Why are Skull Merchant's still hated?

She's no where near as strong as she used to be, and if your playing as survivor, it's just Skill-Check simulator, why hate on a killer who's not even "OP".



  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80
    edited May 28

    ^ tbh i don't focus a whole lot on lore lol, but i guess i could see why people don't like manga dad girl turns into evil mr Krabs

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612
    edited May 28

    I took roughly a year break shortly after singularity and really only started playing more and I find her unfun almost exclusively because my team still gives up or stops trying what feels like 90% of the time. But also, and this is entirely on me, I still have it nailed in my head how she used to work, and I kind of don’t really understand her power or counterplay anymore, and I feel like I haven’t been given a good opportunity to figure it out myself (which is entirely how I learn thins, and I can’t just read to understand) because of my team giving up, which also probably is a part of why too. 🤷‍♂️

  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80

    she's just personally entertaining for me, but im also insane so eh, but for survivors i could generally understand why she'd be considered boring, but to completely hating her feels a bit much, and i don't see how she could hold matches hostage when her drones and claw traps are easily hackable, even going against me (probably the last person playing her)

  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80

    i feel like survivors choosing to DC shouldn't be a reason to hate on a killer, whether you dislike her or not, in that aspect, its you whos making the decision to leave, not the Skull Merchant

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Skull merchant is boring they all try to play the same in my matches anyway. The drones are more annoying than a hindrance and the way they changed her still didn't fix that issue, for me anyway I like a more interactive killer with a exciting power, I think console players probably hate her for the same reason they dislike Pinhead and its because the button is the same for disarming a drone and dropping a pallet, like breaking the chains for Pinhead , so if you know you're against console survivors with skull merchant you can place the drones on the edges of pallets forcing them to loop the opposite way to avoid that edge side or they get stuck disarming a drone instead of throwing a pallet or at least that's what some friends I have on console have complained about with her.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 575

    most don’t know how to play against her she’s literally an M1 killer with undetectable that’s it the little 2% haste is what makes them cry and moan just learn how to play a killer different from most .

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612

    I disagree, if something have people in my matches consistently give up when playing against a killer, perk, add on, whatever, I think it’s completely fair to dread going against that killer, peek, addon, whatever. It’s precisely the reason why I really hate playing with say, and never run, iri hatchet, because regardless of the addons strength post nerf people still dc against it my matches constantly. A 3v1 or 2v1 or 1v1 at 5 gens at the start of the match is a match not worth my time, nor is it very fun for anyone involved. So, I find it unfun to play against the killer if my team gives up trying immediately learning it’s a SM.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Lol that's why she's boring to me, she's not strong at all but it's just a basic m1 killer with no real power to outplay, the tile you're already at is literally her weakness because she can't negate any safety

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Eh idk about never losing that reputation. Legion used to be THE most hated killer ever but after all this time they seem to be pretty popular. But then again, Legion is way funner to play against.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited May 28
    • If clown is reloading in a chase he is doing it wrong
    • Dredge sure, but he's still anti-loop that is countered by leaving the loop.
    • Trapper and hag make you leave the loop.

    Right, but if its about the terror radius as well then we throw in:

    • Pig
    • Myers
    • Ghostface
    • Wraith


    The point is people seem to not like her for reasons that exist on other killers. So i'm confused as to why people actually hate her NOW, not from before, but NOW.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    But you are forgetting the big difference here. She doesn't lose movement speed because she ultimately is still an m1 killer.

    Also, her drone is not that much of a threat. You leave the loop with her, and she hits you, now you get yourself to killer shack. What happens. She drops a drone? Ok, just keep looping. The hindered isn't enough for you to not be able to get away.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Skullmerchant is the complete opposite of Singularity while SM gets alot of free Value Singularity has to juggle multiple tasks Pod setup, pod patroling, Infecting, teleporting, chase starting, just to get extremely low Value and get hard countered by the skullmerchant equivalent to a drone the EMP no skill required

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Artist i really hate shes just the rarer version of SM

    Dredge im sad they can never buff his antiloop cause it would just be a scamper situation needs a rework

    Knight i dont got much a problem with hes just not good especially his guards Ai

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    i will say you need to be marked 3 times to get injured maybe we can balance point if the marks go away over time?

  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80

    well i personally don't ever play "nasty" with her, or any other killer for that matter, i try and typically always do avoid tunneling, proxy camping, slugging, feathering, etc. I promise you not every skull merchant is nasty

  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80

    thats what i've been trying to figure out lmao, and thats particularly how i play her, along with gen watch, not tunneling or anything dumb like that

  • BbQz
    BbQz Member Posts: 83

    This reads like a SM main with a survivor mask.

    Perhaps in very low MMR SM is fine. And obviously you can win against them but it's a hollow victory you didn't win against the skill of the other player you won vs a killer that takes almost zero practical skill.

    School merchant can ignore mind games in tiles just by dropping a drone which is free value for no skill. Forcing you to leave the tile, potentially going into a dead zone or eating a scan reduces chase as she now gains haste... This isn't a knowledge check for No amount of information can remove a stack off of you. There's no counter to her ability. Crouching everywhere is not engaging. And while my girlfriend who likes playing dead by day like does play skull merchant, it's because the only thing she needs to do is hold W click M2 whenever the person starts. Looping her since she doesn't know how to deal with that and then go back to holding W until she can hit M1. And to top it off games are normally 3v1 right off the bat for reasons posted here which makes her games normally a 4k but she is incredibly bad and does not play video games

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521
    edited May 29

    I mostly play Xeno and Plague when I play killer but I guess your brain can't comprehend someone not agreeing with you so you have to imagine things like this.

    Again I don't go against Skull Merchant very often only 2-3 times this year that I can remember but none of those games have been very difficult and I owe that to 1. Not falling to the same hysteria most of the community falls into regarding SM so I don't instantly think it's a loss, and 2. Actually studying her entire kit and understanding what she does.

    Through this I very rarely get clawtraps on me unless I'm injured and it doesn't matter and I don't mind crouching through drones to get to gens as well as chaining loops together so her setting drones at loops isn't a huge deal.

    I know the community will never like playing against the character and I'm not really trying to convince them they should I'm just saying it's entirely possible to learn the match up and have it be not that bad.

    I have a feeling a lot of it is about mindset. I'm not seething about SM1.0 ever existing, I'm very patient so the whole crouching near gens thing doesn't bother me and I'm never really thinking about how hard the things my opponent is doing are because to me that's irrelevant all that matters is they are indeed doing things and I have to figure out how to counter them.

    Post edited by Yharwick on
  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80

    huh, that's funny because I never have in any of my games tunneled, and if I see a survivor get unhooked, I get into a chase with the survivor who unhooked said survivor, yet us other SM's get hated because of other peoples actions?

  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80
  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80

    I really feel like people hate her more of because of their toxic experiences with her like tunneling, proxy camping, slugging, etc. but the same could be said with any other killer, and I never even participate those toxic things with ANY of the killers I run, its pretty sad to see just a flood of "I hate you because another SM made me mad 😡"

  • thynderbird
    thynderbird Member Posts: 25

    People just don't know how to use her. They always put the drones near obvious places, when really you should consider putting them in suprising locations. Also, I do agree with you that she's not as strong, but still, she is just a very complicated killer to play.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556


    people decided to hate her. they never decided to change that

  • ecliptikk
    ecliptikk Member Posts: 21

    Upon first release she got a reputation of being a very boring killer to go against and gained a name for herself as a killer that could and would hijack a game for a long time.

    She just never lost this reputation.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    Again, please explain how that is different than:

    • Trapper
    • Hag
    • Clown
    • Artist
    • Dredge
    • Knight
    • Singularity (when you don't have emp)

    They work functionally the same that you said about SM. They drop their power, and you just leave the loop.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,574

    Tribalism and a grudge.

    I have fun playing against her though.

  • Femtrapta
    Femtrapta Member Posts: 11

    To make an unnecessary connection, Skull Merchant is the Brigitte(Overwatch) of DbD. A character so brain numbingly easy and broken on release, no matter how many times shes nerfed, buffed, reworked, whatever, she'll always have that negative stigma and be hated till the end of time.

  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80

    not really begging. :) "The second you realize" not every SM main plays dirty or toxic (like myself) the sooner you'll realize that theres no real need to hate her, shes been nerfed, and people such as yourself are stuck in the past, there are plenty of killers that have very similar functions, and are even much better killers to run then herself, the only reason people hate her is because of her release and toxic SM's now, which if those are the only reasons, then theres no way you can justify that "Grr! 😡 Skull Merchant make angy!" People can play toxic with literally any other killer, even trapper can tunnel.