We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Deathslinger's (hopefully last) addons revamp suggestion

LatexT Member Posts: 118
edited May 24 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello, I'm going to post probably the last addon revamp list because this one has significant changes compared to the last one.

Fixed some typos, reworked and balanced many addons. Please, give your feedback and your opinions on it, thank you.


Modified Ammo Belt now increases your movement speed while reloading instead of while aiming down sights. This is because zoning or being zoned is not a fun experience. The new addon should supplement well the upcoming buffs to Caleb's basekit.

Rusted Spike now inflicts Mangled instead of Broken. This is because currently only rare addons and above give the broken status effect. And yes the rusted spike basically reverted into its live iteration.

Honey Locust Thorns now inflict Broken, for the same reason above. It triggers when survivors break free, because that is when the effect gives the most value.

Warden's Keys now trigger on all speared hits, albeit giving lower haste. It felt unnecessary to have 2 addons that trigger on 12 meter shots, especially when the iridescent one instadowns. This also solves the issue of Caleb potentially becoming too fast while reloading, especially with perks, negating any distance the survivor should get.

Bayshore's Cigar was further nerfed to make it less appealing and an obvious choice. It's still better than the live Warden's keys, which decrease the time by 0.35 seconds.

Gold Creek Whiskey was lowered from 25 seconds to 20, as the activation condition is very common, so it would be active potentially for a large portion of the match.

Prison Chain now also increases the chain range by 2 meters.

EDIT: Marshal's Badge now increases Deathslinger's movement speed towards all directions while he is reeling a Survivor. I felt like removing counterplay mechanics altogether was not the right choice. This also adds a new level of skill expression since he'll be able to move around some weird or long loops more much more efficiently and capitalize on weird trick shot angles more. The effect may sound similar to the reeling speed increase, but they serve very different purposes.

Thank you for your time, I hope this is read by the developers and taken as an inspiration. I don't feel like anything should be changed about the list anymore, so hopefully this will end my streak of discussions.

Post edited by LatexT on


  • Comrade_Cheeze
    Comrade_Cheeze Member Posts: 8

    I'd miss the cooldown addons and Iri coin needs a new effect so that people with chest hair will play him.
    (Maybe the spear has no collision but can no longer injure survivors by breaking it).

    Otherwise, great changes. Would love to use the creative builds with these.
    The lunge and range addon sound awesome together and can't imagine many will use it.

    W addons

  • BeniaminG_
    BeniaminG_ Member Posts: 4

    Allright Im a P100 Deathslinger only main who basicly only plays this killer so Im going to have some fun making some suggestions of my own to add to your proposed addons pass and try to outline some problems that it might cause gameplay wise. To start off are the brown addos:

    The ammo belt is a perfect change making it less powerfull yet still viable, the 5% increased movement speed while reloading is nothing to scoff at but the higher rarity addons are definitly better while the ammo belt still has its uses, big fan of this change.

    The rickety chain is a really good a interesting addons Im a big fan of grey addons having unique bonuses that no other addons have just functioning as small qol a 20% reduction of missed attacks changes the rickety chain from a completely meme addon to a honetsly viable addon that many good Slingers will get a lot of value out of, the only problem I see with it is that unrelenting might become problematic if you combined it with this addon but I wouldnt worry too much about that.

    The Snake Oil would be also a good QOL addon helping you safe some time from reeling a target from long range and it would also help with survivors geting stuck on random pieces of garbage, no complaints from me here.

    The Spit Polish Rag would just help out by lessening the miss shot cooldown its would be nice to have just as a small QOL thingy the only problematic part about it is that if stacked with another addon later in the tier list it might cause some problems that I will talk about later

    The chewing tabacco would also be just a small QOL addon unlike the current cigar that functions as a busted version of stbfl with hyper zoning no problems here

    The jaw smasher oblivousness addon no complaints from me not broken or anything good stuff

    The Marshal's Badge would basicly never be used by any good Slinger aside from some stealthy gamers who would find the warning sound removel at least a little bit usefull but I dont see this addon beeing any good seeing as the current warning sound doesnt play because of a bug and its not making any diffrence basicly but thats ok not all addons need to be hyper usefull or good.

    The Rusted Spike is the same as it is now so no need for me to comment on it

    The Wanted Poster would also serve as a small bit of QOL for small missplays during chase allowing you to have a pocket version of coup de grace making a few loops a little bit more unsafe and generaly improving consistency in chases good stuff once again.

    Bayshore's Gold Tooth is the addon that I said might be problematic when paired with the spit polish rag the miss cooldown penalty/reloading would be so incredibly fast that you could fire like a machine gun going for shots left and right I dont know how to feel about this addon it wouldnt be broken or anything just really unfun to go against I think.

    Honey Locust Thorns is just another broken (not gameplay wise) addon that would just be just kinda nice to have (it would also deny offensive syringes wchich is a really big upside).

    Poison Oak Leaves is another addon that most killers has that helps out with survivors who uese exaustion perks overall a good addition to Slinger's arsenal.

    The Tin Oil Can increasing the travel time would be very strong but not in a broken sense it would just help you land shots at higher ranges without having to predict as much but geting used to the faster travel speed may be difficult but Im all for this idea.

    The Warden's Keys would function as rapid brutality but in addon form allowing you to close the distance quickly after geting a speared hit wchcih incentivises geting the m1 and not zoning with your m2 and also rewards you for reeling the survivor in wchich both should be rewarded and in the current addons they are clearly not (the cigar is the prime example of bad gameplay beeing incentivised) the only issue I might see with this addon is that 10s is a bit long thats eaven longer than rapid brutality because that perk activates as soon as you get the m1 so you lose a few seconds in the weapon wipe animation so it would be objectivly better and I dont know if a green addon should be as strong if not more so than a perk Id suggest lowering the speed boost ammount a little bit I dont know by how much 8 or so seconds would probably be fine.

    The Barbed Wire would be used as a mini version of Im all ears and would give you the ability to go for shots in ares with poor visibility and it will also allow you to go for some shots that you'd normally have to predict I guess it would be hard to implement seeing as DBD has spaghetti code but we can dream right?

    The Bayshore's cigar would be used by 90% of Slinger mains because the default reload is so painfully slow Id change the addon to work more as a stbfl+BFFs thingy where it would increase you reload speed per shot you hit but decrease it per missed shot capping at -0.4s and Id lessen the basekit reload to 2.4 seconds that would make this addon not too nessesary but still usefull with a cool gimmick rewarding skillfull gameplay.

    The Prison chain is another W change that would help out with some loops that are hard to outplay due to the loop beeing just a little bit too long to get a reel around it would also have good synergy with other addons and the 2m extra range would come in handy for any long range enthusiasts such as myself.

    The Hellshire Iron has two uses after a down and after geting a survivor into the dying state you have a few options slug or hook a 4man slug is really unlikely with Slinger due to the lack of map mobility so the only time that will help out is when you get a down in close proximity to another survivor to quickly go for one more shot before the pick up and if u dont slug u save a few seconds by not having to reload overall good addon that isnt broke thats deserving of the iridiscent rarity unlike the current version of hellshire iron

    The Iridiscent Coin is perfect in every way dont touch it.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,538

    Amazing job as always! Once again, i hope BHVR will start to pay attention to players who actually spend a lot of hours on killer when reworking addons. Imagine this, all killers have full roaster of good, healthy and useful addons. And not like now, where if killer has only half of his addons useless, that's already good job.
    I hope they will give him Warden Keys basekit one day and i will be completely fine with all these changes. Without it, i will miss reload speed.

  • Tinay
    Tinay Member Posts: 25

    Great job on reworking the add-ons! Many playstyles could be created with these