I never wanted to say this... Nerf PIG

Played 15 games today, 3 against pig. On ALL my pig games they were placing traps and crouch following you until 1 trap sets off and you die, or 2 your bt runs out and she hooks.
In theory the timer should stop on chases but crouch following is not stopping the timer.
Suggestion: If pig is near an active trap survivor (12 - meters) for more than 15 seconds or 20 seconds. The timer should pause + stay still for half of the time you were being tunneled.
you must be kidding xD as if traps weren't the easiest thing to remove in the game.
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I would not even call that a nerf, since that is basically the most sub-optimal way to play pig xD
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The killer spent the whole game to tunnel someone but at 1/5 the efficiency please nerf
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Playing her this way is pretty much throwing the trial. It takes what, two and a half minutes now to do this? At best?
Unless the teammates are not doing anything at all they should do the gens and get out. Definitely a loss for the killer, with either one pop or one sacrifice.
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yeah, old legion could chase you with the mending timer going down. It's the same thing, you can't get the trap off because it takes time and she will hit and hook for free.
If you are OPTIMAL playing you can get a 3 man out if a pig does that. But i am a solo Q player, usually people are doing a field trip on the map instead of doing gens. When randoms try to help basically you are giving free hits,hooks,slugs, and the trapped guy stays with the trap 🤷♂️
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she is weak, not as before but still not on blight/nurse levels.But, the pig has the potential to ruin someone's game just by tunneling.
Similar to basement bubba, most of the time you can get 3+ people out, but the 1 guy on hook is already gone.
And again, similar to the bubba case, games are lost because the team tries to help instead of rushing gens to get the 3 man out.
If this "Strat" were actually bad people would not do it
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Pig is the last killer to need a nerf.
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yet she's the first get them cries
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Facts. “Blights too strong….alrighty no problem we will adjust that.”
Nerfs pig. 🐽
”by nerfing pig we nerfed blight as we thought this would be a good choice to space out power, by doing so it reduces power levels of blight”
hehehehe all jokes of course. Did I get it right?2 -
I am suprised anyone plays Pig now.
Her last change kinda killed her for me. She is just not interesting without aura for boxes. That was simply additional layer she had over other killers.
Now it's just below average chase power with random slowdown outside of my control.4 -
the fact that traps are now a joke tht represent no threat at all to survivors is what killed her for me
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i think they removed the box auras to avoid the pig chasing an unhooked survivor with a head trap (like what is happening in my post).
Before you could patrol the jigsaw boxes instead of gens and bodyblock it, RN the trap is like a gimmick kill, just like sadako condemnation.
When they are exploited it's strong, when used fairly is just a subpar slow. As a killer main i feel the weakness too, but we have to agree that trap tunneling is unfair.
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i think they removed the box auras to avoid the pig chasing an unhooked survivor with a head trap (like what is happening in my post).
Aura of boxes made it so I had option to try predict where is a survivor after my chase with someone else. Lack of aura created your situation. If she doesn't follow you, she won't find you without a perk for it.
When they are exploited it's strong
What you described is definetly annoying for a survivor, but it's not really strong and you have option to prevent it as survivor. If you start solving a box in front of her, she is forced to down you → stop timer.
I would be completely fine with that increased timer, so it is overall less likely to kill someone, but I still have my additional option to find survivor and play around it. They simply removed incorrect part of the nerf they tried.1 -
I mean you can still find people without tracking perks if you have game sense, just like on every other killer, I don't think removing box auras made a significant difference, especially since it would only help you have an idea where the one survivor is that you should not chase anyway, because he is busy getting rid of the head trap..
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just like on every other killer
That's the issue. "Just like every other killer." That means she is not unique anymore.
There is so many killers who also lacks information, but are just better in every way.I don't think removing box auras made a significant difference
I don't think she is overall weaker than she used to be. I would say she is around same. But she is definetly less interesting and her identity changed for me. I used to play Pig quite a lot even when she was weaker than she is now.
I have absolutely 0 reasons to pick her now. There is so many killers who are simply better in chase and actually have additional things I can do with them. Like Chucky, Artist, Demo, Nemesis etc.
Pig is just bland with very low skill ceiling. Aura of boxes gave you additional options and it definetly had skill component to correctly predict location of survivor based on time and location of boxes.
You lost that and it is just below average chase power. Traps are just something random that is going to happen.0 -
I think the opposite is true, her chase gameplay got improved which is the most interesting part about every killer. Using her dash is way more viable than before now and I picked her up again because I think using her dash is thr most fun thing about her.
Even without the auras being shown you still have a rough idea where boxes are and unless your goal is to interrupt them while doing boxes you still have game sense to use and find them.
I think she is quite a bit stronger now than before, which is great considering she was on the weaker side before, I guess now she is around average, maybe a bit higher.
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her chase gameplay got improved which is the most interesting part about every killer
But it's still worse than most other chase killers. All I need to do is drop the pallet and pig has nothing and she is not good against hold W and her "stealth" is still bad.
If I want "Pig gameplay", I think new Chucky is going to that job way better than she does.Decrease her TR again, that would make her interesting.
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Only if it is a safe pallet... And it is not like maps have to many of those unless you play on the game, the weaker or balanced ones can be outplayed with the dash.
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and what do you get for giving a free down? you are only getting hooked again. Wich is better for the pig since you are stalling for less time.
The problem is not dying to the trap, the problem is that you ARE FORCED TO DIE, for the head pop trying to make her lose you, or to the hook if you dont run away.
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Pig is a slowdown killer, she lacks strong 1vs1 mechanics and instead relies on disorganisation to win, which means like Pinhead, the way to beat her is teamwork. She is good vs. your average SoloQ, but really struggles against high skill SoloQ or SWF players.
If the Pig is crouch tunneling you with head traps, she is not pressuring gens, this does mean you are in the hands of your team, but she is absolutely beatable. It takes 150s for a trap uninterrupted to kill. If she insists on ensuring you can't search a Jigsaw box, she isn't getting the rest of her head traps out or slowing gen progress.
If you managed to avoid her first head trap for just a minute or so, you should have good progress on 2, maybe 3 gens. Ignoring 150s of gen time should mean the Pig is losing 3 generators AT LEAST.
In this scenario its important to know that being downed, or being on hook is the safest place for you to be, where your timer isn't progressing. Waste 70s of her time and then commit to a jigsaw box, no matter if she tries to stop you or not. If she doesnt stop you, you may get lucky and get tbe trap off, but if she does the timer will stop. The time to hook will be another 15s or so, and then you have another 50s to be unhooked, then another 80s before the timer finally pops.
The strat is to basically use the fact the Pig isn't pressuring anyone to rush gens as fast as possible. All survivors leave and the last tries to get hatch.
The truth is you're not likely to survive this scenario .. but you can sure as hell make it virtually impossible for the Pig to win the game.
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and what do you get for giving a free down? you are only getting hooked again. Wich is better for the pig since you are stalling for less time.
She followed you for several seconds in what you described. If you actually let her pop your head, that's a mistake. Forcing her to hook you is most safe spot for you at that point.
Wich is better for the pig since you are stalling for less time.
Not really, you are stalling for more time, because you are supposed to combine time from your trap with hooking timer.
The problem is not dying to the trap, the problem is that you ARE FORCED TO DIE, for the head pop trying to make her lose you,
I am type of person who couldn't care less to die, all I am thinking is overall win, if my actions help to get 3 out, I am happy about it.
It is possible to escape against active trap, but not really for soloQ tho.1 -
It is not about the whole thing being too strong, but more about it feeling like bullying towards that one survivor that has no option of making it out alive… As he will either get hooked and hard tunneled with an active head on or dies to the trap. Obviously it is not strong hard tunnel someone for 3 min straight so their head pops…
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True enough, but doesn't regular tunneling with Nurse or Blight or Pyramid Head feel exactly the same way, with far less you can realsitically do about it?
The Pig trying to kill you over the course of 2 minutes and 30 seconds in a specific cheesy way, is no where near as effective as being repeatedly slapped down in 20s off hook.
At least with Pig, you can know the strategy to cost her as much as possible for doing it, vs. Blight or Nurse where you also failed to help your team escape as well.
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Pigs strategy is basically a guaranteed kill, I would not say that those other killers have the same result? Sure chase times on average will be faster, but you can outplay them in chase if you are Good enough, even the best player in the world cannot avoid getting killed by the beartrap when pig chases him the entire time... I don't really think it is comparable.
It is not about being effective or not, but that it leaves the survivor with quite literally nothing to do about it... Unless you have some niche perk that allows you to not leave scratchmarks or what not she will be right behind and you will not make it out.
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It's not a guaranteed kill, I just explained how you beat it. It's a hard kill to avoid individually, but no harder than avoiding a Pyramid Head tunnel.
It's a valid criticism that it leaves the survivor with little individual agency to save themselves, they have to rely on their team, but realistically the chance of surviving this is more than a strong chase killer like Spirit or, Wesker, Blight or Pyramid Head just tunneling you off hook normally for the vast majority of the player base. I dunno about your games, but its rare to see anyone survive a hardcore tunnel for I'd guess over 90% of the player base.
The counter play requires understanding the timers and chase mechanics. You can force the Pig to pause your timer by making her stand up to stop you working on a box and pause your timer. If you play to waste as much of the Pig's time as possible, you can absolutely escape and is something that high skilled players prove often.
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It is way harder than trying to avoid any other killer... It is not about how to win the game for the team and get 3 people out, as that is fairly simple because the strategy is not strong. But against any other killer you can loop them and you don't just die because a timer is set to 0…i don't see how you would be able to compare these two scenarios... As those other killers you need to at least know how to use the anti loop, whereas this strategy on pig just allows you to mindlessly follow the guy with the trap on.
The difference is still how easy it is and how little can be done about it, against tunneling in general you can use certain perks, but nothing helps you here because your timer decreases nonetheless.
The only way to get out is to somehow live long enough to get the hatch, or make her lose you, which should never happen anyway.
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As I said, you're in the hands of your team. A Pig crouch stalking you is definitely beatable if you and your team play well.
What nerf would you propose to guard against this? It's not strong as you say, tends to result in a 3 man out for a halfway competant team, and can be escaped by a skilled player.
The other killers can "bully" you without actively throwing the game. Pig cannot.
Honestly if the Pig wants you near guaranteed dead, crouching after you is not necessary. Put the trap on a survivors head and just tunnel no matter what. Even if they loops for 5 gens, they can't go out of gate, so that's a far more guaranteed kill than this goofy crouch strategy.
What would your idea be for that? Unless your argument is completely gut her head traps to the point of not functioning at all if the Pig is anywhere in the tri-state area of the survivor with one, this "guaranteed kill" argument is not gonna be resolved....
Maybe you have some God reperk to resolve it, but from what I've seen thus far, all suggestions put forward just neuter the Pig completely so that even throwing the game for a kill still doesn't result in a kill... which makes trying to play for 4 kills even worse.
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For the xth time now... I never said it is strong, it is just not avoidable for the player it is done to... Ofc more often than not the other guys will get out, it is still a super annoying thing that should not exist for the one guy that drew the short stick. Hard tunneling the guy might leave him enough time to survive until endgame and get hatch there, whereas the timer thing does not.
Yeah the how to do it is rough. If I had to brainstorm ideas, I guess you could make it so that while within x m of the guy it does not tick down, which would towards the game delay part, because now the guy is doing nothing so you basically play a 3v1 and it only kicks in when you want to annoy that guy. Maybe you could make it so that pig can get in chase while crouched, but only under certain conditions to avoid making her stealth even more useless. I'm sure there is something that could be done to get rid of this thing.
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Hard tunneling the guy might leave him enough time to survive until endgame and get hatch there, whereas the timer thing does not.
How so? I really don't see logic in this.
You die to timer only if you let her. What exactly she can do to you if you start solving the box in front of her? She is forced to stop you → stop the timer.0 -
You die regardless... Be it by the timer or because she hooked you because you otherwise solve the box. However when a killer other than pig is after you there is no secondary condition under which you still die. That's what I meant. Another killer cannot force you into the secondary objective because you otherwise just die and therefore take a free down/hook they need to hit you normally, which is my entire point. Sure other killers can tunnel you as well and their chase powers might even be stronger but pig is basically the only one where no matter how bad you play it and if you get into chase at all the survivor will die to either you or the trap on his head.
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You die regardless...
You just wrote there is chance for hatch if you live long enough, but you don't have that option with trap, because of time. That doesn't make any sense.
If Pig tries to get me out by forcing trap, I get more time than if she went directly for tunneling.
Another killer cannot force you into the secondary objective because you otherwise just die
Not sure how I would count Pinhead, Wesker, Sadako for this…
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You have 150 seconds to get the trap done, which is less than it takes your team to get gens done, especially with perks like deadlock for example. If she tries to tunnel you out the safest place for you is on the hook, because you get around 55 seconds for each state (realistically, you will not get unhooked perfectly after 60 seconds each time). Trying to chase you normally leads to no pressure through the trap during the chase, I'm not complaining that it is strong I just say that by doing effectively nothing skillfully you force the survivor to start doing the box with you right behind so you can get a free hit or otherwise the trap just kills you. And your only chance to get out is through hatch, because the pig will never let you stay on the box long enough for you to get it done (in this scenario).
Sadako is the exception, but Pinhead and Wesker don't just kill you in chase, they get a down. I'm not happy about either of those two, but for pinhead your team can at least do the box, unless you are the one holding it. For Wesker we will have to see if the 4% slow is manageable, at least his infection takes ages without a second hit after unhook when starting from 1% and to make it faster he needs to hit you. A way lesser evil on those two.
As for Sadako I guess your team could disable tvs so you can loop in areas where she cannot condemn you further? But I don't know I'm not happy with the concept of insta kills in general and Sadako condemn in specific.
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You just went against tunneling pig players, you'll be fine lol. Besides there's no unwritten rule saying that the pig can't go after someone with a trap on their head. Next time just find a way to lose the killer and if you can't than well use that brain of yours by getting the trap off and escaping the pig using map and perk knowledge.
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You seem to be missing the point where this is not as easy as you seem to believe.
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I'm not saying it's not going to be difficult, I'm just saying it's not unwinnable. Like true it'll probably end with a loss but hey you gotta deal with whatever cards you were dealt with. Not every killer player is gonna play all sportsmen-like or make it so everyone's gonna have fun unfortunately. But like having only 3 bad games against "The Pig", in which they so happen to be doing the same thing, hardly calls for a nerf. Plus there was no mention on the perks PatchNoir was using, what perks the 3 pigs were using, what maps these 3 pig games were on, etc. you know stuff that can heavily influence how the game is played. So hence my nonchalant response before
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It is not really about nerfing her but addressing the problematic gameplay this strategy provides.
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i usually use one exhaustion perk + 3 random ones.
Since they were different pigs i cant tell all perk by head, but usually they are using PWF and save the best (to avoid bodyblocks).
Sometimes they slap rapid brutality, Pain RES, Jolt.
Basically what Archol said is right, you need the team to RUSH GENS, and pray for hatch, while you do your best to hold the timer and not Fedex the killer to your team. It's far from a competitive strat but it works (even better at soloq, since they lack coordination, and try to help their own way) and that 1 guy will not be having a good time.
Basement shack trapper, Bubba camping create similar situation in my POV, a guarantee kill of some sorts (but you can use items and perks to get a save)