The new DND killer is to OP

RENEGADE_0078 Member Posts: 5
edited June 4 in General Discussions

Played the dnd update for a few hours. Both as killer and survivor. I mainly play killer 90% survivor 10% of the time because solo queue w/o comms sucks . I'm not a great survivor but I see major issues with The Lich. I ran the perk Bond so I could see me teammates on solo queue. I witnessed multiple games where survivors gave up. He can fly 1/2 way across the damn maps. With very little cool down timer. Making the solo queue survivors hide in corners scared to even touch gens because he can kick 1 and fly way to far to the next. His skull shot move is also way to wide where you can't even avoid it. If your next to a pallet and the skull shot is used you are going down if you drop it or not. He seems way to OP, and this is comming from a killer main.


  • BurnedTerrormisu
    BurnedTerrormisu Member Posts: 95

    My only complaint is, he has way to much going on for the casual player to watch out for.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 972

    I'm pretty decent at killer, and yes, agreed. The average solo que is dead meat with the Lich. But a good Comms Duo will do decent. While a Casual Quad will destroy Lich.

    Personal experience at best. Communication I'd key.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 972

    If you mean to say his Damned power. The skellies he sends like Artist does with a Crow head. All you need to do is duck/ crouch. He ain't that powerful. The Flying might need a tad cool down longer than it's been given since PTB. But that's a slight need. If you're a Solo, yea you're screwed. This game is intended to be with friends. As Survivor.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,972

    Pretty strong from what ive experienced in the last 10ish games I played him. It happens rarely, that I can almost 12 hook without slowdown against better survivors.

    He is really demanding though. You need to constantly switch between the powers and use them as effectively as possible.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    I'm surprised no one is mentioning is Mage Hand yet.

    I can't be the only one who thinks that ability is the strongest aspect about him - it is literally a free hit on you regardless of what you do near a pellet.

    Drop the pallet? Lift and get hit.
    Pre-drop the pallet? Lift and get hit.
    Camp the pallet? It gets held and you get hit.
    Pretend to run through then double back to the pallet? Pray he doesn't proactively or reactively cast mage hand for the pallet hold/lift; otherwise you might get a stun. If you miss the stun though, it's lift and get hit.

    I am assuming there's just no realistic counterplay to this ability, and it is intended to be a free hit by design.
    Does not make it feel any better though to know you literally can't do anything if that's the case.

    That also means it's a death sentence if you get hit before he uses Mage Hand, since that means you'll get downed nearly instantly on the next pallet.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    He can fly like 30-40 m and it has a cooldown of 38 seconds... You are making this spell out to be a huge issue, while it is a nice movement ability, but nowhere near comparable to the mobility other killers have...

    His skeletons can just be dodged by crouching, in case you didn't know that yet... The killer was really weak on PTB and has gotten quite a bit stronger, but I don't think he is OP, not even close...

  • owenevan
    owenevan Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for sharing your experience with the DnD update! It's valuable to hear feedback from both killer and survivor perspectives. The concerns you've raised about The Lich's abilities seem significant, particularly in how they affect the gameplay balance, especially for solo queue survivors. It sounds like there may be some adjustments needed to ensure a more fair and enjoyable experience for all players. Have you shared your feedback with the developers? Your insights as a seasoned player could help improve the game for everyone. Keep on gaming!

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Then thats the issue, how do you balance it? You can just keep juggling killer powers it ends up endless, either buff solo i.e handicaps to repair speed etc,, and add a handicap for swfs, as in slower repair times.

  • owenevan
    owenevan Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5

    Your insights on the DND update in Dead by Daylight shed light on some significant concerns, particularly regarding The Lich's abilities and their impact on solo queue survivor gameplay. It'll be interesting to see how the developers address these issues to maintain balance and enjoyment for all players.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 458

    Survivors giving up happens regularly i don't think it's to do with the killer as people dc or giving up against any killer any map even when winning people are giving up

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 725

    Do we play the same game? FOTD is completely useless if the people react fast enough and you don't place it directly inside them. You can dodge it by just crouching or using the 8 meter gaps between them.

    Flight is okay how it is, complaining about flight would be ridiculous as long as blight, nurse, demo, sadako or unknown exist, they are all better with their movement abilitys.

    The things you're saying about solo-Q are probably true, but it's not vecna. People in solo-Q give up super fast in general, that they're too scared to touch a gen is most likely just the fact that they don't have much hours.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    We live in a time where people give up against Trapper so I don't think that's really an indication of anything.