Why is the Oni Flick Still In

See, when Blight got his hug tech nuked, they rightfully removed it because it denied the main counterplay around most loops since a good Blight could completely move around a mid/long loop and ignore it.
Meanwhile, Oni still has the funny 180 flick that should’ve died at PTB eons ago and he’s in insta down mode for the majority of it while he’s snowballing. Tight Corners and bends were supposed to help against him. Not outright deny his power but help. With the flick, he literally has no blind spot. It’s as oppressive as old Top Knot.
Plus the poor console peepos can’t do it and even they could hug tech with Blight. Why is Oni’s funny flick still here when all you do is look up.
Saying you cant counter oni flicks shows a misunderstanding of them, yes they will hit you if you hug the corner, but you can juke him before that.
Bad onis are a joke because of that, his power is literally just a timer for you to go into corners while in chase and you will not get hit by it because well... They are bad and cannot flick.
Now playing against a good oni is scary af because they can actually make blood fury scary and you have to thing how to approach a chase, should you use a corner? Should you fake the window? Use collision to make him miss or a checkspot to avoid getting hit?
Why on earth should devs remove the only skill ceiling oni has?
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if you think hug tech changed blight's counterplay at all or mitigated it you dont know what you're talking about
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The skill ceiling you’re taking about is looking up with high sensitivity and moving your mouse left or right if you don’t see them in front of you.
Stop saying it’s a skill ceiling. It’s detrimental, and I’m not trying to be rude. You know what a skill ceiling is? Huntress crossmaps, orbitals, Unknown bounces. If you want flicks that actually require ‘skill’ to use then look at Wesker flicks. You can control which direction you throw someone and can extend the area at which you can grab someone ever so slightly.
The Oni flick is a 180 that’s impossible to dodge. The way you described it is literally the farthest from the truth. He’s right next you. You’re essentially arguing he should not be restricted from downing you at all. The point of Oni’s power is that he’s a powerhouse with all the tools to help you get a down. 180s completely overblow it with minimal effort.
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Yeah it did. Most Blights just rush you down after pallet breaks now in a dead zone. They can’t, you know, ignore loops.
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I hate to say but you're just wrong on every front. Oni is still counterable even if he tries for 180 flicks, or just flicks in general. All you need to do is juke him out, and sometimes you don't get it. That's it.
On top of that, just because Blight had his hugs removed doesn't mean he's suddenly so much weaker. His counter is still the exact same as before, and is coincidentally the exact same as Oni: just juke him out. That's it. Still.
The others are correct here. You arguing against it just shows an unwillingness to admit that you unironically are dealing with a skill issue, as many of us have and still do. Let go of the pride man, it's just a video game and sometimes people are better.
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Your argument is juking a literal 180 hitbox and then implying I don’t know the Killer I’m playing against.
I’d argue you’re outright not contributing to the argument and lying about the people you’re talking about. Your word salad is saying the equivalent of “skissue, should’ve just dodged lmao”
No. I played I Oni. I played during the PTB. I 180’d people with ease. Once I learned that the tech was still around, I continued 180’ing people with ease till I slowly realized how monumentally easy it is to pull off.
If you want another example then look at Pyramid Head flicks. Near same execution. The difference is the thing you’re talking about ACTUALLY applies here. The AOE is telegraphed and difficult to pull off once they see you using it.
Oni is in constant control. The survivor don’t get a say in if they get flick’d or not. You wanna know why? Because just like PH, Oni instantly turns his camera and model to your direction. This is not a PH AOE you can dodge, this is a Demon Strike out of Dash that is impossible to dodge and the only constant keeping it in check was the limited turn radius.
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First off, calm down. Second off, I'm literally the third person in a row telling you you're just straight up wrong. Nobody has agreed with you, and with how aggressive you are, I guarantee the two others that do agree with you don't even wanna participate. I'd love to see irrefutable proof that Oni flicks don't require skill to do correctly though.
No matter what, like I mentioned before, this is still just over a video game. Or, to put it in simpler terms, it's not something worth getting this heated over, and if you can't see that then you may need to reevaluate some stuff in your life.
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Dude, you outright insulted me when I’m providing examples of why it’s oppressive. You’re the one not reading the room and thinking my posts have any sort of aggression in them. I bluntly responded to you after attacking my character and that’s what you’re surprised about? First guy I straight up just told them the leniency on it was detrimental but I have no qualms with them. Just, you know, arguing. Something people do.
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Saying flicking requires you to look up just showed the amount of cluelessness you have on the topic, you dont even need to do that.
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They will be removed. It would be a double standard not to after removing Chuckys 180 flicks. Then I assume Wesker would be next because his hug techs are definitely not intentional.
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Aw dang. Sorry I dropped my evidence here. Hehe smile.
Anyway. Yes you look up.
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Wesker hug tech is definitely not intentional but I do hope they keep the little things. He’s got some funny stuff going on when the people that play him don’t tunnel.
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I didn't attack your character. I simply suggested that you don't want to admit you're wrong and, as such, get aggressive over something as unimportant as one character in a video game.
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Ahh yes, because some people need to doesnt mean its necesary, its been shown that you can do it without looking up.
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Please provide the evidence that I’m wrong and I’ll concede to this argument.
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Considering you can still flick on blight, I don't really see why you are comparing flicks on Oni to Blights Hug tech?
I'll also have to disagree on the first part, his hug tech did not get nuked rightfully, they completely messed up his collision by letting him bump on everything… That so called collision "fix" went way overboard. Hug tech did not deny counterplay, it just opened up a different layer of gameplay, and every experienced Blight player out there explained why that was and how it was (mostly)inferior to bump logic anyway. They even explained how to counter hug tech, but apparently that was not good enough?
Oni still has a blind spot even with his flick, and a fairly obvious one at that, you have to look up to do the flick, so you can take that into account and just juke the 180°, since he needs to look up he cannot look at what you are doing.
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I couldn't agree more. Oni is generally fun to go against, but if the Oni player knows this tech, it becomes much less fun because quite a bit of counterplay against Oni is just thrown out of the window.
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I do find it absolutely hilarious that people are telling you to "just counter" an uncounterable exploit, and then turn around and call it a "skill ceiling."
It's not hard to program a hard angle cap on all these flick killers, but the devs refuse to do it for some reason.
I also agree that it provides pc players with such a significant advantage, and the game should try to minimize those as much as possible.
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Me when I enter a locker forcing the Oni to grab me so his power ends:
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Took me my damn time but I found it. While this CC does mention the lookup in his initial clips you can see its possible. Take a close look at the maria getting downed in fathers campell map. Looking up makes it wayy more manageable and easier to control but its not necesary if you have high anough DPI.
While yes doing the look up makes it leagues easier, it is not required for oni to flick.
Aside from that I still remain convinced, removing oni flicks just makes him a worse billy on all aspects. Hell he already is a worse billy thx to the billy buffs.
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So the guy saying that guy is wrong is way more wrong it doesn't matter if its counterable or have a skill ceiling its not intended design Oni is only supposed to attack 90 degrees not 180 hes not supposed to backwards slam you. Thats it.
Chucky 180 flicks weren't intended either and got fixed accordingly, Hug techs are no exception blight got fixed eventually so will wesker. Devs aint the quickest fixers but it will eventually.
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this entire post for Oni can be just replaced with Blight everywhere.
Why on earth did the devs remove the only skill ceiling blight has?
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I have no idea and disagree with the devs solution tho, I think hug tech should not have been removed, it took depth out of blight. Blight needed his addons gutted not to be made dumber to play, and I say this as someone who lacks the skill to play blight. Same with chucky, taking away his flicks made him one of the most boring and shallow characters in the game. thats why I am against them doing the same to oni.
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that is how i currently feel about blight. He's now one the most boring and shallow characters in the game. I do have to agree with @FrenchBagels on this particular line: "It’s as oppressive as old Top Knot.". I was against nerfing top knot because it would make every single Oni utilize "180 flick tech". This is obviously not intended so it is easy way for dev like mandy to report this is indeed bug. So I do see this getting changed.
I have to say. Wesker with tech is one of the most flashy characters to watch. It is like watching Wesker play with his food. Wesker had two things for him. His hindered tunneling which is being nerfed to the ground and this tech. Wesker will really lose a lot of his power when he is fixed to function properly.
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if wesker gets nerfed then this game would truly be hillbilly/nurse simulator for anyone who wants to have an enjoyable tryhrad killer experience.
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Just because something was not intended does not mean it is not a good addition to the game... Looping was not an intended mechanic, Hillbilly curving was not an intended mechanic. Eurobend on wesker was not an intended mechanic, got removed, everybody wanted it back and it got reintroduced basically immediately after. Saying something should be removed because it was not intended is just not a proper argument, you didn't want to create it, but maybe it is a good addition to the character, so why remove it?
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If its a good addition then I want Chucky scamper back
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Well that was for sure not a good addition.
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This is what I was worried about when Blight was getting his Hug Tech removed, people would use it as a justification to remove other techs. I really hate to see it since it ultimately dumbs down the game and removes a massive skill gap for both sides (play and counterplay).
Also, as a former Console player, I dont see the point in using Console as a justification to nerf things. PC can do some really cool things, so why not give Console players the tools to also do those cools things as well? It just seems really shallow to nerf PC instead of trying to make Console better to play on.
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The best things they can do for console is much better optimization and M&K support.
Better optimization benefits all platforms, and apparently they do work constantly on it. But there needs to be more. This game lags in it's own menues for Entity's sake.
M&K support neatly gets rid of most of those concerns with what players can and can t do with a controller. Sadly they've said repeatedly over the years they have no plans to add it. One of the reasons given for removing Chucky's flick was because no controller player can do it.
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That’s why I was genuinely surprised people were crying and throwing up about Huntress getting smol buffs. I would rather go against an S Tier buffed Huntress than even an A Tier Nurse/ Blight.
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Small buffs? You can't be serious.
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So many things about this game were not intended. Basically most things survivors can do were not intended.
I would rather keep all techs than remove all of them. Game will be simply boring without those extra things you can learn to do, which is true for both sides.
I am definetly not a fan of cherry picking.0 -
Absolutely lol. 2 hatchets isn’t crazy considering she is one of only two killers in the game that has to go to a horribly placed locker and reload, sometimes dropping chase to do it. The movement speed was definitely needed, it could’ve been toned back a bit but honestly there are way to many loops in this game that force her to M1. 10% windup is nice but not crazy either, they could’ve honestly made oak haft base kit.
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Good enough?
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hug tech didnt "ignore loops", it let blight use their power in more situations. Sure it was strong, but no killer in this game is able to "ignore loops" even nurse is affected by tiles due to LOS blockers and even pallets sometimes. Now, blights break pallets and rush right after because that is the most optimal way to use the power. Since double speed was nerfed, blight loses a big part of his ability to force, and win 50/50s at dropped pallets. I would argue the double speed nerf had more of an impact than the hug tech removal did on creating all of these Brutal strength, zoning, 2 rush blights. I could also say hug tech was more enjoyable to play against, but thats subjective
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Blight's, Oni's, (even Wesker's) and Hillbilly's slide/flick techs are all utilizing their map traversal power in ways to be incredibly mobile and lethal at the same time while bypassing the chase design restraints on that portion of their power (bounces and turning angle, turning angle and wind-up and closeness, rev time,) with little trade-off, while also just being the same normal loop gameplay just with hit faster at loops.
Euro-bend Wesker still requires the Killer to hit with their power normally, before taking into account their surroundings and where to throw the survivor, is relatively easy to perform with any hardware and setup, and thematically ties into how the power is used: finding an angle.
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I fail to see what you mean in the first paragraph... Blight is basically required to flick, otherwise you could easily side step his rush if he could not flick? Same goes for Oni?
And how exactly does Billy's curve bypass something? The curving is what makes out his chase potential...
Wesker might hit the survivor but it removes the survivor option to position themselves In a way where they cannot be thrown at a wall normally... So would it somewhat still count by your logic?
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They apparently fixed it a long time ago, but people with super high dpi were able to get around it, so they didn't really fix it in the end. This and Wesker's hug tech needs to be removed from the game. Thankfully Wesker's hug tech is harder to do, compered to Blight's hug tech, so at least it's a less common sight, than it was with Blight.
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Throwing your mouse across the room is not "skill".
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Sounds like someone who can't do it…
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Depends how precise you need to be for it I guess.
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You don't need that high DPI, I can do it with 3000, which probably any gaming mouse can do.
My DBD setting sensitivity is 50%, so probably less if I would change it to 100%.
I really don't think it should be removed. Oni has weakest early game in DBD, his power should be strong. It is way weaker without flicks. It would be very easy to loop him on short loops, if Oni couldn't flick more than 90.
Only fix I would do is make it possible for console…
I really hate such cherry picking to removing only techs you don't use. Either remove every tech from both sides, or just don't remove them unless it is really game breaking, which I don't consider to be true for neither of those.1 -
I'm not really cherry picking things, it's just there are many "techs", that are actually exploits, but there are things that are okay, though they are rare. Like, some people believe orbitals from Huntress are an exploit, but it makes sense that a hatchet if it's not interrupted by any collision can hit a survivor from the sky. On the other hand stuff like Wesker's hug tech, Oni's and Billy's 180 flicks, survivors using heal and point tech should be fixed.
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New peripherals are expensive
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What do you mean by Billy's 180 flick? Do you mean his increased curve window at the start of the chainsaw sprint? You cannot call that an exploit, as it was intentional, they put that in the patch notes for a reason, to counteract the nerf to the cooldown addons. How can it be an exploit if it was intentional... Like the only way to argue there is to say they did not realise this would increase the turnrate because it is based on ° per second... And that would be odd, as in that you are assuming they don't know how Billy works... Or why do you assume Billy's curve window is an exploit?
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Not talking about his increased curve window, but the 180 flicks you can do with the Lo Pro Chains add-on. Thankfully they are very rare and not as useful a lot of the time, but still should be patched out. Here's a video where the 180 flick is mentioned.
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This and Wesker's hug tech needs to be removed from the game.
Sounds like cherry picking…
I think this game would be just boring, if we fixed all techs. There is simple not that much to learn without them in my opinion.1 -
Nah man, those are great, they are not even good, they are just hillarous :D
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Pretty fair, those techs are what gives depth to the gameplay I really don't see a reason to remove them just because they are "techs" or "not intended"…
Post edited by Archol123 on0