Which "hold the game hostage" killer would you rather face
Killers that could slow the game down tons or just hold it hostage entirely (Before the gen damage block mechanic. Solo q)
Which "hold the game hostage" killer would you rather face 14 votes
Interesting poll… can Singularity do 3-genning? This is new for me.
Also, what's a Forever Freddy?
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Singularity used to be able to hold a 3 gen using his cameras and Forever Freddy 2-3 years ago Freddy had 2 slowdown addons mix that with 4 slowdown perks and the game would drag on forever that's why it was called "Forever Freddy"
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3 Gen Singularity
Ideally none tbh.
But if I were forced to pick, probably HUX, since at least I can hear funny voicelines every now and then.
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3 Gen Singularity
HUX all the way! Hve not played against it for at least a month!