Why are Skull Merchant's still hated?



  • VampireHimbo
    VampireHimbo Member Posts: 20

    What i hate the most is all the gaslighting about how she is unable to 3 gen, but every single Skull Merchant i see does a 3 gen and her new drones allow her to injure a survivor just trying to run away from the gen since she can drone the whole area. Matches against her still last 40 minutes.

    I myself tried her and i won thanks to a 3 gen. Survivors can't do anything. If they even bother to destroy a drone, she just calls it back and replaces it immediatly. She has her power on at all times and if you do gens while the drones are active you're asking to be wounded when she gets near and forces you to run away and eat all the radars.

  • BbQz
    BbQz Member Posts: 83

    I started playing dbd this year. Only recently got into the forums and went in completely blind. The first 2nd 3rd and even after watching videos on how she works ends with me not liking her at a core design she does to much for to little broken isn't the right word and she very beatable but I value my time like many others a serious game vs SM is just going to take longer and be more hiding less looping then other killers so more time for less reward sad but true Looping SM just feels like a contest in holding W. So I see her I wave good bye and go on my way maybe they will rework her? Maybe not but I don't see enough SMs where I feel bad for my decision which means I'm not wasting much of my personal time.

    P.s. please don't reply with some moral agruement about my "team" sorry but as I'm sure you can say the same to others my time is just personally more valuable to me then yours is. Sorry not sorry

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Aside from what people already said about her not being fun to play against and even as.

    Her visual design is boring and uninspired, her lore is generic at best and there is just nothing interesting about her. She is just terribly designed in every aspect of her existence.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Someone else already gave roughly an explanation of what is different, but I would like to add that while those killers need to somewhat aim for proper positioning or at least work towards being that position all she does I solace the drone somewhere around the loop, because its area effect covers the whole loop anyway.

    Trapper stands still, needs to position the trap in a way it cannot be ignored or walked around and survivors can still just run away.

    Hag is quite similar to Trapper in that regard.

    Clown needs to place his bottles properly, take pallet control beforehand and then work with both to force the survivor in a way to get a hit, and all that before the survivor just decides to leave the loop.

    Artist unless played as place bird on window/pallet needs to aim her power to predict movement and mostly hit survivors twice.

    Dredge gets slowed down so they can make it to the next loop.

    Knight suffers similar issues as skull merchant which is why people also complain about him a lot, but at least he is visually nice and has a decent lore.

    Singularity is completely different. Not only does he have to put thought and effort into placing pods and tagging survivors his overclock mode also suffers when you don't run family photo, nothing about him is free. He is one of the hardest killers in the game, whereas skull merchant just gets to press a button to get her power into activation...

  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80

    notice how you said "could" , NOT EVERYONE TUNNELS, and even in your confused mindset you think its "begging" its honestly understandable to want to lessen the hate on her as she is easily beatable, especially since not the entire player base is toxic or tunnels, slugs, etc.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean it is not only about her gameplay and the mechanics, she is also hated because of her visuals and lore, they all seem rather low effort and generic.

    Also it is kind of fair to not like her because of how she plays, people don't like legion because they don't like mending, he is not necessarily strong but annoying. The same goes for Skull Merchant.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,177
    edited June 3

    I personally dont like her since she is the definition of "the illusion of choice".

    You stop in place or crouch to avoid being hit with her power thus not giving her a free health state or avoiding the Hindered effect… but in the process of doing that, you are slowed down and still have the potential to be hit. Regardless of what you do, youll still be slowed down and youll still be hit eventually, hence why it's the illusion of choice.

    None of this is even covering the fact that Chess Merchant is still a thing that people do. :(

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Yeah, she just has no redeeming aspects to her kit... Nothing about her is well designed, astheticially pleasing or fun to play as and against. The game would be better off without her and that is a really hard to accomplish thing...

  • イエローミント
    イエローミント Member Posts: 188

    I often hear the opinion that 'this is a party game,' yet it's strange that survivors demand clean gameplay from killers. I don't think there is such a thing as dirty or clean for killers because they are killers. It pains me to see Skull Merchant being constantly bashed with unwarranted criticism.

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    This really depends on who you ask. A lot of people still hate going up against her because they think she's boring, and that's ok (I personally enjoy her but still). Other than that, it's mostly just residual hatred from how she once was as well as how hard BHVR tried/is trying to push the community to like her.

    That all said, a lot of people who do play her are still toxic in how they play. Sadly, that's how a good few specific-killer mains are. I used to be a Knight main because I thought the Guards were fun for several different things, but I was one of few who didn't 3-gen. I even had two people give up on first hook in the same game, and I just felt bad and realized it was because I was playing Knight (which I've talked about before but still). Point is, some people just hate the stereotypes enough to just quit against whatever killer.