Bloodweb and items are needed to be changed

Current state of bloodweb and items are simply awful.

Bloodweb right now is just "take red addons, then press autolevel up". Half of addons useless or simply never used, because others are superior and there is enough of them to ignore others. I don't remember last time i used grey items.

Not only this, but there is also useless addons on flashlight that give you ACCURACY and has no use at all.

Also you increased how much BP players get per game by many things, BUT you only increased grind which is the main problem in your system, its simply boring to waste all this BP, wasting up to 10 minutes sitting there and pressing autolevel.

What has to be done, in my opinion, to fix this problem at least somehow is to increase costs for items and addons, decrease number of levels to get prestige from 50 to 20-25, increase number of items per level in bloodweb on early levels. This will be first step and lower time which players will waste in spending their BP.

Second step is to review addons and items by their % usage which will show you problematic addons and items, after which they have to be reworked and rebalanced.


  • JackOf4llTrades
    JackOf4llTrades Member Posts: 42

    Bump. I guess nobody cares about problems with items and massive grind or 100 prestige for 70+ survs and killers? Everything fine for DBD community and devs?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    yeah you are the only one that has a problem with this and this definitely has never been brought up anytime anywhere else.

  • JackOf4llTrades
    JackOf4llTrades Member Posts: 42

    Sure, addons and items perfect. You never see in your game with 99% chance toolbox, medkit and flashlight, you always see map and key. You always see addon for accuracy on flashlight, addon for toolkit to eliminate skillchecks etc.

    Stop lying to yourself.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,504

    Well it might be that the Bloodweb System is just a mini entertainment system for getting useful items in between matches.

    But im sure bHVR wishes they could make all addons a good choice, but that would take crazy amount of time, revisions of revisions. So it would likely be a slow process. They could probably use a lot more survey data on this too. It would take years.

    And to some degree that are already doing it with addon passes, but I guess you want to faster?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    okay this might seem harsher than it’s meant to..

    it’s a common topic for critique and feedback.

    Also, addons for killers frequently get changed based on usage and balance.

    The devs also stated they want to look at offerings, survivor items and addons.

    As to time spent in bloodweb and prestige levels.. I think with automatic leveling it’s okay as it is now. Ideally it would be changed to not make you choose so many things you never use or implement some way to get rid of that stuff (trading against other things/BP)

  • JackOf4llTrades
    JackOf4llTrades Member Posts: 42

    There is pretty much tons of ways they could fix that. For example they could make addon for toolbox that elimimantes skill checks to work against killer perks like doctor's perk for gen regression or oppression from twins.

    All they do is fixing popular items, but they dont think WHY they are popular - because other items and addons are useless and these are not. They just not worth picking at all.

    Perfect example is nerf of all killer perks for gen regression. Rn on ptb they are going to nerf two last OKAY perks - PR and pop, but the reason they are popular, because others became bad af after nerfs and nerfs. And why they nerf? Because, as they told, "we noticed that many players prefer them over other gen regression perks, so we nerf them". Their logic is mistake.

  • JackOf4llTrades
    JackOf4llTrades Member Posts: 42

    First of all i was speaking about items on survivors and addons for them.

    Killers have a lot of addons and powers, to balance them it takes indeed a big work, but survivors have only toolbox, medkit, flashlight, key and map, thats five. I don't count firecrackers, because its just grenade.

    Im gonna talk rn about two items on surv's one by one just to give examples.

    Flashlight: in 100% chance players take battery + lens OR bulbs to increase power and prolonging its work, which is logically correct, isn't?

    What is the problem with it's addons: most of them are not used at all.

    By rarity:

    Grey Power Bulb only gets used few times when you are only newbie player untill you get your first yellow. After this time you will always have resources to use only yellows and higher tier.

    Grey Leather Grip has no use.

    Yellow Low Amp Filament has no reasons to exist, because basically at maximum can duplicate power of yellow Heavy Duty Battery in case you are taking purple Utility Flashlight. If not, then it is weaker than yellow Heavy Duty Battery, meaning this addon is useless.

    Yellow Rubber Grip has no use.

    Yellow TIR Optic outclassed by other addons because first part of it "Increases the brightness of the Beam by +30 %." has no use.

    Green Intense Halogen outclassed by other addons because first part of it "Increases the brightness of the Beam by +40 %." has no use.

    Red Odd Bulb outclassed by High-End Sapphire Lens because of debuff "Increases the Battery Depletion rate by +14 %." AND its first part "Increases the brightness of the Beam by +50 %." has no use.

    Toolbox is better: in 100% chance players take charges + repair speed addons combined, because its most effective on toolboxes for repairing (i can calculate for you, if you are interested, how effective and why), or in 100% chance players take sabotage speed + sabotage speed OR increased auto-repair time for being most effective.

    Addons by rarity:

    Grey Instructions has no use, because standart player knows how to hit skillchecks, newbies will HAVE TO learn how to hit them, otherwise future games will be impossible, and it doesn't suppress any other skillchecks (from powers). Obviously making it doing so would buff this addon and make it very useful in some scenarios, providing additional tactics for toolboxes.

    Yellow Spring Clamp has no use, because lowering range at which killer can hear you repairing gen doesn't matter, because if he can hear repaired gen, he WILL come there. In VERY RARE situation you can try to repair gen near killer in chase, but we talk about situation with almost done gen, where killer is stupid or deaf and doesn't react to surroundings.

    As we can see, toolboxes are far better in case of usefulness for addons, but here is another thing: grey addons almost never used after certain point which survivor reaches pretty fast. And that is amongst EVERYTHING in game: killers, survivors, items. Because there is tons of them and you just won't be able to waste them all even if you will take them every game nonstop.

    My thought is that grey addons must be made in way to be helpful for newbies (like addon on nurse, which show where you will blink) and must be made infinite, always available. Other addons must be increased in cost at least by half and their work must be reviewed massively.

    I COULD help and give suggestions to dev's what could be done to addons and way to balance them, but i'm sure they won't listen, because they have their own vision no matter what, what i witnessed when they nerfed and rebalanced scourge hook PR for the first time.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    you don’t have to list all these addons, I am aware of it. And pretty sure BHVR is aware of usefulness and use rate as well but there is plenty of other stuff they are working on and I guess these addons are just very low on the priority list.

    I COULD help and give suggestions to dev's what could be done to addons and way to balance them, but i'm sure they won't listen, because they have their own vision no matter what, what i witnessed when they nerfed and rebalanced scourge hook PR for the first time.

    you can give suggestions but never expect for them to just implement it directly the way you suggest it, as you said they have their own vision and it is their video game.

  • JackOf4llTrades
    JackOf4llTrades Member Posts: 42

    I understand what you mean, but the thing is that they think, that since players don't take them, they can ignore them, because they are rare. Its typical survivor's mistake. They are rare BECAUSE they are bad, and thats why works on them are always somewhere in latest and lowest priority.