Revert Huntress hatchet count

Huntress is overperforming with 7 hatchets, revert back to 5.
Overperfoming in what multiverse?
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The only thing I can recommend is cleaning up the hitboxes BUT that is overall things to be done
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What do you even base this on?
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Holding the M2 over 2 seconds is more a thing than 7 hatchets instead 5…
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The huntress's I face don't feel any more oppressive than before her buff imo
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Good for you, but TS is right, this buff wasn't needed. Bad huntress will miss all hatchets or most of them, good huntress with 5 hatchets at BEST can down 2 survivors and one injured with one load. Now she can down all 4.
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Which they could do before the buff using 1 addon
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Which is taking one addon slot. Now you can have this AND sloppy butcher addon + aura addon, which makes her incredibly stronger.
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I haven't seen a Huntress struggle for a long time, almost every survivor game I play against her ends in multiple kills. They also end up being pretty miserable games due to sniper shots taking me completely off guard and generally going down without entering chase most of the time. Not to mention the low-effort proxy camping.
I feel like Huntress is in a similar ballpark as Nurse. Obviously not nearly to the same extent, but in the sense that her "average" kill rate is a product of lower-mmr Huntresses struggling while higher MMR Huntresses dominate their games. Particularly in the way that a skilled PC Huntress just has to run a couple aura perks and they can essentially just click on you from across the map and score a down.
So yes, I don't understand why she was buffed at all.
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Better aura perks than 4 slowdowns… Otherwise what should she run? Not like many chase perks make sense on Huntress… I don't think higher mmr huntresses dominate, many players said when asked about the buffs that she was not too good against players that know what they are doing, and orbital shots are only a thing if you don't pay attention, so at least that part is fully on the survivor.
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I feel like this is a reference to never running out of hatchets. However, a good huntress has also never run out of hatchets mid chase and picks their shots
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Honestly let her keep the hatchets, hell give her more. The problem with her is holding hatchets for extended periods of time. It would be awesome to see a limit put on the time huntress can hold up a hatchet.
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Source: "trust me bro"
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I'd say the buffs are fine, they made her less addon dependant, as her windup without at least one addon was really slow, same for additional hatchets. And I did not really perceive her as that much more oppressive now compared to before.