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General Discussions

Do you feel the game will slowly devolve into Fortnite tier collabs?

I don't want to be pessimistic, but chances keep increasing to see things like Rick and Morty being chased by Ariana Grande. It was already embarrassing to see Nicolas Cage added, especially due to all the meta stuff involved in his character and the advertising surrounding him.

I'm not the type of person who cares about the lore of a PVP casual game but when the premise "killers from horror franchises chasing survivors" devolves into DnD literal who floating bald man chasing elves playing lute it gets silly.

Lots of people are gonna go "it was never a horror game" as they hypocritically cheer when an actual horror franchise icon like Alien is added (or when Behavior stops making inspired by manga killers and instead makes scary killers like The Unkown).

What's sadder is that not a single soul is gonna get interested in the game due to a DnD collab, people who like DnD like RPGs not asymmetrical chase games. There's a reason chapters like Resident Evil are a success and bring a lot of new players.

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  • Member Posts: 1,552

    Let his flesh not be torn
    Let his blood leave no stain
    Though they beat him
    Let him feel no pain
    Let his bones never break
    And however they try
    To destroy him
    Let him never die
    Let him never die

  • Member Posts: 808

    Doomslayer collab!

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    We're already there, I only have to look at Trickster, Skull Merchant, and Vecna. They're bigger clowns than the literal clown.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    The game will not survive unless it attracts customers through collaboration. I think that Chaos from WH and the evil gods from Skyrim are more suitable than D&D, but that's what the management did anyway.

    And the game was received more like The Rocky Horror Picture Show than a B-movie, or at least that's how players adapted it to be.

  • Member Posts: 2,200

    It's 2030, DbD is still alive, DbD the Musical is coming out, every character has their own song, and people returning to the game are extremely confused.

    I get a pony and anti-tunnel? I mean I'd give Survivor: Pile of Dirt a close look if it came with more anti-tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 345

    I kinda wish BHVR focused on original killers and survivors more. What's the point of adding Sadako and then literally pissing on her through nerfs? Also, seeing Leon, Jill, or Ash reduced to "survivors who just run away from killers and get hooked" has always felt odd to me.

    I'm not saying they shouldn't use licensed killers at all (I really like the Onryo even though I only play her in custom trials now), but I'll forever find some of the decisions weird. Fantasy horror is an interesting horror vector to explore, but I'm on the fence about BHVR deciding to use Vecna and the elves for this instead of coming up with their own ideas and concepts. Alas, the masses have been allergic to any originality for a long while.

  • Member Posts: 3,744
    edited May 2024

    I think Nic Cage is awesome.

    I like the voicelines - also Alan Wake ones.

    Also i think they are trying to give us some new horror vibes - the Huntress Were elk skin? The new doctor skin - reminded me of Quake sarge / Duke cigar and RE Birkin skin. These are a bit more monster like imo.

  • Member Posts: 5,952

    A lot of horror requries you to be engaged with the horror in order to be scared by it. A lot of fiction in general requires engagement to be effective. If you can't be bothered to muster that up, then it's going to be lost on you regardless.

    Also DnD is guaranteed to bring people into DbD. It's a massive name.

  • Member Posts: 151

    Honestly yeah, I was getting the same worries with Nic Cage chapter. That one seemed to be okay in retrospect though mostly because his perks were fun. But with how well recieved it was I'm still really hoping they keep this a one-time sillier DLC and don't make it a pattern.

    I know people want to see their faves in-game but I really wish there'd keep some kind of aesthetic integrity and not end in a ridiculous crossover slop. Personally I would rather they don't add stuff that doesn't really fit, even if I'm a fan of it.

    Sadly since the Realm Beyond visual reworks the devs seems to be moving away from the horror aesthetic the game used to have. I didn't play the recent PTB, but from the gameplay I've seen it looks visually like a whole other game...

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I think all the stuff they've added still fits. Nic Cage is an odd inclusion, sure, but he's supposed to be a more jokey character and you only hear his voicelines if you're playing as him, so if ya don't like 'em you can play someone else.

    Both the sci-fi and fantasy inclusions also still fit in my eyes. Some people had some slight reservations when we first got Hux and Gabe but I don't see anyone saying they're weird now, and I'm sure it'll be the same with the fantasy inclusion of Vecna. I personally feel having an elf bard as a survivor feels stranger, but again, after a few months it'll be the norm.

    BHVR has certainly shown that they're accepting of more unusual licenses than I'd figured they would be, but even then I doubt they'd ever include someone who just outright doesn't fit the look or the feel of DBD, like Ariana Grande or Rupaul.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I doubt the devs would be too drastic with the collaborations they pursue unless the game is at its EOL and they get desperate.

    I do wish we get a Scooby Doo cosmetic chapter and a Scary Movie Chapter with Brenda and Cindy as Survivors along with the Alien Michael Jackson imitator as killer since we already have Ghostie.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    that is because resident evil games fall under same category of… video games. DND on other hand? not so much. Tabletop games have very little or no connection to DBD.

    there are indirect references in DND in video games such as stats like STR, Agility, Luck, Wisdom, Int. all that stuff is present in video games but again. none of this is related to dbd.

    Vecna from gameplay perceptive for dbd looks outplace. he is not particular good in PTB and survivor perks are somewhat joke perks. I don't want to jinx it but the licensed chapter might be their worst license ever put into the game.

    I do agree with OP that you will be seeing more Fortnite type licenses in the sense of unrelated horror content. I do not want to use direct names but it was hinted in previous interviews that DBD can add any content they want to add. there is only question of picking your battles for what should be added vs what should not.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Keep it coming!!! I love these Fortnite type of collaboration. You will be seeing my wallet 🤑🤑

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    I do think BHVR needs to be a little careful with how they're going to do collabs in the future but there's no way it will be like fortnite around here. DnD and Nicolas Cage are both amazingly fun collabs that don't take away from the horror aspect of DBD. The only collab that really bothered me was the Rainbow 6 skins. Those were kinda goofy.

  • Member Posts: 820

    It was really weird that we got that collab before any For Honor skins, especially since that game actually had a DBD event. A Knight visceral that turns him into Apollyon would be fire, the voice lines would probably become memes.

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited May 2024

    Horror campaigns with creatures like Liches, Wights, etc are the precursor to horror games. A lot of undead in D&D have abilities that scared players even on a meta level (stat and level drains being a big one) and Eldritch horror creatures such as mindflayers and beholders wreaked havoc on parties all the time. IIRC even Vecna has been around since the 70's. The fact that they're still played today in newer editions proves they stood the test of time, and that people still want more.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I think of DBD more like the Super Smash Bros. of horror.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Firstly, there's nothing embarrassing about Nicolas Cage being in DBD. He fits in perfectly and actually adds an element of fear, because it shows The Entity isn't beyond taking famous figures even we would have considered safe.

    The game is a horror game, absolutely. It's also evolved from the original idea into a broader scope of killers from anywhere, not just pure horror. This makes complete sense, since The Entity is wanting beings capable of killing to do the job, and this does not mean they can only be horror.

    Besides, what we do have are from horror in the broadest sense. DnD has horror elements within it. It's a dark fantasy genre, which includes horror. Why would science fiction be able to be considered horror, when dark fantasy cannot? Even Naughty Bear can be considered in the genre (although certainly not the scary bit).

    The game has moved on and has a broader scope of what it can include, whilst sticking well to the lore the core game comes from. There will still be limits, but the genre of horror is very broad. It would be narrow-minded to consider otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 10,244

    Will you still be saying that when they have an Among Us or Roblox crossover?

  • Member Posts: 409

    its a difference if a game like fortnite gets collabs such as roblox or if dead by daylight gets it.

    Different things work for different games.

    As long as it fits the style and theme, there is nothing wrong with it and dbd has nothing that doesnt fit in there.

    Besides that, collabs is a big reason why dbd is so popular.

  • Member Posts: 2,475
  • Member Posts: 2,493
    edited May 2024

    Seeing as Aot, ST, Nic Cage, DnD, and R6S collabs are already a thing, I'd assume It's already too late for DBD to escape the sinister clutches of pop culture. The only question is…who's next?

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    Exactly like the part where nemi triggers a claymore and gets launched into the side of a truck like a doll. But then can take a rocket to the face and barely flinch.

    Re has some humor

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    "The masses" that play dbd have seen both sides of thr spectrum, amazing original chapters such as blight or dreadful ones such as skull merchant. Now if I keep a track record of original chapters we will have: knight, skull merchant, singularity and unknown. Two horrible chapters, one forgetable and one thats on the line of forgetable even tho its execution and concept was not only creative but amazing horror wise.

    Why on earth would people want original chapters when you look at that track record? I say this as someone who loves the unknown and does play a lot of singularity too. While chucky and alien were not wesker, they were not a disaster of the likes of chess merchant or knight.

    Sad reality for a lot of people is, dbd would be dead without their collabs, most new players come for the pop culture icons they see on the game, they play them and then get invested in the game.

  • Member Posts: 9,412

    Maybe in its playerbase mentality but bhvr doesn't have the pull like Epic has.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Vecna looks extremely silly and out of place in DBD imo. Hate it!

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    Yes, he looks out of place while robbie the rabbit, mr puddles, trickster, naughty bear, goofy ahh wesker running, and the goofball that is skullmerchants existance chase me in my horror game.

    Dbd is mostly a multiplayer tag game with a horror theme that has been succesful thanks to them being open to trying different things. Denying this would deny the most succesfull but more importantly fun chapters such as project W and nicholas cage which were objectively healthy for the game.

  • Member Posts: 786

    Project W you mean the chapter based on one of the best survival horror games of all time featuring 2 of the most popular characters from said survival horror franchise? Okay

  • Member Posts: 148

    Man D&D being added to the game really broke peoples brains.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    lol, I wouldn't mind an Ariana Grande survivor or legendary skin for a current survivor. Would it really be all that different from some of the current survivors or skins of survivors? At the end of the day it would just be another girl to throw on a hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    Incredible showcase of cluelessness, anyone who is familiar with the RE franchise would know that RE 5 and RE 6 are far from survival horror. The RE community has a debate between survival horror purists hating those games for not being survival horror like every week on the RE subreddit. Literally zero clue of the IP you are refering to. Wesker is one of the goofiest villains in the saga thanks to RE 5, not only that people who think RE is just pure survival horror have either only played the remakes or never played an RE game to begin with.

    What is the best RE game of all time? While the debate is still ongoing, majority of the playerbase will have one answer, RE4 which is also the goofiest of the bunch. Trying to paint resident evil as this survival horror beyond bounds that is always serious is incredibly ignorant of the ip, without the bingos, bounder punching, one liners it eouldnt be RE. And taking into account dbd second RE chapter is based on the fifth entry which has as much survival horro as a COD campaign is just funny people try to paint it as a pure horror experience.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    I don’t find Wraith scary but Vecna is on a whole different level of Silly. You guys are free to disagree and enjoy the chapter when it drops but nothing will change my opinion on this.

  • Member Posts: 854

    Anyone can be a survivor even you or me. I mean Dwight or Meg are not specifically horror themed... Is Kate more than this elf?

    It's killers who matters. And Vecna fills this role. Even if you disagree that perfectly, he still fits better than skull merchant, trickster or even doctor. I would say that he fits horror vibe more than most current killer cast.

    And it does not matter where he came from. Ghost face came from slasher... But it was ordinary world. Trickster came from nowhere since he is original character, same with Dredge. Even if Vecna would came from fantasy land of fairies and adventure times, he is still a genocidal maniac who's goal is to kill and make suffering.

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