Map offerings rework

Map offerings are some of the most frustrating offerings in the game for both sides, having to play on a map that is completely one-sided frequently is tiring. It also supports the foundations of trying to swing the odds of the trail towards one side more than the other.

It's time for map offerings to change for the better, instead of choosing a selected map, map offerings should ban a specific realm from being able to appear in the realm. This form of the map offering would be more fair because you are choosing to eliminate bad maps for your character rather than picking the best map for your character.

This change would make it so that if you are tired of a specific map or simply don't want to deal with the unbalanced map you can choose to do so, but more importantly this change still lets rng choose what map you are going to, so you can still get a meh map for either side. This would lessen the frustrations of what map offerings are capable of doing inside of the game.


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Best case would be to have a map ban system so each side can block a certain amount of maps that can never appear, that would not only help bhvr which maps need to get looked at again but also lead to less frustration and a more balanced map pool. With that addition I don't think map offerings would need to change, because the maps people don't like are already not in the map pool anymore.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    I don't think map bans could work in a game like Dead by Daylight due to it being asymmetrical.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You need to go more into detail here... Just because it's asymmetrical means nothing...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Sure it is 4 players vs 1… so that would need to be taken into account when it comes to the amount maps being banned, both sides should have an equal amount of bans and the survivors should just be able to have a ban list in a way that they don't ban a map twice and therefore lose one... We have over 40 maps in the game, I don't think it would be too big of a deal to ban 30% or so... (compared to other games with like 8-10 maps and 2-3 bans per player... ). There are still more than enough maps to play on and if this gets rid of the bad ones then why not, if for example nobody wants to play map x then why should those guys have to play on that map? And if there are players that like that map they will play on it eventually.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    It's pretty simple. The ratio of killer players to survivor players in any given match is 1:4. This means that in order for killer votes to even matter, they would need to have a voting power equal to the number of survivors.

    Killer would vote to ban survivor-sided maps, and survivors would vote to ban killer-sided maps. Unlike other games where maps don't really have too much influence on the outcome of a match, Dead by Daylight's maps can play a large part in determining the outcome of a match. A 4-man SWF, for instance, on Haddonfield isn't nearly as likely to escape in comparison to Garden of Joy, or Badham Preschool.

  • MrT1412
    MrT1412 Member Posts: 131

    Maybe a simple fix to this problem would be to allow killers to ban entire realms while survivors ban specific maps. Not sure how they would do this without bloating the item pool though, if they really want to keep them as offerings.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    If we take maps in counter strike or for example Starcraft as a comparison they tend to favor one side... So I would not exactly say they play more of a role in dbd than in other maps. And guess what in those games players also ban maps... And while it does not matter as much in counter strike, because everyone plays both sides, it does matter a bit more in Starcraft.

    However I still don't see your point as to why this would not work? Both sides can have the same amount of map bans, for example 12 maps per side... Killer bans 12, each survivor bans up to 3. So now despite fewer players on one side both sides still ban the same amount of maps, I really don't see why this is supposed to be an issue.

    Also would it not be a good thing to ban overly one sided maps for both sides? As they tend to be rather unfun for the side that got the short end of the stick. That's basically my main goal why I want a map ban system, it makes it so people are not forced to play on maps they don't want to play on, for whatever reason that may be.

    Like I said before, I don't really see where the issue is, just because the amount of players is not the same does not mean the system cannot work, it just needs to take that into account to adjust itself.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Not really, as the newer maps tend to have their own realm, and the older maps where it would matter more are usually rather balanced, except for bedham...

    It is a simple numbers thing... Killer gets x amount of bans each survivor gets x/4 amount of bans, now both sides can ban an equal amount of maps and what is left will be the rather balanced maps, or at least those the players don't mind playing on as much as on the others.

  • Haufman0313
    Haufman0313 Member Posts: 16

    no, sry. But no.