I agree with a lot of people about Chucky but!

The new map is great! The new killer is a lot of fun, and I like the perks. But I do hope you revert at least some of the Chucky changes in the near future…I don't think any killer should be nerfed too harshly. DS still seems okayish but I don't know if it is worth running over anything else now. Just my two cents!
Chucky should probably get a movement speed boost. There's no reason for him to be so slow now when his scamper mechanic was nerfed so much.
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I agree!
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The new map is great!
I hate those portal doors so much… I will have to try Hag on that map and put traps there
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In terms of DS. Use whatever you want to use.
My build on Vecna right now is: franklins demise, alien instinct, weave attunement and bloodwarden. My games are challenging but fun.
In terms of Chucky: havent played him today. Is it really that bad?
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I dont get why survivors are invulnerable during the animation.
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Very….at least compared to what he used to be. I'll play him a little more tonight but eh….don't think my opinion will change lol
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Im gonna be honest, he can be tweaked for the better now. Guaranteed hits are never good. Hoopefully they revert the turn rate that goot limited some months ago. This would make him a lot better I think.
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nope. chucky is meant to be balanced around 4.4 m/s. His scamper is meant to be usable in the chase. If he is not good, it is balance issue with his power not being good enough.
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Maybe, but now they made Chucky a slow semi-stealth killer with a dash. Is there any reason to pick him over any other stealth killer now?
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most of stealth killer have either no chase potencial or bad chase potencial. a growing pattern that BVHR has been showing is that every time they make a stealth killer with chase capacity, the killer gets nerfed.
Wraith → Nerfed his lunge and All-seeing blood
Deathslinger →Raises ADS & TR to 32.
Spirit → Received many negative changes
and Now Chucky → nerfed scamper
Pig & GF also received negative changes near their release. (GF lost his ability to stalk marked target to extend mark and his m1 removes any mark progression).
clearly BVHR hates stealth killers as they always get nerfed. That being said, Chucky's chase still ok… just a part of his kit is **poorly balanced now.
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They're not
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I'm really enjoying the new map, and the killer is challenging to play as (and against) but enjoyably so, too. Quite a bit of effort went into this, there must be some real D&D fans at BHVR because this chapter more so than many others feels like a "passion project". Doesn't mean there aren't still a fair few things that could be improved upon (such as most of all of the perks, as most of always), but I was happier to buy this chapter than a fair few others.
I don't really play Chucky, and I only have this patch note to go off of "Fixed an issue that caused The Good Guy to be able to Scamper window vaults while in Hidey-Ho Mode", so I have to ask: Can Chucky not quickly vault windows at all anymore, or can he still do so during Slice & Dice? I'm pretty sure it's the latter, so I don't think this is as bad of a nerf as it is being made out to. I have heard some more experienced Chucky players even argue that it's a buff to good Chucky players that didn't rely on just scampering + M1 but actually use S&D in mechanically skillful ways. Because they just have his ability available noticeably more frequently now. On that note however, I think with this change, some of the S&D mechanics they have removed in the past could return. First and foremost, the flicking beyond 90°.
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They are? I got a hit multiple times right in front of the portal, sometimes a second before the survivor teleported.
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Not from what I've seen and tested in 10 matches on that map.
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I didn't.
I always hit the door hitbox. Even when hitting directly the survivor model while they go in.
It's infuriating but I feel like it's heavily connected to latency.