Indoor maps. Good or bad?

ecliptikk Member Posts: 21

I am a killer main and personally i've never had a major problem with indoor maps. I don't necessarily like them, but i've never had a raging issue with them, though it seems like indoor maps for most people are like marmite - you love them or you hate them. For those on either end of the argument, both survivor and killer, can you explain why you love/hate them so much?


  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 663

    I think some are annoying, but I don't tend to grimace at loading in on one. Except for Lery's, it can rot.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,529

    I play 50/50 but prefer the Killer role. I love indoor maps as both Killer and Survivor.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,783

    RPD is one of my favorites on both sides.

    Though I'm not a big fan of Lery's, oddly enough.

  • ecliptikk
    ecliptikk Member Posts: 21

    this is interesting because i don't mind indoor maps on killer or survivor, but i loathe at the sight of entering RPD at the start of a trial. that's the only map i can think of that i truly dislike.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,536

    Indoor maps are good.

    I never understood the rage these are getting.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,783

    I enjoy it because it has a bit more predictable loop generation than the others and I enjoy stealth builds for killer, while dabbling in Object of Obsession builds for survivor. It's the only map I load into and think "Well this will be a nice break for my brain" because I won't need to identify what each loop generated as.

    Which is why I don't know why I dislike Lery's because it kind of has the same situation, but maybe it's because it all looks the same outside the office and TV room? I can't put my finger on it.

  • ecliptikk
    ecliptikk Member Posts: 21

    Funnily enough i never understood the stigma around Lery's as it is often regarded (from what i've seen at least) as the worst indoor map, when i think that RPD (and even Gideon at a push) is notably worse than it, though i do see where you are coming from.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,596

    It's not that indoor maps in general are a bad thing. It's just that the execution often leaves much to be desired.

    Look at The Game for example. Who wants to play on a map that is always one-sided, allows for no interactive gameplay on either side and on top of that scales with the most nasty killer builds? If I want to win, I don't send myself to Midwich. I use an offering for The Game, play Doctor with Restraint and Calm addons and then I start slugging with Knockout, Brutal Strength, Surge and whatever I feel like. You lose 2-3 gens and then you win. Because as soon as you get some pallets out of the way and have everyone in madness 3 all the time, they just don't get anything done anymore.

    But when I play Freddy with a fun build on that map it's an immediate loss. Try playing around 30 god pallets as a M1 killer with basically no anti loop. It's horrible.

    The other indoor maps, I don't mind when it comes to balancing. Yes, Midwich is killer-sided but it's manageable (as long as you're not playing against a Nurse that is). Though, I'll be honest, if I get RPD 5/7 matches, then I start to hate that map too.

  • ecliptikk
    ecliptikk Member Posts: 21

    I think i'm naturally biased at times as a killer main for maps that work well with my killer and my builds around them, probably why i'm so indifferent about indoor maps as some will work and some won't. Hence why i struggled to empathise with survivors that don't like the indoor maps that i do (your example of the game being a good one for this too). This probably has something to do with my views on indoor maps, i think that someone's overall opinion on all maps in general depends on their play style, and i see what you mean with the execution of them being the problem rather than the maps themselves.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,709

    Well to start, The Game is an awful map.

    For the rest of the indoor maps, I'd say generally it depends on the killer. I usually enjoy indoor maps if they don't significantly hinder the killer's power. And I'm the rare survivor that loves Midwich, it's genuinely one of my favorite maps. I know this is probably a hot take but I don't even think RPD is that bad anymore now that it's split in half and we have anti-3-gen. (Original RPD was terrible though.)

    But if you are a killer that can't use their power very effectively on an indoor map, or if you get sent to an indoor map as survivor by a killer with some specific build that's oppressive on an indoor map, yeah that's usually not very fun.

  • ecliptikk
    ecliptikk Member Posts: 21

    What makes The Game so bad? just out of curiosity because i like The Game as a killer main and i still like it when i play survivor, so it intrigues me why it's so hated on. i can see how people think it's killer biased, because when push comes to shove it is. However, i don't see why this makes it such an awful map to people.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,709
    edited May 29

    Primarily because of its high amount of safe pallets that m1 killers have to just instantly break. Killers with powers that can hit over or through pallets can do fine on that map, but for those that can't do that it's a really boring map that doesn't allow much skill expression in chase on either side.

  • ecliptikk
    ecliptikk Member Posts: 21

    that makes sense, i guess i oversee that as i main pphead so pallets don't tend to affect me on Gideon.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 898

    I like them, but...

    The Game is full of pallets and really small, so some killers and perks thrive while others suffer.

    No real problems with Midwich, RPD and Léry's. Maybe size of them.

    But oh how I absolutely despise Hawkins and wish it would be changed already.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 29

    Indoor maps are generally my favorite maps as killer or survivor. I think they’re much better balanced than outdoor maps as well as simply being more aesthetically pleasing. Playing indoor map actually feels like a unique experience whereas every outdoor map is basically the same loops over and over with a different splash of paint. The loops on indoor maps are also more balanced in my opinion. The biggest benefit of indoor maps is that it cuts off lots of LoS which reduces unhealthy hold w game play since you can’t see them coming a mile away. This lessens the benefit swf has in callouts compared to solo queue. Indoor maps are bad for some killers but those killers are typically already very strong to begin with so I think this evens it out and they’re extremely good for stealth killers which are already generally very weak. Good balance dynamic there. Worse for good killers and better for bad killers. We need more of that.

    They’re just a more unique experience and overall healthier design for the game. I’ve yet to hear a rational or logical reason for why they’re worse other than it’s not good for the specific killer they play.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    The only map in this game that actually annoyes me is hawkins. The others are fine.

  • ecliptikk
    ecliptikk Member Posts: 21

    This discussion is the first time i've heard someone pick out their least favourite indoor map as hawkins and it's fascinating to me. What makes Hawkins so much worse than the other indoor maps? I would personally take Hawkins over other indoor maps like RPD or The Game.

  • ecliptikk
    ecliptikk Member Posts: 21

    this is more or less exactly how i feel about them, though i think the underlining negative of indoor maps being how hard it feels to navigate around them, both due to the similar looking surroundings at maps like Lery's and the lack of space in the corridors of maps like hawkins or RPD.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I despise indoor maps because they with the general gameplay. Let me explain, indoor maps not only make it so crows and scratchmarks in the distance don't work as a tracking tool, they also offer too many paths to chose from so the killer cannot cut survivors off without possible losing the survivor entirely. Most of them also have issues with getting to places, be it like in Lerys or Hawkins where you have to walk around an entire room, because you possibly could not have known which of the possible doors is open beforehand or on Midwich, the Game, RPD where you have multi floor maps with some ways to go up and down but often times you know exactly where to go and you are right next to it, but because it is in that room you need to walk around a huge wall like on the other maps or find a way to get up or down. Those are pretty much issues all indoor maps have. Then we have stuff that is terrible about every single one of them, but their flaws should be pretty obvious by now, for example the game having 26 safe pallets that half of the killer roster cannot outplay and need to kick when it has been dropped, which not only sucks to play as killer but also is not really fun to play as survivor, because you're not really doing something fun, you're not really outplaying the killer, you just run towards safety and drop that, there is not much thinking to it, whether you preserver or how you loop the tile or connect it so you don't have to drop the pallet immediatly, that just does not exist on this map. And let me be very clear about this, it is not about how easy or hard it is to win on those maps, but solely about the frustration of playing the map.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 829

    I play mostly m1 killers, and I want all the advantages against SWF I can get so I appreciate indoor levels more. It's a tad easier to spread misinformation on an indoor level.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844

    RPD is a death sentence for Survivors if you don't get one of the main hall gens done quickly. But I like this Map as Legion so long as I've brought the right build for it. I've also been sent to it so often now that I know the layouts and gen spawns of both versions quite well.

    The same goes for the game, though it's definitely more Survivor sided overall. I think it's a good map for Legion but most other Killers struggle on it.

    I find Lery's to be a Labyrinthine nightmare for both sides. I can never find the gens as Survivor and it's too big in my opinion for low mobility Killers, with lots of pallets and windows to contend with.

    Midwich is just as difficult to navigate despite being smaller, with only two stairways up to the second floor unless the Killer opens up the secret routes. Every room looks the same and I never know where I am unless I'm in the court yard. Great for Scratched Mirror Myers games and lots of love and detail clearly went into creating it, so it has those saving graces. But I don't enjoy it at all.

    I appreciate the vibe and accuracy of Hawkins, but this is easily one of my least favourite maps in the game. On top of all the usual indoor map problems, it has giant rooms that seem to have only one way in or out and I keep wasting time being lost in them. Maybe I still need to learn it I dunno, but it's my worst map for sure.

    Indoor maps are good for Stealth Killers. Since they don't tend to be so effective on open maps, at least they have that going for them.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370

    I'd say that indoor maps that don't have much variety in terms of layout are good, I believe that maps such as Midwich and RPD are good because once you memorise their layout, you can run the map well. Maps such as Léry's and Hawkins aren't so good because of how much random generation there is, what was once a room that contained a strong loop the last time you were on the map, could potentially contain literally 0 resources this time. I believe that both of these maps need looked at at some point.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 307

    Until there are outdoor maps that heavily benefit stealth killers, indoor maps are a necessity