We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Change How Map Offerings Function

Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

Currently, the way map offerings function is that they tremendously increase the chance of being sent to a specific realm. Now, I don't know what this looks like under the hood in terms of coding, but I would like to see it changed.

Instead of the offering sending you to a specific realm, have it tremendously decrease the chance of being sent to a specific realm. It can be incredibly frustrating getting the same map multiple times in a row, especially if it's one you don't particularly enjoy. It can also be incredibly frustrating as killer when survivors send you to maps like Garden of Joy.

I believe the solution I've proposed is a positive one that both killers and survivors could be happy with. It's a middle ground that solves the problem of being sent to highly unfavorable maps as killer, while also solving the problem of getting the same map too many times in a row as survivor.


  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Some people play super casually. They might play one match, and that's enough to tide them over for a week. Others play a little less casually, and play multiple matches in a row. It really, really sucks when you've gotten RPD for the fifth time in a row.

    Any realm can get stale fast when you get it five times in a row. While I understand your feelings on map offerings, I simply think it would be far better to change how they work currently than to simply do away with them altogether.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,093

    I feel like the lone idiot that doesn't mind map offerings. I'll use them once in a blue moon to exit corn map or rpd hell. They don't bother me when my opponents play them because it gives me an excuse to sweat, which is fun every once in a while.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,268
    edited May 31

    Same. I think map offerings as a problem are vastly overblown. I've had too many cases where I've either decided against an offering, or been met with a sacrificial ward, but still ended up on the same map anyway, and/or played on a favoured map and lost/non-favoured map and won. That it really doesn't bother me in the slightest outside of freak instances of full boil over-sabo squads on Badham.

    It's more of a psychological issue, and could be helped by making map offerings hidden. Additionally keep adding variations to realms so that no offering only includes one single map.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368

    There are 2 easy solutions, put your own map offering or use the offering that ignores any map offerings.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,797

    I agree. The work that needs to be done is tweaking problematic maps. Those offerings themselves aren't the issue, it's concerns with various maps and problems on them.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    i think it is more that map offering from survivor = SWF. It comes from SWF using badham, doing gens in 5-6 minutes and suddenly you just hate every single badham offering.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,268

    I don't disagree. Badham needs an overhaul.

    But yes, typically offerings are a "problem" when played by a coordinated SWF. So how much of the problem is down to the map (besides Badham) and how much is just because it's a coordinated SWF?

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    Are map offerings really affecting your matches or your mindset considering kill rate is right around where the devs want.

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183
    edited June 1

    You get the same map multiple times in a row at times when the devs are testing out something on that map and use us as guinea pigs playing millions of matches on that specific map so they can collect data. They can choose at any time what map/maps are more likely to be selected. This is what they do with new maps for the 1st couple weeks after they come out, and why each of these past weeks there has been a few specific maps you're more likely to encounter. Literally the only way to not play the map the devs are collecting data on at times is by using a map offering to go somewhere else

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 749

    Well, I would prefer Map Offerings get Removed or... be reworked to not favor one sided. The problem with map offerings being hidden would be that it wouldn't be truly hidden from the other side POV. For example, if you are playing survivor and killer brought up a Mori offering, the offering icon is invisible yet we all know that a mori offerings is in play as we can still see the covered up offering.

    And even if the devs Removed the offerings icons so it doesn't immediately alert the others side if a map or mori offerings is in play; it still doesn't change the fact that map offerings are very oppressive and gives one sided a straight up map advantage as it can work super well foe their loadout builds.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,268

     it still doesn't change the fact that map offerings are very oppressive 

    I mean, I literally just disagreed with this "fact".

    You wouldn't know if a hidden offering was a map, a mori or a shroud.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 667

    In my opinion this is the best solution because map offerings are needed to do these stupid achievements but many players abuse them for unfair, unhealthy, and different thimgs that hurt the playerbase more than it helps. It's not funny to play on a map that one player wants.

    If map offerings were hidden, it would create a new psychological issues 1) when you see a hidden offering you will immediately think it will be a map offering because the other hidden ones are not very common (two on survivor side and soon one on killerside). 2) If the match is on a good map for one side and you know there was a hidden offering, it will do the same like right now but a little bit later. 3) when you see the map offering on the endgame screeen, it will do a different negative effect on you.

    In the end your suggestion will remove the current situation but won't make it better in the end.

    I want good and balanced maps for both sides too but in reality this will be impossible or will take years when we look how slowly the developers are (no offense). It is easy to create non strong survivor maps but difficult to create maps that are not strong specific killers (e.g. Nurse, Blight, Artist, and Billy are good on maps like Azaroth but Ghostface is strong on Midwich and Lerries thus Nurse works good on Midwich ect.)

    However, we can also get both good map design (the developers do a good job because the latest maps are fair and balanced for both sides) and a solution for completing achievements and what not.

    Using the offering for Withereld is still good either you get GoJ and even not, Grenville is still a fair map. You basically lose nothing.

    I don't think fight fire with fire is a good solution, especially when you don't know if the other side brings a map offerings. Sacrifice Wards are limited. I have a P100 Artist with 128 but only because I've never used one of them. I also have killers and survivors with 4 - 10 of them. What should I do when I don't have one? Stop playing this character? The math does not work to use them every match especially when they are lost even though there was no map offerings. Also many players just want BP which is why they rather want BP offering.

    It's not a SWF or survivor only thing, killers also use map offerings for their advantage. It is not just badham. Erie, GoJ or The Game are also strong survivor /boring killer maps. There are also the comp fakes that send you to Autohaven or Azaroth because these maps are reliable and have good spots for survivors too.

    Also on survivorside, sometimes survivors send you to a strong killer map like Midwich because this survivor wants to do an archive like "stay for 120 sec in killer terrorradius" and when I play survivor I hate it because why do we have a difficult map as SoloQ just because one of the teammates want it? It's not fair. Map offering users exist on both sides and can affect any player.

    It's not about the winning, loosing, or killrate is about how the match feels and it feels bad when one side sends you a map of their advantage. In addition, when a survivor brings a map offering I often get the Otz law (50% of the time) that the map offering users dcs or hook suicide. In addition to that: I had a Chaos Shuffle match in which one survivor used a Ormond offering and the other one a RPD one. RDP won and the Ormond player decided to give up immediately (came to me and did hook suicide). Map offerings also hurt SoloQ even though SoloQ brought the map offering.

    Year, for my killrate it is good because I get the 3k or 4k due to this. Results this in a funny match for me? No. For the other three survivors? I don't think so. However, this is most of the time SoloQ which is not good. Swfs don't have this issue because they agree on one map.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368

    I dont see it as fighthing fire with fire, simply to deny the other team the advantage they are trying to get.

    If you dont have one, then the original idea would be useless aswell… right?