Now hear me out...

People speculating the walking dead but it could be this version...
Isnt she a minor for the entirety of the series? I only really know about Season 1 and part of Season 2 of the Telltale Games.
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Same but they could age her up like yoichi
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Only at the start - she is older at the end.
The speculation is because of the Nemesis stats with the Zombie Apocalypse and we should try to kill Zombies - if Walking Dead comes i think it has to be the main cast first.
… also maybe - true survivors are many - Rambo, Ripley (got that), Tomb Raider (only the new version), Solid Snake… (David Hasselhoff Kung Fury :-)
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She's 16 by the time of the final season, which is where OP's picture is from.
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Yeah, if she is 16, then she will not be in the game.
This would be an option, but this depends on the license holder.
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Which is why they can just age her up and let her be taken into the game 2 years after the final season, similar to how Yoichi and Cheryl was aged up from their last appearance in their source material.
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imo, the hint goes directly to Daryl Dixon from the show as he is stated in there to have been a survivor before the Zombie apocalypse even started.
Same goes for Carol Peletier and my dummy brain is just hoping. Ideally we get a few legendary skins though. Daryl would be the most boring pick for me but currently the most likely.
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They cannot "just age her up". This would only work if the license holder is fine with that. If they are, sure, possible. If they are not, 100% impossible to bring her into the game.
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Couldn't bhvr just make a blanked statement in the start screen saying "all characters portrait are atlest 18 years old" and thats it? I mean they woulndt even need to change the character. A 16 year old and an 18 year old look just the same.
When i started to play i was under the impression feng is still a teen.
But to be honest i dont get why people even make such a fuzz about kids being hurt or killed in games
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it’s because of legal reasons in some specific states as far as I know.
it’s kinda weird for a game that’s basically a slasher horror movie turned into a game as most slasher movies have teens between 16-18 as victims..
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YYeah I think its especially strange in dbd but i never understood whey there is such a drama in general.
As an example fallout was so strange. You littraly use a nuke to vaporise a whole cuty full of people but then the three kids of that town magicly survive that . Its not even me attacking them directly ^^
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They could do this, but people would know that Clem is not 18. And BHVR has said in the past that all Characters in DBD will be Adult Characters. And since Clementine never was Adult in the Telltale Games, she would need to be aged up and that is depending on the license owner. So it would basically be a BHVR-version of a licensed character (same like Yoichi).
And well, BHVR is serious with this "only Adults" in DBD. They also were heavily against calling Victor a "Baby", which some people did when Twins first came out.
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Tbf the Victor stuff I believe has a lot to do with DBD needing to get approved in other countries so they legally can't have them be a baby but if what I heard about development for Twins is at all true they weren't even "Twins" originally but I'll leave it at that.
Honestly because of that I'm a little surprised we even got Vecna because China really hates skeletons. As far as DBD goes Clem is possible but they would have to age her up slightly and there's another problem uuuhhhh let's call it a mobility problem but I don't wanna spoil it for people that haven't played the game. Also I just think they go with the show cuz it has wider appeal.
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I'm fairly certain most license holders wouldn't care if bhvr ages their character up by 2 years lore-wise, they moreso care about how their characters are potrayed in the game and if it's making them money.
Seeing as how Skybound have a comic that continues clementine's story after the final season, i don't think they'll mind that bhvr ages her up to fit within the game.
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I think it's going to be Daryl Dixon. If it was from Telltale's games, I'd prefer Lee or Kenny, personally.
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It debends most 16 years old can look younger than 18 years old it's still critical deveploment age some even still look children. So they should bit age her up.
Those horror movies have always 30 years old acting them though. So I always though they were adults at least over 20.
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well. Yeah. Fair enough.
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Seeing as how every time we've had an underage licensed survivor they've been aged up to be legal, idk why you are absolutely certain that she can't be in the game
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This happened once so far. And well, I said, it is possible if the license holders would agree. But if not, it is entirely impossible.
(And tbh, I think someone from the TV Series will fit better)
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I'll be happy with Lee
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Isn't Cheryl/Heather underage? That makes 2
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She's aged up for DbD, her bio states it's been years since SH3.