Are people really against having longer games?

It feels like everytime someone mentions gen repair speeds (base time, speed-ups, slowdowns) its always met with "Well it's our objective to do them and get out they shouldn't take forever"
I just want games to last longer than 7 minutes so we can have some good chases. Even as a survivor who LIKES doing gens I at least want one or two chases with the killer, even if I go down in 30 seconds. Chases are what makes the game fun, games should take even a tiny bit longer so we can have more of them in a match
Right now the game is in no position to have it's objective time for survivors increased. Killers are already doing well, and increasing survivors objective time would also just further buff tunneling and camping, which are already too strong in the current state of DBD.
I think the main problem really is that doing gens just isn't the most interesting part of DBD, which is why survivor players don't want to spend even more time doing exactly that. A second objective would be the only proper solution to prolong matches.
Right now, you can definitely make sure matches take longer than 7 minutes, if you have at least 1 or 2 slowdown perks equipped and know how to apply map pressure. Just going for chases though probably won't result in long matches against very good survivors.
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If the match last 20mins without a hook, the game feel pretty quick for killers. You know what I mean.
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The longer a match goes on, the greater the chance that it ends in a 3K+. The issue isn't making games take longer, the issue is making games take longer without royally breaking the game's balance. Killers are already currently overperforming, so just making gens take longer would shove the balance further out of line.
Killers will have to take pretty invasive nerfs if we want gens to take that much longer. And, as already mentioned: Tunnelling and in particular Camping set limits to how long survivors can be made to take on gens.
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Long solo queue matches generally mean the killer will win due to inefficiency. Survivors either crank gens getting out early, the killer is trying to 12 hook, or both sides are playing super safe/stalling out the match in a 3 gen.
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The issue is not only that gens are rather boring but that longer games will result in resources being used on the map and eventually there is nothing left to use, it may result in more chases but the chase is not interesting when the map is just a giant dead zone.
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I'm always : fun > winning
Sadly with the way this game has changed over the past years, it has also gotten a lot more competetive.
With that, people focused solely on winning, resulting in optimization wherever possible.
I don't know if this can be fixed somehow without completely redesigning the objective for both sides.
Best thing right now would he to change the mindset of the playerbase but that's almost as impossible as getting 50 wins in comp with Freddy.
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What might help is bringing back alternative 'win' conditions, IE: the BP bonuses of WGLF and BBQ. Those allowed survivors to 'win' in a 4k, and killers to 'win' in a 4E.
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I think these should just be basekit and not locked back into the perk, especially wglaf, and call me a pessimist, but I never bought arguments that wglaf or bbq really made a difference in the competitiveness of the game - ie the strategy for killers still was tunnel out one survivor early even with bbq to try to secure a easy win, so I personally don’t think these would make things less or more competitive. I don’t doubt some people used them as win conditions, but I don’t think that mentality was as widespread as people think.
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Sure, but they should not be locked behind perks.
Alternative objectives in general could change up the gameplay for the better.
I understand OP in the sense that 5min games are awful regardless of what role is played.
I want to play the game. If my time to reach the match is longer than the match itself, then we have a big problem.
Why? Because then the "game" consists more of lobby and loading screens than actual gameplay.
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The gameplay loop should dictate the length of the match. If one role is pigeonholed into essentially being AFK and watching a progress bar fill for a good portion of the match, then the gameplay doesn't justify longer match times.
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Have you ever played on Friday and Saturday evening with 3 friends? We waited like 10-15 min per match, it was ridiculous...
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I think around 10 min is fine, up to 15 min max. As someone else mentioned, for survivors who want to *win* shorter matches are in their favour. The game starts strong for survivors - unused items in chests, all pallets up and available, several gens for the killer to waste time patrolling, etc. As the game progresses it steadily gets stronger for the killer as pallets are dropped/broken and deadzones are formed, there are less gens for the killer to patrol and less survivors likely to be on a gen (you've presumably got one in chase, perhaps one on a hook, one going for the unhook and heal, etc etc, so gens naturally slow down as pressure is applied), medkits used up so more survivors are now injured, loud, easier to down.
So yeah, you'd absolutely find people who are not keen on longer games.
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Oh, sure, not perk-bound, but the concept of these alternative mini-wins is really healthy for the game, IMO.
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I mostly play soloq with the rare exception of playing in a 2man.
That queue sounds horrible.
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Absolutely agree. Back when we had Bubba masks, they kinda worked as alternative win conditions.
You kinda had a little quest marker in your head telling you: get the Dwight > get kills.
Maybe something like that could return / be implemented?
Something like: you get a chase charm/banner/badge/cosmetic if you can survive in chase for over 2 minutes.
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It was... We played for 4-6 hours and had a max of maybe 10-12 games in that time..
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Where they at least fun matches?
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The fact is there is not often many chases because killer chooses so too. He camps/tunnels one or two survivors out and last 2 gets hooked each once or not at all and only chased at the very end of the match. Killers often try to end matches as soon as possible which result in less chases. In soloQ survivors can also give up in this situation. Resulting in even less chases. SoloQ these matches are rarely winnable.
When I play killer I always go 12 hooks so there is more chases but I am guilty to tunnel too as 8 hooking survivors before anyone dies is very hard stragedy to win. Purely going for chases leads to gens flying. But I don't think 5-4 gen tunneling is neccessary which happens quite often in soloQ. I think now tunneling is bigger problem than gen speeds. If tunneling is bit nerfed weaker killers could be buffed to compensate and keep kill rate close to 60% but with more hooks and chases in matches.
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The normal stuff? I mean we mostly talked during it so no callous or stuff and we had 2 relatively new players for which looping was that thing in a Rollercoaster... Overall better than soloq but the duration of those quques... We always played customs if we could find anyone else to join because it just ate up so much time to wait that long... You still had the occasional really good killer that ate through our worse players... And in customs you could always meme around ^^
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I'm not against longer games, and in longer I mean 20 min. games, not the infamous 55 minute snoozefests.
In my experience, at least as killer, it's like this:
Longer games = more chill games
(Side note, that one Wesker voice line fits here so much it's insane)
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this bigger issue here is when people forces their MMR up so high because they can't (DON'T WANT TO) loose a game and then come here saying the gen fly no they don't fly if you are in the proper MMR RANKS u are supposed to, not boosting your own mmr because you can't accept that you just don't belong in the ranks you are currently in ( Btw sorry im not talking about any in generial i takinga bout he community as a whole
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Longer games usually mean that the Killer will win. We had this with the Eruption-Meta, just drag out a game to 20 minutes and you basically win by default, because ressources are used up.
Longer games can only be possible if we have a longer objective for BOTH sides. Currently longer games just mean that Survivors will lose, therefore only one side will benefit. (And people saying they can chill more… well, obviously you can play more chill if no pallets are left and you get the downs basically free)
Not that I am in favor of games of under 5 minutes, but it is just the case that the longer the game goes, the stronger the Killer gets. This is basically the rule on top of the rules that Killers need short chases and Survivors need fast Gens.
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In my experience my fastest games are usually the Killer tunneling a Survivor out of the game while everyone else is forced to do gens. I don’t want that longer. I’d love to be chased and do bones and chests but if the Killer is tunneling and proxy camping my only option is gens. I feel like a lot of killers conveniently ignore how their actions and playstyles can dictate how survivors play and how fast the game is going to be.
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Some killers have a mindset with survivors being toxic and thinking "if I kill them they cant toxic", making killers obsessed with getting kills are all that matter. They dont understand that toxic people will toxic either they win or lose.
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But if you don't care about winning or losing, what does it matter?
There''s no metric for ranking as in we can see a ladder so what does it matter? Plenty of games i've ran into Sabo squads or the other day 3 man swf all with for the people, so it results in slug/tunnel/camp.
I used to care about the "ranks"" but no more, so i make my own fun.
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DbD games should in general be in the 7 to 10 minute range. Two main reasons
1: The game relies on tension. That heart pounding excitement is best achieved when things go fast.
2: Elimination games are hard to balance around longer playstyles.