Is invocation good now???

Haven't seen anyone talking about it yet, is it worth running now or still not worth the risk.


  • WittyDreamer
    WittyDreamer Member Posts: 22

    Yeah that seems fair enough, I can only really see it working with a swf, otherwise i dont think its worth it.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,710

    It’s at least not a joke perk anymore. 120 seconds was just not practical at all

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    I could see this version honestly not being that bad, though I still need to find someone to test it with sometime.

    I strongly suspect that, if this perk is good, it's going to shine when you and a friend both run the perk to cut the time investment down even further. With that in mind, and only one of you getting Broken… I think that's pretty worth it? Probably?

    Definitely better than before, no denying that.

  • WittyDreamer
    WittyDreamer Member Posts: 22

    yeah definitely, I'm glad it got some changes because the concept is actually really good in my opinion and opens up a lot of opportunities for new perks, will have to try it with my friend.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 550

    It was a party where we could share about Gen's progress with VCPT and it was very effective when used in the middle to end of the game. The Ultra Rare add-on to the toolbox can be slammed into multiple Gen units, which can be as effective as mocking the killer's attempts to defend the Gen.

  • WittyDreamer
    WittyDreamer Member Posts: 22

    Yeah I was actually thinking of this, the perk does seem way better when used midway rather than the beginning of the match like I see most people do, gonna try this tonight

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,446

    I haven't used it and have no plans to, but at face value I'd say it went from trash to good. I still think being Broken for the rest of the game is a huge downside. If the Broken status was on a timer then I'd say it would be decent. But having played so nuch Chaos Shuffle and seeing killers make a beeline for the No Mither players, I don't think it's worth putting a target on my back. Especially if you play solo queue and get team mates who are allergic to gens and just hiding, I'd be putting myself at a disadvantage for no reason

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    60 seconds spent in basement (plus any time spent traversing to and from basement) for a reduction of 50 seconds in generator time is still not worth it. That you become perma-Broken for what is already an objectively inefficient use of your time is just crazy. Add on top of this that the perk gets even worse with any gen already having been repaired prior to its activation (or repaired to 81+ charges), as well as the fact that getting interrupted during it will still most of the time result in you having wasted all that time down there, and the fact that you are toast if the killer is even just anywhere near basement when the perk activates (they see you randomly become Broken), and it should be clear that it is still firmly in the "killer perk" category.

    Maybe with future Invocation perks that have the same downside of becoming Broken it could eventually be worthwhile when using multiple of them, although I highly doubt even that. Spiders is still the most terrible perk they have released, with No Mither they at least didn't pretend that it's anything but a meme perk to use if you want to intentionally handicap yourself. The very least it should have is no regression upon interrupting the invoking interaction as well as only becoming Broken the next time you are injured (if not already injured at the time of activating it). Even then it would still be far from meta-viable, but at least you wouldn't be throwing quite as hard.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    Not really. I used it yesterday for 5 games, with a Dedicated Build (a Build I read on the Forums, Invocation, Resilience, Deja-Vu and Iron Will). I managed to do the Invocation 4 times, 3 of those alone, one time a Meg helped me for the very last bit. One time a Huntress killed me in the Basement, since I was on BBQ (which, to be fair, could have been avoided by bringing Distortion).

    And from those 5 Games, only once Survivors escaped via the Exit Gates (two escaped). And I was not one of them. And I think that me being healthy and not having my chases basically cut in half during that and spending 60 seconds on a Gen instead of basically giving a BNP to every Gen would have been better and I would have probably made it out as well.

    One time right after doing the Invocation I was hooked, simply because it was on Haddonfield and obviously the Killer had a rough idea where I was after doing it.

    Plus, in all of the games (except for the one where I did not complete it due to being on BBQ), I either spawned directly above the Basement or only had to walk a little bit to it.

    So yeah, the Perk is still bad, but this was to be expected. It will never be a good Perk without being broken and IMO the Downside of being permanently broken does remove the Upside quite a bit, since one Survivor will basically have their chases cut in half.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702

    It's meh. The drawback is too severe. Running it with No Mither to negate some of the drawback with some positives basically advertises to the killer 'check the basement'.

    It is at least time efficient now. Sort of. You spend 60 seconds in basement to gain 70 seconds of global progress however only 50 of that may actually matter. It's even less effective if generators are completed before you use it. It also wastes time getting to and from basement. Even without being broken for the rest of the trial it would be only passable because it uses a perk slot over something else that boosts gen speeds.

    You get more value on average from deja vu, which shaves off 9 seconds per applicable generator as well as giving you the knowledge of where the three gens are. That's also before regression and the killer will most likely spend time regressing any generator buffed by deja vu. It also doesn't require you waste time walking to the basement nor with the risks involved being there while broken.

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    Dont wanna be a parade rainer but i don't see anyone else with my personal opinion so this is my take on the concept of invocations.

    I don't want to ever see invocations be good. I just think they are a silly perk idea that's not very fun to deal with as a killer because you get punished for not doing something that should not be expected of you (checking basement)

    For Survivor I do not understand why watching a bar go up in the basement is going to be any more fun than watching a bar go up on a generator and 99% of the time you are caught invocating its because an aura reveal perk went off. It also sucks when you know it's your responsibility to get the save no matter where you are on the map or the state of the game when one player is on the hook, one mid-chase and the other is invocating.

    I just think the concept sucks and if weaving spiders or any future invocation perk comes out and its good its going to feel annoying and cheap to go against while asking a lot from your team to use. I think weaving spiders and any future invocations forever should stay as trash gimmicks that I will use in a 4 stack going moneky brain.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    It is very much a great perk if the person who uses it brings a build for it and is good at looping. 7 Brand new parts in 60 seconds is insane.

    Invo, OTR, Iron Will and Sprint Burst is a good build. Maybe swap Iron for DS since you’ll most likely get tunneled.

  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 408

    played it the whole night.

    Would not recommend.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,345

    Dead perk

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It is still a noob trap perk.

    seems great, isn't time efficient nor is it worth the risk. Being one-hit for the entire trial is horrific and is almost nevnever worth it.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    Noob trap yes. Time efficient also yes. 60 seconds for 10% on 7 gens is much better than 70% on one gen. Great for helping break 3 gens. Being broken all game is only a huge downside if you are terrible at hiding or your team makes severe mistakes forcing you to go unhook a camping survivor.

    It really is a good perk. Not great but definitely good.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Not really?

    10% isn't going to make or break a 3-gen when the Killer can erase 5% with a kick, not of the Invocation progress but still.

    Being injured the entire game isn't a problem if you have a four-man SWF ready to die for you and/or you are a competitive Survivor. For 99% of the playerbase, being injured the entire game is BAD.

    That's why you don't see No Mither, BECAUSE IT'S BAD

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243
    edited June 4

    You don’t see no Mither because it is bad with zero upside as the killer knows you can pick yourself up infinitely.

    10% off of a Gen definitely helps as it makes other Gen regression perks less effective as well. You said yourself you aren’t good at survivor. Just because you can’t use something that well doesn’t mean it’s bad. I could never use dead hard right for like the first year it came out and it was an objectively great perk. Or maybe I’m just better than most? I highly doubt it.

    I have used it many times to great effect. Sometimes escaping and never dying first. Besides you don’t always have to use it instantly and can still be valuable halfway through the game.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,043


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I can get a 4K with just Shattered Hope, that doesn't mean Shattered Hope is good.

    It's less likely that Invocation was helping you and more likely you would've won the game regardless.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,858

    still a trash tier perk

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,171

    I had a Survivor run it and another help him. It got us out alive. Only had that one experience with it so far but thought I'd share.