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The game is getting tired, old, and played out.

Everyone should just start playing texas chainsaw massacre dead by daylight is so old and overrated. textures are bad, the graphics look like they running on a potato, they keep breaking the game, and mechanics the cosmetics they come out with are horrible, they just throw a bunch of crazy stuff together for a new skin etc. I stopped playing and started playing tcm, and the game is much more fun. and the lobby’s are better now, you actually have to try and survive in this game, by picking lock doors scavenging for items, it’s not just constant generator simulator with 7 year old graphics, and killers actually get to see the mori they choose every time they play a match.
30 Day average for DBD - 35k players on Steam.
30 Day average for TCM - almost 700 players on Steam.
Yeah, I dont think many people will follow your advice.
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Texas is better though in every way so I don’t really care. those numbers can always change btw they aren’t set in stone, especially as the game advances overtime. dead by daylight didn’t start out the way it is now.
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You mean we should play lobby simulator? A game where a single character costs more than a full chapter in DBD? A character you're not even guaranteed to play?
No thanks, I have better things to do :).14 -
I do hope Texas Chainsaw Massacre does well… but I'm quite worried where it's heading.
Also DBD is fine.
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Thank you for your advice, i'll make sure to not listen to it
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As much as I disagree with the post, the graphics in DBD are getting more and more dated.
Considering how it looks like a PS3 Game, you'd think it would run a bit better.
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Nobody cares about TCM.
Also, graphics are irrelevant.
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TCM is fun at first, when you’re not familiar with the game and learning how to play it, everything is new and interesting because you’ve never seen it before.
Once that period is over though it’s a lot shallower than you’d initially believe. Few maps with little variation. Slow movement, instakills or absolute tank survivors, limited character possibilities with their license and map design, and a huge incentive to rush with little stealth otherwise getting killed as survivor due to grandpa and increased lockdown by the family.
I will say that they do have the edge in varied objectives, but the gameplay surrounding them is kinda meh.
On a side note if graphics are a concern, DBD updated its engine to UE5 (which is friggin monumental), and that will facilitate much better graphics going forward. You can use the new maps dungeon as an example.
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No way man, Dbd has the best graphics! Just look:
You know you’ve never seen anything like it!
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Every time I try going back to TCM I spend 7 minutes trying to get out of the basement just to usually be 1 shot killed by Bubba or double teamed by the other 2 killers the second I make any progress. And the lobby/party systems are even more jank than DBD.
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I had high hopes for TCM, i was hoping it might replace DBD for me, but i don't like the game anymore. It just made me appreciate DBD more.
The solo experience is terrible for both sides. The devs expect for everyone to use voice chat. Victims become outnumbered quickly without co-ordination and Killers become actually helpless on their own. It's super frustrating.
I also don't like how the post launch support has been. People gave a lot of feedback during beta about the game but it was largely ignored, because they think people didn't play the game enough, but nothing changed once the game launched. The same problems were still there and it took them months to address these issues in a way that still doesn't feel satisfactory. I don't like the balance changes either. Making grappling safer to do, encouraging victims to be more offensive, and buffing the best killer perk scout.
Individual characters are double the price of a chapter DLC. They put out cosmetic DLC when people would rather see more important fixes.
And worst of all in my opinion is that the devs are actively making fun of complainers of the game on X. Very unprofessional and unwelcoming.It's overall just a frustrating experience for me. I enjoy DBD far more. Killers are feared, and the survivor experience has far more clarity. And it has an unbeatable amount of variety and content at this point. I can even play leatherface in dbd which i think is actually a better experience… so i really have no desire to play TCM anymore.
I am sure there are people that enjoy TCM much more than me but i think the game is going the way of F13. It has a small dedicated playerbase but after launch it's lost a lot of relevancy (which i think is due to various issues that don't get addressed either at all or fast enough) I don't see any way it will get it back, they can't drop big licenses like DBD can. Characters and cosmetics won't make the experience better at least for me. Maybe a new game mode but that seems unlikely.1 -
TCM is a fun game to play here an there but in the long term it doesn't hold up the same way to DbD like you said DbD has 7 years of constant development an feedback vs a relatively new game still trying to find it's footing.
That being said we have a new Friday 13 coming out soon and I feel like that's going to bring some serious competition to DbD I even have a conspiracy theory that the reason we got Unreal engine and big updates like new game modes is BC behavior is threatened by them and rightfully so, if the fri 13 guys didn't get sued It'd probably still be competing with Dbd.
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Go and play that then.
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TCM seems awesome but DBD is just not dying anytime soon, plus if you don't enjoy it that's your thing. You're allowed to stop playing. Most of us are gonna continue though.
I want TCM to do well. That said, I've still never been able to get into a game and I've owned this game since last Christmas.
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It’s not like you have to pick one and only play it. Playing games isn’t a mutually exclusive pastime.
I still think DBD is the better and more broadly appealing game of the two.0 -
Nah man TF2 does that all the
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Nobody wants 30 minute lobbies of people constantly dodging and breaking the game, I love TCM I'll admit it but I can't take the lobby times I don't have a unlimited amount of time to play and I'd like to get more than 2 matches in before I have to do something else
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With all due respect it’s been proved time and time again that dbd will not be beaten In it’s own category and TCM especially never stood a chance.
Between high priced dlc, Stale meta and lack of meaningful content TCM sealed it’s fate and might as well be in maintenance mode right now
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I will be honest, the graphics of DBD look just like a mobile game, (ironic), but graphics doesn't really overcome gameplay and performance, TCM has been known for being buggy, and filled with exploits, DBD has had its share, but as of recently not on a same extent, along with that, theres really no satisfaction of stealth in TCM, just running around like a crazy person (more irony), and slashing people, besides all of that, you can like what you like, and have your own opinion, I just think DBD has much more to give, and imo much better.
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The only thing good for TCM is the kills but game literally charge you 10 for each character you want. You're not guaranteed to play them and if someone leave the lobby then you're stuck until someone join.
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No thanks I'll stick to DBD.
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OP: DBD is played out and repetitive
Also OP: Play this game with even less variation instead.
Good one.
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dead game enjoy dumping money into a sinking ship
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Tcm is still alive?
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Honestly, I really want to see all types of Horror asyms flourish. What’s good for dbd is good for tcm and vice versa.
With that said, dbd is at the top of the industry with these kind of games. I can’t see it going anywhere.
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You know who else is getting old..?
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Me, ill be 50 before I know it.
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If you prefer TCM to DBD that is fine.
No real need to come on DBD's forums to tell people to go play TCM instead. Just like DBD players shouldn't be going to TCM forums telling them to play DBD instead.
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I liked Friday more than dbd but I have 0 interest in tcm.
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Young buck
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No? No.
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Look if you just hate the game you can go to a different one. Nobody's forcing you to play broski
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lobby’s are fine now I get into lobby’s 24/7 up until 6am cause I stayed up all night playing I literally explained in the post lobby’s are better now if they weren’t I wouldn’t be playing I stopped playing cause lobby’s were bad and now I have started again
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It’s actually more alive now then it’s been in awhile I get into lobby’s super fast get killers fast etc I did stop playing Texas for awhile and went back to dbd because lobby’s were so bad I bought sable and rose during this time but recently went back to Texas because dbd is so glitchy after there recent update and I’m glad dbd messed up and I went back to Texas because it’s so much better now
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Mmmmmm no it’s not. I stayed up till 6am playing last night and never had a match fall through got into matches really quick too.
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Right and I used to love dead by daylight. I have every silent character, I just recently bought sable and her new outfits, every new cosmetic I used to buy as soon as it dropped, I have rose and Allen etc. so it’s not like I hate the game, I love dead by daylight I’m just getting fed up with them pushing a 7 year old graphic game the same way they are doing gta 5, and expecting me to buy it every time.
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Lack of meaningful content every new character they literally have there own voice actors with special lines when your inside a match dead by daylight could never all they do is throw together a bunch of random clothing items make it bright colored asf and then try to sell it to you
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Have fun playing generator simulator with ps3 graphics
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Bro's malding at nobody
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not latley for me I load into lobby’s really fast and killers barley dc for me because of the penalty and if they do I usually get another killer within 60 seconds and then the game starts I’ll admit lobby’s we’re super bad a couple months ago thats why I quit playing I couldn’t take setting in a lobby for 30 minutes anymore but that doesn’t happen to me anymore and I’m sure with the expansion of new survivors there won’t be fighting over who gets who anymore most of my lobby’s since Anna has a girly dress now are fine people don’t mind playing as her anymore it used to be constant fighting over who gets Julie or Connie as a victim and a lot of matches actually have the new characters as well like Nancy and virgina and Danny
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nobody cares but I was till 6am getting match after match and everyone had the new survivor and killer 💀