Singularity feels like a simulator

Why did they give survivors a power they can pick up over and over that disables your power BUT still let's you see through the broken camera?
What for?
So I see the survivor repairing gens in my face? So i see the survivor opening the exit in my face?
Information perks or other killer information powers at least let you keep moving and walking towards the survivors when you know where they are.
Here you just watch, get slowed when you stop watching, and by the time you walk all the way to where the survivors are they finished the gens/escaped. You have no way to fix your cameras while poorly designed killers like Skull Merchant has her drones disabled, she calls them back and IMMEDIATELY put another one in the same place.
All other "interactive" killer powers like the Spray, flamethrowers, etc. are designed because the killer has an extra power that's too strong. The only single power this killer has is teleportation and only after you fulfill 99999 requirements, place 999 camers AND survivors don't feel like disabling your camera and cleansing the biopod (meanwhile other kills can't "cleanse" the killer's powers like Skull Merchant's drone marks)
You can replace Cams by removing them and placing a new one very easily though. Though I am sure you know that already.
But Singularity would be way, way too oppressive if EMP's didn't exist. His teleportation potential on infected survivors is very strong.
And it can still be helpful looking through a cam that was disabled by an EMP, to find out where survivors are, and where to go next.
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Emps really are the primary issue because it's extremely difficult to properly balance them. If they're too strong then the killer as no power 24/7, yet if they're too weak then Hux becomes one of the most oppressive killers in the entire game.
I think simple number changes aren't going to do anything and has to be properly addressed some other way.
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I would argue EMP's are fine the way they are right now.
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imma be real with you if you're complaining about emps you haven't reach singus skill floor yet. don't give up tho :))
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You literaly can't what are you talking about? If a camera is disabled you can't place another one right next to it removing the disabled one.
Best you can do is place new one, and it won't remove the disabled one, it will remove another one that might be in a useful place. But i'm sure you know that already.
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It's been a while since I played Singu, but I'm pretty sure you can shoot the cams to remove them, and then place another.
Just went and checked, yes, you can. Shoot the disabled cam and place a new one on top of it.
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Singularity is a very high skill-floor Killer.
You need so much prior knowledge about the game, maps, generic Survivor behavior etc etc in order to do well it's insane.
Basically, if you really want to play him, don't be discouraged.
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But you can't. You are not allowed to shoot another camera in the radius of a disabled camera. And if you put a new camera outside the radius, a previous camera in a useful location will be removed. Replacing cameras can only be done if they are not broken.
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You need to shoot the cam directly.
I can load up a stream of Singularity, if you'd like?
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I think you are missing something here. You can shoot the camera's directly, which removes them and allows you to quickly reset them. Otzdarva does something similar in this match, around the 4:09:30 mark.
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played singularity on Midwich got torched and told myself to never play him again until he’s buffed.
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Pretty much this if you gain the prior knowledge and take the time to learn him Singularity can be god tier oppressive like a nurse However casual to mid players wont get much value outta him cause of his large amount of setup and prep time needed.
Singu also has some glaring flaws like cant infect a survivor whos 80% visible but 20% is behind a Gen or object. I think singu needs QoL with some addons as basekit buffs also remove some of his frustrating when facing him like his spam teleports add a 5 sec cooldown between his teleports
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EMPs can be annoying but they are manageable.
His biggest issue is his heavy reliance on Soma Family Photo.
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as much as i want to agree i think they could use a minor slight nerf but mostly just buffs for Singu
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Shoot the cam directly to despawn it and shoot again to spawn it a new one check out ohtofu vids hes mastered Singularity
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Major agree needs photo and ball glove to be basekit
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We gotchu, don't sweat it.
It took me a couple games to figure out as well.
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I think I would disagree just because of Singu's 3 gen potenial. And yes, while the anti 3 gen system does help, he can still feel very strong in a 3 gen scenario. I think if you just give Singu some quality of life updates he'll already feel stronger. The only buffs I would like to see maybe are buffs that would make him a little less reliant on Soma Family Photo.