Is there a reason why Spirit's passive phasing add-ons were shadow-nerfed?

Reason I ask is I have TONS of fun with this (as a creepy ghost thematic build) and before Juniper Bonsai + Dried Cherry Blossom would yield a total of -2s cd passive phase reduction & +0.75s duration. Now we are only left with Juniper Bonsai at a total of -1s cd passive phase reduction & +50% duration.
Why the nerf? Did not seem like an OP add-on whatsoever. Just plain fun.
Hoping to get the old values back.
Source: myself. Also, see before & after comparison videos:
a lot of survivor mains complained the loss of information on Spirit. As a result, spirit was given a perfect direction audio cue during phase-walk and add-on that take away information such as Juniper Bonsai+Blossom were nerfed.
I think biggest part that i miss old spirit is her post-phase walk movement speed lunge. I kinda wish they'd buff it to like 1 second and maybe make an add-on for it. Idk, it was fun little gimmick.
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Dunno but I'm fine with it. It always annoyed me that she gets better phasing than sadako, just because
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I mean, that's not really a nerf, just the obvious result of reworking one of the two passive phasing add-ons. And new Cherry Blossom is a very strong add-on that makes Spirit even easier to play. It's pretty mindless and borderline broken.
Although yes, I would not be opposed to having a secondary passive phasing add-on to stack with Bonsai. I would even suggest that the killer player should be able to see when the passive phasing happens, so as to more proactively be able to make use of it. Certainly, I would gladly take them reverting Cherry Blossom. 😋
What is more disappointing to me from these comparison clips is that Spirit nowadays doesn't appear to have her unique animations anymore while running, only when standing still. Boring.
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OT: The phasing is pretty lame and more of a curiosity… I think spirit should be invisible for longer periods. Survivors already get audio cues.
Have the devs fixed Sadakos common phasing frequency add-on yet? Apparently it does the opposite from what its supposed to do (instead of increasing the frequency of phasing, it makes her visible more often. So its worse than not having it).
I saw a video about it but now I cant find it…Overall I really really really love stealth, and don't like how they made it much harder to do jump-scares with Sadako. She isn't necessarily more or less potent killer with the changes, but perhaps less fun. I want back the ability to stand right next to the repairing survivor until they notice me and panic… :D For this reason I hate the chase changes(that chase triggers even when de-manifested).
ps. I always find it totally silly how people can talk about how "easy" Spirit is to play when survivors are bloody invisible during phase… It tells me of a disconnect with reality.2 -
Just seeing gameplay of old Spirit makes me sad. Such a fun killer.
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It is a nerf. If you read my initial post, only the passive phase duration from DCB was transferred over to JB. They missed transferring the -1s cd over. Since, as much as I can recall at the moment, it was not stated as such in the patch notes, I'm guessing this is more of an error on their part than a flat-out decision to nerf. Which is why I'm hoping one of the devs responds to this thread. Please.
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From Patch 5.3.0:
"The Spirit
- While phase walking Survivors within 24 meters of The Spirit (not the husk) hear a directional audio cue that gains volume with proximity
- Add-on – Juniper Bonsai: Added effect: Increases Passive Phasing duration by 50%
- Reworked Add-on – Dried Cherry Blossom: Survivors trigger Killer Instinct when they come within 4 meters of The Spirit while she is phasing. Scratch marks are no longer visible while using Yamaoka’s Haunting.
- Reworked Add-on – Wakizashi Saya: During Yamaoka’s Haunting, use the Active Ability button to return to the husk and end the haunting
- New Add-on – Mother’s Glasses: Survivors trigger Killer Instinct when they come within 2 meters of the husk. Scratch marks are no longer visible while using Yamaoka’s Haunting.
- New Add-on – Uchiwa: Instantly recharges Yamoka’s Haunting when stunned by a pallet
- New Add-on – Senko Hanabi: When Yamaoka’s Haunting ends, The Spirit’s husk explodes and any vaults within 4 meters are blocked for 5 seconds
- New Add-on – Furin: The phasing sound is heard by all Survivors
- New Add-on – Kintsugi Teacup: Instantly recharges Yamaoka’s Haunting after breaking a pallet or wall
- The following add-ons have been removed: Bloody Hair Brooch, Dirty Uwabaki, Katsumori Talisman, Prayer Beads Bracelet, Father’s Glasses
- New Terror Radius music
Developer notes: The Spirit’s phase walking mind-games have evolved into something of a Kobayashi Maru. By adding some audio cues, it should give sharp survivors a chance to figure out what she’s doing and react accordingly. Along with this, we’ve replaced some of her more problematic / boring add-ons with new ones that should provide more varied options for potential playstyles."
They have no mention of the -1s cd not being transferred from DCB or a statement saying it was too strong, if anything it says her add-ons were boring. Hoping a dev chimes in here soon. Was it @Peanits @Mandy that does these?
Post edited by mangomilkshake on0 -
Not transitioning the full strength two add-ons combined used to yield into a single add-on when one of the two gets reworked (into a much stronger add-on, at that) is not a nerf. Bonsai got buffed, Dried Cherry Blossom got reworked into something else entirely. That "passive phasing" de-facto got nerfed due to now no second add-on existing that could be used to stack with Bonsai to have the old passive phasing frequency and duration is unfortunate. I for one wouldn't mind if they were to buff Bonsai even more to equal the numbers Bonsai + Cherry Blossom used to make for.
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Yes, keeping the old values of a certain low-key/not op playstyle is what I'm referring to. They should bring JB back in line with what they took away from DCB when it comes to a "boring" add-on that was reworked.
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Very nice footages.
Why the nerf? Did not seem like an OP add-on whatsoever. Just plain fun.
DbD things: always choose the strangest decision about an unique gameplay…
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Thanks, I can only take credit for the second video as I did that one. Still waiting for a #developer to comment.
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