Give Killers a concession button already!

Look I play both sides, but there is no reason I should have to choose between having to suffer through constant body blocking of hooks, teabagging, and the complete lack of respect and sportsmanship, or compounding disconnect penalties. Best I can do now is open the gates myself. Edited for spelling.
I'm down! if surivors can game end themselves when things go horribly south, why not for killers?
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I've started opening the gates myself and just going afk in a corner if I haven't even gotten a hook by Gen 5
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They are never going to do that, because people would leave way too frequently.
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Exactly, it will never be a thing for obvious reasons.
There would be so much matches DC'ed because of the map, rage and different rng reasons.
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Let's not do that. We already see what happens when survivors have a convenient way to leave the match. Let's not do the same on killer. At some point most of us would like to have a real match without either the killer leaving, or a survivor giving up early.
There is an infinite number of things one could consider unfun to play against. The best advice I can give you is to learn how to deal with it. Keep in mind, this is only a game. It's not your life, your family does not get locked into the basement, if you lose and your landlord isn't going to set your flat on fire either. It stings to lose but that's all. You cannot win every single time. If that's what you need to have fun, then there are a lot of single player games that you can play.
If all you want is not to get bullied, then use Lightborn, Iron Grasp, Agitation and Mad Grit for a while on a killer you feel confident with. It covers pretty much everything other than pallet saves, which are mostly avoidable by checking for other survivors around. This is not a build that's designed to make you win matches but to ensure that the worst case scenario of you getting bullied cannot happen.
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Let killers leave through the exit gates (or something alike) once all gens are done and let survivors stay till the end game colapse ends in case they want to do extra objectives for challenges or whatever
By that time the match is already over and is not like giving up mid match. I don't want to camp or get kills by hitting ppl unhooking, just let me move to the next match, thanks.
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Exactly this.
Give us a way to just end the game when the gens are done. If im confident enough to play around the gates and try to get kills thats fine but if im not just let me go I dont want to sit out the wgc just like survs dont want to be bleed out
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Absolutely not. Every time they experimented with removing DC penalties everyone abused the hell out of it the second they did not get their way. Survivors were giving up on first hook and killers would leave if a gen was popped before they had a hook.
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If 3 gens pop before I get a hook, or even a hit, it's a lost cause, now give me an option to say "That's it, I'm outclassed, you win" and to concede that doesn't involve me going afk for 5 minutes listening to survivors spam speed vaults until the last 2 gens pop and I can at least open the doors myself before going back to my corner for the rest of the EGC.
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Ah, I feel the exact same way. All gens done? Ok I lost. Let's go next. Not really interested in securing a 1k.
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I've had so many matches where it was obvious I've lost at the lobby screen that I would really appreciate a way to end the match that doesn't involve a DC. If the Killer disconnects the Survivors all win anyway, so just formalise that.
Or maybe fix MMR so I'm not getting put against Survivors with 10 times my hours?2