How fun and fair is to play soloQ with ~39% escape rate?

Killers are the power role here and that's how it should be, its 4vs1 game. However, how the hell is soloQ fine being the most underwhelming, underpowered, weak, no coms role to play?

SWF groups have slighty higher escape rate, with over 40% yet soloQ can't even have that. This role needs some serious buffs to make it closer to SWF escape rates.



  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2024

    The main issues of solo queue are matchmaking and players being bad. It has nothing to do with balance, IE “buffs”.

    I get those miserable solo queue games that are auto losses because of my team as well, but if you yourself are actually a good player you can do well on average. I’ve tracked my solo queue games over the last 100 matches and I’ve got roughly a 76% win rate. I exclude DC matches as the devs do as well and I also exclude if someone removes themselves on hook as that’s the same as a DC but even worse since you don’t get a bot. Most matches that actually play out without people giving up go quite well.

  • daffyd
    daffyd Member Posts: 138

    Where on earth have you obtained these stats?
    BHVR have nevered publisedh anything, nevermind a useful stat regarding the huge imbalance between solo and SWFs, it's one of the reason why solo play is so unfun.

  • spirit72
    spirit72 Member Posts: 227

    If Solo Q Survivors would simply get it through their heads that a DBD match is not about playing Musical Hooks and started working gens, Solo Q would quickly improve by several orders of magnitude.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    That really isn't "lucky" considering that's the average escape rate.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707
    edited May 2024

    How you intend to deal with situations where team mate just suicides on the first hook?

    Low escape rate in SoloQ is massively influenced by troll behavior from survivors who literally refuse to play and let killer snowball and dominate. SWFs don't have this issue by default unless entire SWF group decides to throw. As for communication - the only bit that can be improved here is letting SoloQ players see each other perks while in the match. Everything else is pretty much opposed ( voice chat for example ) and I doubt devs will add a text chat mid-game instead.

    Post edited by Green_Sliche on
  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,156

    The stats show that solo q and SWF are extremely close, because the vast vast majority of SWFs are 2-SWF and 3-SWF at average MMR. This means that most of the people in SWFs are actually extremely close to solo q for survival rates.

    Many people forget that 2-SWFs without voice comms are still considered playing in a SWF……

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368
    edited May 2024

    It really is. Once you actually play solo Q for a couple days you realize quickly that the win rate is below the 40% mark. The devs just exclude DC's but it no reason for me as player to. These matches was L's and most of time players DC when losing. No these matches did not magically get erase form my mind so I'm not excluding them for my status. I went through the experience! why wouldn't i count these matches.

  • DerpedByDave
    DerpedByDave Member Posts: 53

    Chase the killer for 3min while no one dose gens only to be left on the hook till the 2d state for your team to make a last minute unsafe save for you to immediately be tunneled out of the game.

    ∆ SOLOQ ∆

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    What would you think about trying to bring the outliers in and how you would personally do that?

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    When I play survivor it's always solo and it's not as terrible as most people seem to say it is. Yes I would like to see some buffs and QOL changes, mainly giving more info about my team's perks and current actions, but when I do have a bad game it's just as often because of my teammates giving up as it is the killer playing in an annoying way.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I personally think it's fine the only thing it proves is how loose BHVR is in each mmr range , considering that's a wider pool than just the top players in mmr that's a pretty good number, people forget how easy it is to get to high mmr in this game it's no different than the old days of playing till you get to rank 1 people get there eventually even if they don't belong there just by time invested and that's why alot of these numbers aren't taken super serious, I'd bet if you made another bracket just in the high mmr range and took the absolute top players and looked at their numbers it would sing a different tune that what you're seeing here.

  • Sunflower_Mage
    Sunflower_Mage Member Posts: 66

    With Solo Q I generally have no idea what the other survivors are running. So I just go with the assumption my teammates are perkless until proven otherwise.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    I think it largely boils down to matchmaking. Pooling servers within reasonable distance would increase the amount of survivors queued in any given region. Killers would stay on their nearest server, but a survivor on NA East could end up playing on NA West. Not feasible for every region due to distances, but it could work for NA and some players in EU. It would allow for more accurate matches from an increased player pool. Obviously, this idea is without any context for the tools they use for queuing and matching players. Things often sound easy until you actually have to make the script work with whatever tool is being used.

    The second idea will sound dumb, but…use SBMM. It's already in place. For example, I often encounter a P100 Blight player from SA who quite literally only runs quad slowdown and double iri add ons. I encounter them multiple times every week and it's the only thing they play. A player like that should never be playing against a random solo queue team. Ever. That should be a long time queue to face an appropriate challenge against a 4 man SEAL team. It's the reason SBMM systems exist. When players are achieving these absurd win rates on either role, they should be facing longer queue times against tough opponents, not instant queues into automatic wins. Even 20 win streaks should never really be happening, and they've become normalized.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    The issue with these ideas are that this is nearly exactly what they tested prior and it was pretty unanimously hated by the community as it one increased queue times substantially, especially for the higher mmr players and two it made every match a miserable sweat fest. So the community already decided they didn’t want this.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    This is absolutely true and even though alot of people weren't big fans I'd like to bring ranks back and depipping, it wasn't perfect by any means but it's better than we have now, last night my squad got a 4 man out on a p100 Blight who was seriously cracked with some of his plays and did really well it literally came down to 2 plays at the end game that cost him a 2k, then we turn around and get a prestiged 0 trapper who cant catch anyone and he goes to the corner to sit ,only in the endgame do i see he has 10 hours in the game.... 10 against a squad with more than 40,000 combined hours, that should never happen in any game that claims to care about balance , I friend requested him and invited him to my group to teach him more but it just shows how bad the MMR system is in this game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2024

    I think most people agree that the old ranking system with emblems was the best system but I think at this point they’ve just committed so much time and money to trying to make this SBMM work they never want to drop it and admit it was a failure. Most people also liked actually being able to see your rank as well instead of now where everything is hidden.

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    I don't play survivor a whole lot (especially now that I switched to PC), but I always played Solo and it never really felt that bad. Maybe that's just me, but regardless, the only time I didn't like it was when I got tunneled, camped, all the things everyone hates. But that was rare at best for me.

    My experience isn't like everyone's though, so take my input with like, a salt lick or something. I've heard horror stories and seen toxicity on both sides, but still, that's my experience.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,203

    One of my strategies is making the mmr work for me. I pick a playstyle and eventually the mmr gives me matches that incorporate the playstyle into my games.

    When playing Survivor I will play ultra altruistically. I will go for the unhook even if I know it’s a guaranteed trade. I will take protection hits, even if they down me just to help someone wiggle off the Killer’s shoulder.

    Over time the system now gives me matches that match my looping abilities with the Killer’s chase abilities. It’s really fun because some games I’m the rabbit for the team and I’m able to keep the Killer occupied for long times.

    In the way that Killers can get into a higher mmr by tunneling, the same thing happens to Survivors who hide and gen rush. Eventually those tactics alone aren’t enough to carry the game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2024

    I generally agree with your point for the most part. There’s a lot of people that parrot streamers opinions without the actual experience themselves. I will say though that the bad matchmaking covers up a lot of the games poor balance, ie good vs good players since it’s balanced for bad players. So higher mmr people would have a very bad experience since this change essentially magnifies the games balance problems and brings them to the forefront in every match. So I mean we could say this is good if you thought they had the intention of fixing those imbalances but I don’t think they do since they want it balanced for bad players, not good ones. So I’m not really sure how we solve that problem. Bad matchmaking is annoying and a core problem but in the games current state I think it’s a required problem since they don’t want to balance appropriately.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    In my experience dc's aren't very common, unless the match was kind of lost anyways. Hook suicides are more common for me at least. Though of course I do get the occasional dc as well.

    However, especially when talking about balance, I don't think it makes sense to consider these matches in any way or form. Not to mention that killers dc sometimes as well.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2024

    That’s something that is unfortunate. They don’t count matches with DCs but do count ones with people removing themselves on hook even though it’s basically the same thing but just to avoid the penalty, and technically worse even because then they don’t even get a bot. Not sure why they include these matches in the kill rates.

  • Sunflower_Mage
    Sunflower_Mage Member Posts: 66

    Probably to massage the numbers to make it look nicer than it would otherwise appear.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Probably. If they cut those as well the kill rate data would drop massively.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    See that's just it. DC's leading to losses for survivors has nothing to do with the game's balance. This is probably why the devs are going for a 60% kill rate, because the hook suicides inflate the kill rates. Even though I do think the kill rate should be closer to 55%.

    Also, not sure about others, but I don't get a dc every third game. They are rather rare compared to hook suicides.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368

    i get 3 DC's every 10 games on average. It shouldn't be included in the stats but u can see why the 40% average win rate don't hold up from my point of view.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820

    They could close the gap by updating the UI and showing stuff like teammate perks and whatnot. Guess we'll get an update in the coming years though.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    and the thing about those statistics (and most statistics) is that they don't tell the full story. If it's only 1 survivor surviving 40% of the time, it means survivor side team is losing the overall game (meaning the killer is getting a 2k-4k) even more than 60%.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,420

    For 8 years solo que existed without coms. When the killer could mori without hooking. When Ruin required hitting Greats just to not lose progress. When games could start as a 1v3, 1v2, or 1v1. When camping and tunneling didn't exists.... oh wait it did, and it was worse then.

    What really changed to cause the survivor role to become so pathetic?

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2024

    Think of a games difficulty settings; I like to consider it the "hardest" way to play DBD. You will get people insisting that survivor is brain-dead easy, that if you're not good at it then it's a skill issue, and will say that the stats prove nothing. But based on the literal facts, which are the stats, it is clear that it is not as easy as many preach it to be.

    That being said, I think it's important to manage expectations. If winning is all that matters to me then I'll play some killer, as my chances of winning are higher. If I want to just goof around then I'll play with friends. If I want to seriously to try and win as survivor then there's probably discord servers for that. And if I want the hardest difficulty then I do solo q which is what I primarily play.

    Once I stopped expecting survival to be half win v losses, the game got much more enjoyable for me. One of my very firsts posts on this forum was about Solo Q and asking if this is what it's supposed to feel like. Everyone said yes. And since then my opinions on solo have changed. It's not "fair" but it's not supposed to be and I understand that, so I enjoy the challenge.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    The players figuring out that whining and screaming enough does something?

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 395
    edited May 2024

    I like playing survivor because I like working as a team and towards an objective. I wish there was more communication for solo q like a wheel (so no abuse can be sent or received) and I'd also like to be able to either "give up" or get up in a slugging situation.

    Alot of my matches are the case of, load in match, jump on gen, get chased and the team arent doing much or teammate gets chased and goes down then hooked when pain res pops and possibly grim embrace. I dont like having to do a an equivalent of 7 gens to try and power gates (but i know thats being addressed in the next update). Then the unhooked survivor normally gets tunnelled and theres 3 of us left at 4 or 5 gens left :/

    I'd like the devs to try and tighten up MMR and I wouldn't mind waiting a few minutes if it meant I had a better quality match. But all in all the devs want atleast 60% kill rate on killer so I doubt much is going to change.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 392

    I do see that argument brought up, but survivors do generally leave when the match is a certain defeat. For example, Blight has slugged everyone at 5 gens and they start DCing. It was a blowout win for the killer but the match gets thrown out because someone threw in the towel. It really happens a lot. I wish they were counted but I really doubt BHVR wants anyone to know how bad survivors have it.