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Giving up is making this game borderline unplayable



  • Member Posts: 1,026

    Survivors will only attempt to complete gens from around the area you are focusing on. Then, one survivor of them attracts the killer's attention, and the survivors who see it on the HUD work to complete gens near the temple where they are short-staffed. That's all.

    In the first place, skilled survivors will always aim to complete the gen near or underground within the temple. Even if it is prevented by the killer, the time gained by the chase will allow other gens to complete, so the hooked survivor will simply run towards the completed gen after being unhooked. If you chase this, the killer will let go of the gens near the temple, and if you don't chase it, the rescue will be completed safely. This is why this map is known to be advantageous to survivors, and it represents the essence of the game system, where survivors being taken down by killers does not easily lead to the collapse of the match.

    This is a simple example of how the survivor holds the decision-making power in the main outline of the match.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    think again I pretty sure people who most of the time don't give up have at one point or another your illusion thinking most don't.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    most of the time people hate people who give up on hook in a match is because it one less meat shield to help them escape unless your in a swf group other survivors don't give a dam about you.

  • Member Posts: 347

    If a team 3-gens themselves in a dead zone, it's simply bad play from the survivors. This is why a lot of people are running Deja Vu. Also, Temple of Purgation has good pallets in the "hallways" which can be played by both sides. They have long walls, and some of them have shorter walls that are impossible for the Killer to mindgame, making it easier to play as a survivor. Additionally, there are a lot of LoS blockers to take advantage of, and even hills where you can completely lose the chase if you run BL.

    By the way, even after its rework, Temple of Purgation is a map where if the last 4 unrepaired gens are split up, the Killer cannot realistically win the match. This is true for a lot of maps. So maybe stop mindlessly repairing gens, start running Deja Vu, and you'll notice how good that map actually is.

    Your comment screams "I never play Killer" to me. These are such basic concepts of the game that you quickly learn when playing enough of both sides, that I cannot tell if you're trolling or being serious. However, if you genuinely think that a lot of maps are that easy to winstreak in, you're welcome to post your winstreaks to back it up.

    Oh, and on the topic of map reworks, it's interesting that you only focus on the ones that made the map smaller, while conveniently ignoring the reworks that didn't affect survivor strength at all (like Eyrie of Crows and Garden of Joy). So, what's your stance? Are all the reworks Killer sided, or are you just cherry picking examples to support your argument?

  • Member Posts: 1,580
    edited May 2024

    You'll be lucky if you get 1 long wall pallet in those areas, and it will get used in the first chase. No windows, no way to reach another strong area without running straight through the killer. Most of the time you get garbage pallets with 2 short sides that are a free hit for any killer on the roster. Lmao at you calling out a hill as a strong tile for survivors.

    My comment wasn't about whether it's possible to break a 3 gen or not. My point was putting 3 gens in an area with nothing to loop removes any skill expression from the survivor side. You go to an area where ~40% of the objectives are located, if you get chased, you're guaranteed to go down. Feels such skill expression! Good thing there aren't multiple killers that excel at camping one area of the map….

    I play killer and laugh at how absurdly free wins are on reworked maps like Rancid, Haddonfield, and Borgo.

    Eyrie and GoJ reworks both made the maps more killer sided/less survivor sided. Eyrie was made smaller with gens packed together making 3 gens common on either side of main building. GoJ side opposite main building had all of it's tiles made much weaker for survivors. I'm sure they'll gut the map completely sooner or later.

    Since you're so knowledgeable on map reworks, which ones were actually survivor sided? You would have an argument for The Game. That's literally the only one that became more survivor sided after a rework. So Eyrie, GoJ, every Coldwind map, every Autohaven map, RPD, Ormond, Borgo, Haddonfield, all reworked in favor of killers. Now who's cherry picking?

    Post edited by Rogue11 on
  • Member Posts: 160

    Exactly! This was the slogan used to promote the worst possible sanctioned aspects and strategies of this game. Now the repercussions of NOT thinking about your fellow gamer has brought us here.

    What's sad is the very people that use the play styles that increase 4% CAN'T bring themselves to not do it. They are hoping someone will step in and MAKE people allow them to tunnel, camp, and exploit broken/outdated mechanics.

    When I play killer, I rarely have anyone 4%. But I also, don't hook the same survivor twice; I don't return to the hook; and I try to hook everyone twice before death hook.

    Sometimes drawing out the games to do all of this will make people give up and ask to be killed, lol. But everyone walks away with points. And most importantly, no one walks away feeling like they didn't get a chance to play.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Unknown map has a problem that it really need another Gen in the parking lot. Currently complete Main Gen will cut down 30% of the map to patrol.

    Especially the Main being at a corner far away from other 4 Gens give no incentive for killer to make chase in Main.

    Its not what you say, but it goes like this:

    • Killer tunnels a survivor out in 3min, that survivor's fun is not their responsibility.
    • But as soon as a survivor suicide on hook, suddenly killer cares about the other 3 survivors' fun: "you ruined the match to other 3 survivors."
  • Member Posts: 1,580

    Yes, you're right about that map. Usually 4 gens spawn very close together in that mess of a forest around shack. 1 in main, 1 sort of close to the parking lot, and 1 way in the back. I could see it working better if they were spread something more like this. The X's are roughly where I see the gens currently with the arrows where they should move.

  • Member Posts: 1,129
    edited May 2024

    If there was a mechanic that allowed Killers to end the game instantly like hitting a switch before the gates were powered, Survivors all got auto sacrificed and the Killer got a Entity Displeased outcome, Survivors would probably be complaining about Killer players giving up too.

    It works both ways.

    I would like to see how people would defend Killers giving up via such a system if it was implemented.

  • Member Posts: 1,026
    edited May 2024

    So, its instant karma.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
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