Can anyone explain me?

SylverDown Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2
edited May 25 in Feedback and Suggestions

Can anyone explain me why do i, and 2 FRIENDS, (3 PEOPLE IN TOTAL) put a petrified oak, that is CUMULATIVE, and there is 3 HOOKS around 10 meters one each other?? I'm getting tired of survivors getting nerfed and killers getting buffed every patch.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 646

    It is probably the minimal distance between 2 different hooks.
    And petrified oak don't work on specific indoor maps like on RPD or Midwich I guess…

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 697

    Petrified Oak offering removes one random hook (barring a few guaranteed and fixed hook spawns like Ormond's balcony), despite what the description says it doesn't really move hooks around and is mostly rng.

    To get any sort of reliability you need all 4 Survivors to bring one, otherwise rng might just remove a couple hooks without creating hook deadzones.

    It's also pretty map-dependant, some maps (Midwich being the worst) can be turned into slogs because even normally it's easy to create hook deadzones.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 342
  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,586

    Because otherwise the offerings create huge areas without any hooks, which means, that the killer has no way to progress the game by hooking. This is not fair. I mean, you basically expect to win the game by using a specific loadout. There is no middle ground.

    On some maps there are a few fixed hook spawns to avoid this issue and depending on what map you got this might actually be what happened. Although, I'll be honest, the only case of 3 hooks within a 10 metres range that I know of is the basement. Typically it's closer to 15 metres and more.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 342

    It does kind of remind me of how survivors DC against a skull merchant because they assume the game is going to be a certain way simply because of what someone else brought. But SM and petrified oak both got their reputations for a reason so. I suppose it makes sense.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    well what other reason would you have to run petrified oaks if not for generating non-hookable situations? XD Thats litteraly what petrified oaks are for.

    And it only ever worked on midwich when i did it with my swf. Probably works on hawkins too as this map is absolutely bad to play on for both sides.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 342

    It spreads hooks but typically not even very far, as there are so many on most maps close together. Even in the op post they had 3 people being to em and all 3 were on comms and it still didn’t work. If it was guaranteed to work everytime then I would more so understand the hatred but many times it doesn’t work so I’m not sure why it’s deemed to be so toxic.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    It doesn't really matter, if it works or not. Issue is what you are trying to do.

    There is simply no other reason, why you would want to stack this offering other than attempt to deny hooking for the killer.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 342

    Making it harder to hook is clearly the point of the offering, but why is it considered toxic? Or is it not inherently toxic unless paired with certain perks like boil over, saboteur, breakdown, exponentiol boon etc. In your opinion, is it the mechanic of denying hooks toxic and should be taken out of the game or is it toxic if paired with perks or friends? (If this sounds hostile it's not meant to be, just trying to understand why the op was being "toxic".)

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Making it harder to hook is clearly the point of the offering, but why is it considered toxic?

    I have never said anything about toxic. It is simply something that is going to make me tryhard and just make sure you all die for this. Any hook preventing actions will make me do it, doesn't matter if was FTP+Buckle up, Background players, Sabo etc.

    I don't think it is toxic, but it's definetly unfun for otherside, so I have no reason to hold back and I will try to make the game same for them.

    I am sure to apply this on many survivors after toolbox buff…

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Offerings from Survivors are usually weaker than those from Killers. This is simply because you have to account that 4 Survivors can bring the same Offering. You can see it here:

    This will bring you to the Hook Offerings. The Survivor one is only 1 meter, while the Killer one (yellow) is already 1,5m and purple 3,5m.

    In general, even if 4 Survivors bring the Petrified Oak and the Killer does not bring any Oak, the effect will not really be that big. In the end, this has to be the case, because hooking is a central aspect of the game.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 342

    Gotcha that makes sense. My apologies, I shouldn't have assumed you thougt it was toxic. I thought when you said you hoped the killer got a 4k it was becasue you felt that their play was toxic. But I suppose you meant you hope they got a 4 k because if the op is going to try hard then the killer tried hard and won.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,586

    It also works on Badham, if you make sure the basement spawns in shack. It used to work on Ormond as well but they put a hook on the upper floor to counter this (thank god they did). The asylum is prone to this issue too.

    On other maps you'll need a bit of luck and possibly sabo toolboxes to get the same results consistently but it is achievable.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649
    edited May 27

    Using something that's in the game doesn't scream bully squad at all, that sounds more like a team trying to be as efficient as possible. Killers already have everything else handed to them currently, wanting them to lose one hook too because of distance wont hurt them too much now would it.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Thing is sabo squad is nowhere near most efficient thing survivors can do, so this doesn't make any sense.

    wanting them to lose one hook too because of distance wont hurt them too much now would it

    Killer wouldn't lose hook just from those offering. But just noone stacks Petrified Oak offerings and hope for the best. They are going to bodyblock / sabo and have some perks supporting this.

    If survivors try to deny my hooks, depends on game I will either tunnel someone out or bleed them all out. If they want to be "efficient", so can I.

    Killers already have everything else handed to them currently

    Oh, how so? That sounds interesting…

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 279

    Because the offering is poorly worded. It deletes one hook spawn per offering.

    Has nothing to do with "survivors getting nerfed and killers getting buffed every patch" though, as this is always how they've worked, so I'm not sure why you even felt the need to include a statement like that.

  • SylverDown
    SylverDown Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    I'm really trying to stack this offrend 'cause i don't wanna use sabo and have more intensive game with less hooks, so it's more difficult to the killer to just, for example, the doctor or any ez killer like that, to just take down us and tunnel us.

    Don't tell me about injustice doing this, cause i remember u, the killer HAS MEMEMTO MORI, and i bet u that they don't care about if we sabo or we flash them, they will use it to have FUN, while we are being killed, as u say, with no fair.

    I remember u that the survivors has to take 4 perks making a build to TEAMWORK, and if u don't play premade, with STRANGERS, while, the KILLER, can play alone, and, obv it depends on which killer is, they don't really need a good perk build to win a game.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    First of all, why are you bringing killer's offering to this? You had no idea about it, so it didn't affect your choice at all. Just trying to justify it…

    How is Doctor "ez killer"? That's new one…

    the survivors has to take 4 perks making a build to TEAMWORK, and if u don't play premade, with STRANGERS, while, the KILLER

    But when you stack multiple of same unpopular offering, that means you are playing SWF. So I don't see your point.

    If I see 1 Petrified oak, then I simply couldn't care less. I will consider it a new guy or just someone who run out of offerings.
    When I see multiple of them, then I will consider that to be done with a purpose and my answer will be clear.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    It still has no other reason than to make unhookable situations. Luckily the maps are all pretty much safe from that tactic. But the petrified Oak does nothing else than generate bigger distances between hooks.

    Im not saying its toxic or you should not try to win, if the oaks are the way you try, then good luck. But i dont think we should try to justify it by something else than what it is either. Call it for what it is, its fine. And anyone who says its toxic is wrong because its in the game to be used.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 342

    I'm not sure where we disagree to be honest, as I also don't think it's toxic to bring an offering either. Unhookable situations can happen but are often rare as the hooks in most maps are close together. I think that sabo isn't often successful which is why they are planning on buffing the toolboxes to do so becuase often times if one hook goes down you can get to another even without petrified oak offerings. I think if it was too strong they probably wouldn't be trying to buff sabo.

    Maybe where we disagree is that I don't believe petrified oak offerings are that strong on their own to create an unhookable game. It's much different than bringing boil over and just standing in one spot all game and then running back up to it when the killer tries to hook you, imo (had a match like that last week. the feng literally just stood there all game to be downed and ran back up and refused to do gens, get saves etc. it was rooouuggh and she didn't bring an oak offering of anything). Idk I think bleeding out a team because of some offerings is unnecessary, just like instantly dc against a SM is unnecessary as well. In any case, gliyn.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 342

    I suppose where we disagree is that in my opinion, a petrified oak offering doesn't mean the game will be unhookable and is not very strong even stacked. I think the fact that they're trying to buff toolboxes for sabo supports this as well, because if unhookable games were very common or easy to get with an offering I don't think they would be looking to increase the chances of getting a save by sabo of a hook. I also agree it isn't toxic to bring the offering, as again I don't think it automatically means the game will be unhookable. And I suppose this also means in my opinion that just because the offering is brought doesn't mean you need to bleed out the entire team to counter, as what the original post stated that I replied to.

    In any case, gliyn!

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    Just be careful with your wish for easyer sabo plays. Killers will adapt to it and just do the bleedout game. It will be a very annoying and boring meta. If it ever happens.

    And it doesnt matter if its strong or not, the intention to make unhookable situations with petrified oak is the only logic reason why you would do a petrified oak in the first place. As i alredy said, i dont think its toxic per say, i just dont see any other reason to run petrified oak if not for making unhookable situations.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 342

    Sorry about the double reply lol I don't know what happened. I thought my comment got deleted so I did another one but now I see they were both posted. Sorry! But yeah, I don't think that this sabo increase is necessarily good either. It's not really something I think is necessary as I think successful sabo hooks should be rare, but I only used it as an example to support my point in offerings not being very strong. But yeah, I believe I agree with you, I just don't think that an offering should always equal a bleedout.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    Oh yes i agree with this too, the bleedout even if you would be able to hook is pathetic, but most of the time when someone comes on here to say they were bleed out, they did something to force the killer to do it that way. And if i hear 4 petrified oaks its pretty logic that the OP and his squad tried something and the killer just outplayed it.

    And that is fine, it couldve had worked aswell. I just dont see why we gotta make a fuss about stuff like this. Same goes for the camping and tunneling discussions.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 342

    Yeah if there is one thing this community is good at it's complaining lol. Some stuff I understand because the game is always evolving and some things should definitely be changed. And to be fair, complaining by the community does result in changes (adren, gen regress, twins ptb, billy buff, etc.) I think people just are never happy though and they constantly look for the next thing to raise their pitchforks at lol. But thanks for taking the time to discuss this topic respectfully no matter if the views are opposing or not. I genuinely wish you the best :)

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555
    edited May 29

    My issiue is who they are complaining to, rather than that they are complaining at all. I think there is loads of dumb takes from some people, but they are free to have them. But their critique shouldnt be directed at the player, it should be to the devs. And in a respectful, constructive manner. But more often than not thats alredy too much to ask.

    All the best to you aswell ;)