Why are console players so slow?

I play on ps5 and I'm extremely slow. I often get outrun by PC survivors. PC killers are impossible to outrun even in straight lines. Then, when i try to hug corners like the PC players I follow. I just get stuck? Is bhvr addressing this? It's impossible for me to play with the hunters, nurse, pig, etc.
Killers are always faster than survivors regardless of what platform they are on. Some killers are faster than others but except for Nurse, every killer will be faster than the survivor, especially running in a straight line. Looping can help as not every killer is adapt at running around loops with the larger hitbox but even then, they'll eventually catch you.
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may be because of deadzones of the joysticks and the fact that you can run slower when not tilting the joystick completely? On Keyboard you have only two states, running or not running while on controller you can gradually adjust speed.
Though that shouldn’t really be significantly changing chases especially when only running in straight lines if you don’t intentionally run slower.
As to looping, it takes practice to not get stuck and it’s harder on controller as you have lower sensitivity and adjusting can therefore feel more clunky -even though both movement and view can be adjusted in 360 degree..2 -
Controllers can definitely hug walls just as tight as keyboard. Make sure your joystick isn’t broken first and keep in mind that unlike a keyboard, joysticks can be throttled so you might not realize that you’re not pushing the stick all the way to the circular barrier. On keyboard when you press shift W you’re going to go from 0 to 60 immediately but on controller you can literally hold the joystick up only halfway and do a half speed power walk that is still capable of performing a fast vault. I don’t know if I can explain this properly but try not to hold the joystick input in one static direction but instead rock/wiggle the stick just enough to match the shape of the obstacle you’re running around. Some objects aren’t as smooth as they look and you’ll get caught up no matter what sometimes too though.
Another piece of advice that might help is your camera sensitivity and how well you can control the movement of your right joystick. If your right stick movements are overly choppy or you can’t control the sensitivity of the camera with some finesse you’ll end up aiming your character slightly in the wrong direction which will likely get you stuck on a wall or the opposite and make you take an angle too wide. Your right and left stick movements have to be really well synced. I personally use a Kontrol Freak attachment but only on my right stick for more precise camera movement.
hopefully this helps but if I’m full of it then maybe someone else will be able to assist you better than me:)0 -
How do you know they're on PC? Could be players on Xbox or Switch. The globe indicates they're on a different platform than you. It doesn't mean PC.
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Maybe your controller is broken
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Just in case this isn't bait …
I play survivor mostly on the PS5 and sometimes on Steam. I get the exact same speeds on both platforms.
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i'm fairly certain it is NOT bait and it's just someone in the process of discovering they need a new controller because their old one is not working at intended capacity
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either huge skill issue or check your controller.
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The Ps5 dualsense controllers are frankly junk. I just purchased a 4th because of the recurring stick drift they seem to develop. 4 in about 18 months. And they're soldered into the controllers circuit board In a really annoying way.
If it turns out you need a new controller pay the extra 10 or so bucks for a two year warranty(it won't last that long without some issue), and keep swapping them out. I wish there were 3rd party options for ps5.
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You're exactly right. Sadly I don't think they'll ever address it.
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Yeah I've noticed this too. I've just accepted my experience will be inferior to those on PC. I can hug most obstacles just fine but when watching PC players they can usually get an extra loop more out of a tile or object than I can.
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As others have said, your movement speed is indepent from the platform you play on. Without further context it is impossible for us to know what exactly was going on.
However, Nurse is the only killer that does in fact have a slower movement speed than running survivors. Many killers are also slowed down when charging / channeling or using their powers. Survivors have a number of perks that allow them to move faster as well (mainly exhaustion perks like Sprint Burst and Lithe but there are also perks like Hope and Made For This that can increase movement speed). In general killers are faster than survivors though.
Since you mentioned Huntress, Nurse and Pig, I can give you a possible explanation of what might the issue with them. When you pull up a hatchet as Huntress, your movement speed is decreased drastically to the point where you are indeed slower than a survivor. Pig's movement speed when crouching is decreased as well and she is also slower than survivors while crouched. Nurse always moves slower than a running survivor unless she uses her power.
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wouldn’t it be better to just invest in the dual sense Edge controller instead ? You can swap sticks pretty easily.
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how would someone reliably check out their controller?
how do you make sure that they accept the issue? Especially when the controller ‚functions‘ but just not in the best capacity?
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Ok now I understand having different opinions, how ever in this case its fact and this is just wrong.
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Makes sense.
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I played on Xbox once as doctor and it felt horrid. It was slow and his power didt even work. Half the time I couldn’t even shock people.
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Now just imagine what our precious Switch cousins have to do to get a down or two...
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I use switch 100% and it is better than Xbox. It is hard but still fair enough
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Love you Switch cousins y'all the real heroes!
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Controller dead zones.
But mostly the fact that your inputs are slightly delayed by moving the stick vs pressing buttons down instantly.
Your momentum is always compromised when you let go of forward. Best you can do is learn how to 360 well and then you will know you can do a 180 then cut your right stick to the side to quickly move your character into a double back.
Basically never let go of forward (diagonally if needed) and use right stick to turn around. Hope that helps.
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Maybe they mean more delay. Pc can use powers faster with lower imput time, 120fps and faster controls to use. As mentioned console is clunkier to play so that can make it seem pc players are faster.
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This is what I'm thinking as well.
It's one of the reasons you don't really see killers like Hag played with a controller. Something like a third- to a half-second delay on everything means you cannot do things like inst-swing as you teleport. With a mouse you simply bind it to the scroll wheel for that snap reaction. Who with a mouse would even bother with Hag if you couldn't set her up like that?
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For me to drop $200 on a console controller it has to be of such quality I can pass it down to my children
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Sadly quality of products globally has gotten worse since the 360/ps3 days. From game accessories to food
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I can literally send videos of me running straight with the survivor, and not catching them. Then me running as a survivor, and immediately being caught by the killer. I also play with 6 other console player who all see the difference.
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I play with Xbox players. They are also seeing themselves running slower whether they are a killer or survivor.
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Only when I play dbd. Only with the speed of pc players. Otherwise I guess it works perfectly fine. Strange
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then please show these videos so we can actually try to explain what’s happening
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Then, idk what you're doing that we are all not. I play with 6 console players and 1 PC player. The PC player is consistently faster when compared to the console counterpart. I played to rounds on his PC, and I couldn't be touched.
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You cant play any m1 killer on console. It's impossible if the survivors are half decent PC players.
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Yes a skill issue. Iridescent on killer since I started, but if i point out the speed issue between consoles i just suck.
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It's not a controller issue. Why would I only have one controller. It's not a skill issue, because I'm not speaking on skill. I'm saying in a race the survivor on PC WILL move fast, and turn corners faster than a console player. It's not a new thing. I've seen other forums about this exact same topic.
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Glad you asked. This is what prompted me to post here. I see my friends not wanting to play dbd, because for console players it seems impossible. I can show more it's just been a while because a lot of us stopped playing over this issue.
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@keyshawnhenry type that into youtube. I tried to post the video, but it needs to be reviewed.
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Dude. There is only one killer in the entire game that runs slower than survivors, The nurse. Everyone else will always catch up with you if you run in a straight line. This is by obvious design as killers job is to catch survivors.
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Hold the attack button to lunge.
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I did. That was a lunge. Now you see what I'm saying. That's just 1 video. This happens with any m1 killer.
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you didnt lunge though. There is a visible "zoom" effect when you lunge.
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I don't know if he couldn't lunge because of the build I had on I assume. However you see that we ran the same speed. I got caught on the environment and he did not. This is the problem.
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No, you were catching up to him for sure. Killers usually run at 115% of survivor speed. The attack missed because of what looked to me you did a regular slash instead of a lunge. Looked to me he was in range of the attack.
Note that some survivors have a perk that allows them to do a short sprint burst. If they time it with your attack, they can evade it. This didn't look like that though.
Overall, I recommend more playing and more testing.
ps. I wouldnt mind buffing killers, I play killer almost exclusively, but I dont think thats what needed here..
pps. Also since you mentioned Nurse, I have to mention that Nurse is a special case. The only killer who cant catch up with survivors by running. She must use her own blink ability to get hits. This is by design (as blink makes Nurse one of, if not the, strongest killers in the game. She needs to balance it somehow)0 -
you are a tier one Myers here and your pathing isn’t optimal (you are kinda wonky to the sides when you should go straight)
That’s partly because of controller sensitivity and deadzones, fine tunement is harder on console but you can get better at it with experience though!
Myers on tier one is slower than your average killer and it’s part of his power. And on tier one he also has a shorter lunge. Then you also have a problem with lunges on controllers in general - sometimes the game just ignores lunges and shortens them. Maybe because of aim assist or just a bug in general but it’s been like that since forever and part of the reason why i switched from controller to KB&M on pc
That said, you were still faster than the surv
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I have to be getting trolled at this point. It's fine thank you for your time.
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no I am not trolling you, here is a wiki description for Myers Evil Within Tier 1:
Evil Within I has the following permanent effects until a tier-up:
- Grants a permanent Undetectable
Status Effect. - Reduces his Movement speed to 4.2 m/s.
- Reduces the Reach of his Lunge Attack by shortening the duration of its open time to 0.2 seconds.
- Allows him to vault Windows in the default time of 1.7 seconds
copied from
survivors sprint with 4.0 m/s, so with 4.2 m/s you will not close the distance quickly especially not when you are not going straight1 - Grants a permanent Undetectable
Have you tried this on another killer that's not Myers?
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Love that mask on ol' Tapper boi!
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I think there's some confusion. Maybe my fault. When I say faster I mean specifically survivor speed. When I play survivor I'm slower, and less agile than my PC counter parts. Before you start with the get good.
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i own a PS4/PS5 and have a Laptop/PC i have never noticed a difference between the speeds. I can loop just as tight on controller as on MnK. I think you are not fully running or the controller is broken