Please start issuing bans for players who frequently give up early in trials
This game does not need these players to thrive. All they do is ruin the game for others. Please manage these players out of the community. I'm sick of at least 25% of trials on either side being over within a minute because someone gives up on hook or immediately runs to the killer to go next. The problem is getting worse, not better. This needs to be managed much more aggressively with account bans. People keep doing it because it's allowed and they can get away with it. The only penalty is for everyone else who has to sit through the trial someone else left. Do something.
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If I'm on hook and another survivor messed up, then the match is over
If killer decides to tunnel, then the match is over
If killer is camping survivor, then the match is over
If I see my gen being PainRes-ed and then Popped into another PR, then the match is over
If survivors aren't playing optimal, have no common sense about what's happening, then the match is over.Tiles got weaker, maps are smaller, DH got nerfed, DS is just silly and survivors have no comeback mechanic at all.
Why would someone still even try to escape when it's 3v1 and it's still, for example, 4 gens to be done?
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how would you manage or detect it though?
People could run to the killer unintentionally/because of inexperience.
They could die on hook because they are being proxy camped/being left by their team. Or trying to unhook themself as it’s an actual mechanic in the game. There are perks/offerings encouraging it even. Then in second stage they could misclick and fail the skillchecks - especially on wireless/low performance platforms this is happening.
Sure I agree that those they do these things intentionally to get out of the match and screw everyone left in. But you can’t properly punish them without punishing those that do it not intentionally. So they would need to rework these in-game mechanics…
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So they would
to rework these in-game mechanics…Make DC not punishable and save earned BPs, give survivors any comeback mechanism, punish tunneling and camping.
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Making DC not punishable would lead to mass DCs across the game (has been proven too) and having bp saved for Facing is, to but it bluntly in our opinion, rather stupid. Survivors can come back by being more careful (not that it's a fun or exciting way to come back but it works). How exactly would you go about doing the last 2?
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I agree. bHVR could make a system that checks for for self unhooks during early game.
Or another solution is to remove self-unhook unless its gonna succed. Keep the waving tho its a good signal.
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We all know that the game is currently being messed up by selfish people fleeing to blame.
If I were the developer, I would provide a "suicide (or surrender) button". Replace self-unhook with it. The player who presses this will admit defeat on the spot, and both the "survivor alive at that point" and the killer can win.The most sinful aspect of suicide is that the adults around them are forced to clean up after the young child defecates on the spot and runs away.
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Maybe we fix the things that cause the surrender?
- Create more balanced environment,
- get rid of broken meta builds,
- don't allow to stack 4 regressions?
- Rework mmr so i get surviviors on my level of skill?
- give us some tunneling prevention mechanism?
- give us the way to fight with slugging?
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Survivors have also nerfed everything that would give them hope to escape:
- DH was gutted,
- MfT was also nerfed
- DS nerfs and buffs are just silly,
- Hatch was reworked and isn't used at all nowadays,
- Keys are useless,
- Medkits are worse than before, hemorrhage could counter all healing
- New tiles are unsafe,
- Maps are smaller and much weaker
- Killers have perks that require basically nothing to work - Nowhere to Hide, PainRes + Pop being activated by same hook, previous Ultimate Weapon. Remember how BBQ was strong aura perk and it revealed survivors only outside terror radius AFTER you hook someone?
- More killers have powers that could counter tiles that are already weak.
- Survivors are forced to use some perks just to counter killer - imagine not bringing Distortion nowadays or Deja Vu.
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The people who are quitting the games will never be happy no matter what changes the devs make. Trying to balance the game around people who don't actually want to play games where they don't win easily is a terrible idea.
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I agree with your premise.
I think the better route would be to remove the ability to remove yourself on hook. Yeah they can still afk but that wastes a lot of their time and de incentivizes them from doing it. We're essentially trying to make it inconvenient and tedious for them to do it. Currently it's easy for them. I think even this change would lower the amount we're seeing significantly.
I personally think the DC penalty should be a bit harsher too.
It's definitely a problem that needs addressing though in some way.
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What? Actually trying to fix underlying issues instead of a futile way to treat symptoms that will just manifest again? Nah, that sounds too logical. I say we should just permaban people who aren't sweating at maximum capacity every game. Surely, that will make the game better.
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Yeah, sadly this is the reflection of the "modern" society, cure the symptom not the disease. Everyone who thinks they should make DCs penalties more severe, please think logical like others have already said:
I would add to the fixes:
- killer build balance, consisting in having some perks banned for certain killers (Floods of Rage, Nowhere to hide on Nurse), basically every perk that boost some killer too much.
Of course there would still be people who will continue to ruin the game for others, but at least it will become rarer.