneling works best on weaker teams and survivors. If you get tunneled a lot, that means you are the weak link and your team doesnt protect you enough
I really don’t like this take of blaming/shaming people for their lack of skill.
YES I AM bad and do not have skill. I never said otherwise.
but this is a game and i should still be able to have fun.
also SKILL based matchmaking should prevent this scenario of being the weak link in most of someone’s matches, no?9 -
- Question of point of view...when "chaos shuffle" ends I will take a break from the game. Going back to "normal" mode just depresses me🤣
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I'm personally loving it and struggling to go back to regular DBD. I played three regular games this morning and it was the same perks over and over. What appeals to me is the variety of perks and how it forces people to change up their way of playing, instead of simply letting perks play for them. I've never used Object of Obsession, for example, and got it in an earlier game. It was quite the experience lol in a good way. It was like playing tag with the killer. Vast majority of my games have been fine. Yesterday was terrible with repeated camping, tunnelling, etc, but I think that was more to do with the Bloodfeast ending and everyone trying to get as much bp as possible. Today was fine.
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It's fun because I don't see Pop, Pain Res, Corrupt, and a 4th strong slowdown every single game.
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It's a cheap mode without no new mechanic/interaction: mainly it's like to play without perk. But as survivors have best chances to escape (killer usually doesn't these 3-4 regression perk build), it is 'fun'…
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Thirsty for a new game mode bad. Take away the exp boost from the equation and the narrative changes real quick. I highly doubt both sides will enjoy putting up with being tunneled/camped/flashlighted with no protections over a prolonged period of time for little bp gains.
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i love chaos suffle but if you don't regular mode is always there.
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Because its like an adventure seeing what perks you'll get. Plus its a breath of fresh air not facing the same old stale meta.
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Because, you don't choose your perk, you can get some… interesting combo (even if you get two or three time the same ######### perk) and, when you are not familiar with, trying to figured out how it work and why this happen?
Some chaos who get fun, even if some killer just…. """Playing strategic" like they said, or some get three or four slowdown gen perk for no reason
But, that's not really the same when you have no control on what you gonna have0 -
I like it I just hate as killer or survivor when I don't have any perks when the match starts.
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I dont want to blame people for the lack of there skill, but since the mode came out daily there coming post on tunneling or nerf killer for something. The people who write the posts dont play killer and dont understand the trubble in these rounds.
The whole situation on the mode was exactly like I predicted.
- The Killers start tunneling more, because the survivors having no second chance perks and the game revolves arround haveing genregression while you dont have one potentaly.
- The gens go faster on good survivor teams.
- The gens go slower on survivor team, that where good only because of the meta perks.
- The usuall meta survivor bring the most disguesting Medkits.
- The survivors, that only play survivor complaining about tunnelung and demanding nerfs.
- The survivor and killer players, that dont need perks to be good, are having fun.
- The survivors, that are good and havent played other perks than meta have a lot of fun.
Yes you should be able to have fun, but this mode isnt having fun for everyone. You need to make your own fun in dbd. Getting tunneled is fun for me, because I get chased the whole round. For me fun as survivor means chases, teamplay and playing perks others nerver even look at. As killer its winning with weaker killers and make some nice plays.
I want to blame someone for there lack of skill. Dbd is a game you never stop learning, but I hate, when someone who hasnt the skill or knowlage about the situation dont even try to understand and just blames the situation.
SBMM isnt working for dbd. If you would rate the skill from 1 to 10, you could play with a 10 whil being a 1, than you get teammates from all around from 1 to 10 and killer from 1 to 10. And being a solo you could get in rounds like these. So in these situations you could have two 1s , a 10 and a 4 and the killer is a 7 so can the one say lets nerf killers for tunneling, while the killer thing he plays on his mmr.
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The problem with these modifiers is that they tend to amplify issues that already exist with the base game (be that camping, tunnelling, the gens popping too quickly etc). It's unfortunate, but BHVR can't do much to stop some players turning a fun casual mode into the sweat fest that the main game has become.
But I've still had fun getting (mostly) terrible builds because it takes the pressure off somewhat and everyone is in the same boat. It's the closest thing we've seen so far to a casual unranked mode and I'm all for it.
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That all happens in normal mode as well. In chaos mode we get to play with perks we would never use otherwise. I'm tired of seeing pop, scourge pain, deadlock and grim embrace in EVERY SINGLE GAME. Survivor perks Windows, resilience, some sort of exhaust perk and DS or UB. It gets boring fast.
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It's just fun seeing rare perks more often. Tunneling is gonna happen no matter what, and while I hate it as much as the next guy (yes, even as a Killer main), it's something others will do either for a tactical advantage or just because they wanna be sweaty.
Ultimately, this is a video game, and unless you get paid per win, it's not worth getting frustrated over (I do get the frustration though, I promise).
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game mode is fun but need more work like either start the match with no perks or you get perks that make no sense ,like one time I got no mither and Strength in Shadows like how I make that work?
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Unfortunately that's the random aspect. I keep getting No Mither with Self Care, Lucky Break, or Second Wind lol.
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Generally i agree with OP. The mode just highlights how ridiculous the game is that it is balanced around killers bringing slowdown perks, and around survivors bringing anti-tunnel perks. If killers don't, they have a bad time, and if survivors don't they have a bad time.
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If the killer tunnels/camps yeah it's not good, but if they don't it's a really good experience without slow downs and trying new perks. It also feel nice on killer not having to eat through second chance, after second chance, after second chance, x4. When I actually outplay someone I get the down every time for once. It feels so cringe on killer when every survivor has like 6 health states and my outplays aren't rewarded.
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And the normal mode is none of that?
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I agree that there are issues with the game and this mode highlights them (another reason why unlike this mode)
Imo, general problems like tunneling, camping, genrushing should never have been solely solved by perks at all and it’s stupid to just tell everyone to run this or that specific perk to be able to play the game. Hopefully the devs draw a similar conclusion out of this experience and i think over time they have shown they understand these issues (anti-3 gen, antiface camp, BT effect basekit, better base gen regression/kicking, no gentapping etc)
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I like to think of it as a way to test your skills without being perk dependent. It's a great way to see what you're capable of, and what other teammates are too. Yes, the tunneling and camping is frustrating but killers will do it no matter the game mode because it's the easiest way to win. So I guess it's not fun because it's better than the main game, but it's fun because it's a way to test your skills. Others may use their crutch but youre not and you can feel good about it!
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I enjoy it because if I try running a fun/gimmicky build in normal mode, I rarely get any value because you’re up against people running fully meta loadouts. The game becomes unfun because whilst I’m trying to have fun, everyone else is “playing to win”.
the great thing about Chaos Shuffle is that you know every other player is also at a disadvantage, too. So it allows you to get value out of the 4 random perks because you’re not going against sweaty meta because the other survivors/killer also probably have some useless/niche perks in their loadout.
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With only two small adjustments I would love to see this be a permanent game mode.
- Limit addons, items, and offerings to green rarity and below.
- Remove certain broken perks to be randomly given from the pool of perks available such as No Mither. If a perk is just kind of bad or "does nothing" then that is fine. But if there is a perk that will completely screw the player over then it should be removed. Honestly, No Mither is the only perk that comes to mind but I would leave this open to additional perks should they be added to the game or whatever.
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I, personally, don't mind No Mither. I think all perks being available is part of the charm. It's okay to laugh at your horrible luck once in awhile and try adapt and make the best of it.