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General Discussions

Make DC save bloodpoints and remove DC penalty

Member Posts: 567

Before comment, hear me out.

Survivors have no comeback mechanics and some games are miserable due to tunneling, camping, slugging for 4k, forcing 3v1 or other reasons. Survivors aren't happy about above and kill themself on hook.

What is the easier resolution for that? Make DC save bloodpoints and remove DC penalty.

Someone DC'd?
Okay, take your points then, bye.
Here is the bot to replace you, that wants to play this game and maybe help others get out.

I don't get why people write "BHVR should remove 4% / ban someone for getting off hook". It's pointless or just removes some of the aspect of the game.

Okay then, let's assume that trying to get off hook is permabannable offence, BHVR support is flooded with "THIS SURVIVOR KILLED THEMSELF!!", what next?

I don't want to play this game, you assume if I'm unhooked I'll be like:

omg thank you, now my will to play vs this killer came back to me

No, I'd just run to the killer to hook me again or do Alt+Tab, because why not? I just want this game to end.
"So make running to the killer bannable offence!!!".

Then I'll miss skillcheck in terror radius, fast vault window, fast enter the locker or do anything to make killer focus his attention on me. What would be next, people reporting other players because they've missed the skillcheck?

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  • Member Posts: 192

    You are right but people are still going to be upset at you since they think other people should suffer through a bad game.

  • Member Posts: 567

    you only wanna play games you think you can win and any game that looks bad you want to leave and how absolutely childish that sounds

    I want to play only games that I could win.

    I'm not punching bag for killer to play unwinnable games, if someone brings things that makes game stale, it's unwinnable and I don't want to play that game. Because why should I?

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Kaiser recently did a great video on the complaints that survivors have (and they (Kaiser uses they/them pronouns) and it adresses this issue. Yes, as they mention at the beginning, there is a killer version too.

  • Member Posts: 521

    You can win any game, the amount of games I've played that started poorly but could have been a 3 or 4 man out cuz someone had an amazing chase if someone didn't die on first hook is actually incredible. Even if that doesn't happen you always have a chance for hatch so in that sense unwinnable games don't exist.

  • Member Posts: 21,210


    No, not really. You could be the greatest Survivor prodigy and still lose. Ultimately, that's why I think a lot of people are moving away from Survivor.

    YOU can play well. YOU can make all the right plays. Ultimately, what YOU do doesn't matter. If there's a single weak link, the match is usually over when they get found.

    And that feels bad. To be able to play objectively well, but ultimately not have any real agency in the outcome.

    At least with Killer, you live and die by your actions. If you play perfectly, you will almost always win. If you don't play well, you lose. YOU have direct and complete control over the match.

  • Member Posts: 192

    Bloodlust for killers off the top of my head. They are doing garbage in chase? Well congratulations you get free speed boost so no matter how bad you are you can eventually get the hit.

  • Member Posts: 6,131
    edited May 2024

    Gotta disagree on this one. I think the current DC penalties are fine. I also think the 4% unhook mechanic is fine too. If people think 4% mechanic should be removed to force people to stay in the game, then I propose that we compromise and instead change it to a 20% (or higher?) chance of unhooking. If you want to force people to stay in the game then increase their chances of unhooking themselves. Problem solved?

  • Member Posts: 808

    Increase DC penalty and either remove giving up on hook or give DC penalty to people who purposely give up on hook

  • Member Posts: 333

    I agree.

  • Member Posts: 4,183



    Yeah, sure, let's remove the two remaining detriments to DC after depipping is already gone. (Hopefully for survivor AND killer, since I know you are heavily survivor biased.)

    I really would love for behaviour to implement this, just to show advocates like you how it would ruin this game faster than any cheater or unfun gameplay could.

    No match would EVER finish with 5 people in the match at the end. 🤣🤣🤣

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Sounds like you're not suitable for Solo Queue OP.

    Find a swf, switch to Killer or don't play.

    If you want to have more agency AKA only play games you could win, may I suggest single player games or 1v1 games? That way you would have better control over your game outcomes.

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    Listen, dont get me wrong, I hate Bloodlust, but there are many ways to deal with it in a chase. Such as:

    • Walking
    • Breaking Line of Sight (LOS)
    • Forcing them to use their power
    • Forcing them to break a pallet

    The chase mechanics are not that good, and can easily be abused to get rid of Bloodlust if you know how to properly manage distance.

    Also Bloodlust is not really a "comeback mechanic", it does not affect the whole team, it only affects a single person on the team for a single health state. And when the Killer does manage to build Bloodlust T3, it is very likely that they lost the match by wasting so much time on a single person.

    …That being said, I do think it is a symptom of bad game design, since BHVR would rather buff Bloodlust instead of improving loop design to be more fair for both sides, which is why I dont like it.

  • Member Posts: 70

    How to kill your game in less than 10 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Maps can screw over either side.

    That's why I didn't mention them.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited May 2024

    These suggestions always come from survivor mains.

    Completely oblivious to the fact that this would mean no one ever escapes ever again.

    Survivor decides they can't win (they get found first, they get caught off guard, they get the wrong map, it's a tuesday): DC without penalty, bot replacement.

    Killer decides they can't win (5th gen is repaired): DC without penalty, game immediately ends.

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