D&D charms

I dont like the secrecy going around with these obscure charms, so I created this post to gather information and to not let anyone in the dark.
Nobody likes to miss out on something they could have gotten. Charms are mostly a one and gone thing so we should share all the information we have to make sure that everyone had a "fair" chance to get them.
Bag of holding
This one is obtainable through a giveaway through this link, that our lord and saviour @Mooks was so kind to already share:
You have to have at least a twitter account to claim it.
Ive seen people already have this charm in some videos and would love to know how one could claim it.
If you have any information, please share them here!
Edit: Thanks to @Mooks : propably obtainable through buying one of the D&D comsetics. These being:
- Meg (Sidetrack Archer)
- Mikaela (Mystical Origins)
- Jeff (Reluctant Warrior)
- Legion (Backstabber)
- Knight (Menacing Knight)(creative name?)
The cosmetic(s) from Vecna and Aestri/Baermar dont seem to reward one with this charm, otherwise I would have it.
Mimic chest
Thanks to @MarbleThrone ,we now know that this charm is obtainable via the code: DNDBD20 until 30th June.
Owlbear plush
Thanks to @MarbleThrone we now know, that the Owlbear Plush will be available via twitch drops:
Only the D20 is still shrouded in mystery. The wiki still categorizes it as unobtainable.
If any information reaches your ears, let us know so that nobody is left out like with the Huntress charm some weeks ago.
May our cooperative efforts be successful!
Edit: I just found out that I missed out on a cool D&D banner despite being subscribed to the DBD newsletter…
Edit edit: contacted the customer support about the newsletter and got a very friendly response with a code!
Best Answers
The D20 charm is finally available @radiantHero23
Use the code ROLLD20 before February 14th.
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We can finally rest, and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe \[T]/!
as to the newsletter, I think you can contact support if you were subscribed and didn’t get it
For the Beholder charm I guess you would need to purchase at least one full D&D outfit from the store(??).
The others may also be tied to specific outfits or will be distributed through other collaborations(?)
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Thank you very much friend! Ill try to contact them. I want that banner 🔥🐽🔥
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Let me know how you go. The Support person I've managed to get really doesn't seem to want to give me the banner lol
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That doesnt give me much hope…
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Depends who you get I guess. My past experiences with Support have been quick and easy, no issues.
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IMO the D20 charm should have been included in the DLC, like the Tracking Device charm (Alien) or the Lament Configuration (Hellraiser).
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It won't let me do the giveaway because it says my Instagram account has a VPN or something. What a joke
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I dont have instagram. I just clicked the link to it and it already accepted it. Maybe this also works for you?
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Nope. Same issues.. Looks like a lot of other people are having trouble with the same thing
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My condolences
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Thanks m8. Now if only I could fit Amanda in this bag of holding…
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I got a code for the bag of holding but can't redeem it. First i got the invalid code error message and then it says it can't used due to server problems and i should try again later. Has anybody had the same behaviour?
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I think i had that a while ago on a code and it was either working later or was just added later to my inventory without any further input from my side..
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I had encountered the first issue. It was solved by including the dashes in the code. Write it out exactly as you see it in the email.
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Tried it again this mornig, First error message after entering the code (including dashes) was invalid code and after that i got the server problems message again. Do you have any more ideas for me?
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I received the Beholder charm for buying Legion Backstabber Susie.
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I got it from buying the Knight cosmetic. So that confirms you need at least one of the original character's cosmetics to unlock it.
That leaves only the D20, Mimic and Owlbear charms …
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I got an answer. It was a very friendly customer support that offered me a code immediately.
I'm so sorry that yours is so complicated.
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same experience for me!
also my code for the Bag of Holding did not expire before I got to use it ✨1 -
Not really. That worked for me, but it sounds like YMMV. Keep at it and maybe it will work eventually?
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Does anyone have an image on how the Bag of Holding looks on Survivor? If it is decently sized and actually looks like a real bag, I might get it for fashion reasons.
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It’s very small. I don’t have a screenshot but maybe someone else does.
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Oh. :(
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Here you go! ^^
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Thank you! Got my Bag of Holding charm for the time being.
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That is… way too small?
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Well, it's a charm. Those are always small on Survivor :(.
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The Character Sheet Banner is tied to the purchase of a outfit for one of the Troupe members. The Hand of Vecna badge is tied to the purchase of his outfit.
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Yeah, character sheet is tied to buying a Troupe outfit.
Listed there.
The Beholder charm is awarded by buying any of the non-Chapter D&D Collection character skins, meaning the Knight or Legion skin or one of the existing survivors.
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Yea, the Bag of Holding Charm page says
Like wut? Apparently they think I am a fraudulent account due to the age of my email address being too old? Shouldn't it be the other way around? That, or I have a high fraud score, but no clue whatsoever why I would have a high fraud score.
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I think by 'the age of your email' they mean the opposite, so you can't claim it with an email address that was just created (in order to prevent bots claiming keys).
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is the D&D banner the Alchemy Lab Banner? if so then I got it just not sure.
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No. its this one:
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were meant to get it in the newsletter becouse that how I got Alchemy Lab Banner.
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The alchemist banner is a newsletter exclusive. The one I posted is tied to the cosmetics. Did I misunderstand you?
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no I must of misunderstand you there a banner you get by buying a cosmetics?
talking about you edits
Edit: I just found out that I missed out on a cool D&D banner despite being subscribed to the DBD newsletter…
Edit edit: contacted the customer support about the newsletter and got a very friendly response with a code!
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Yes, the banner I posted is the one you get for buying one of the new survivors cosmetics.
The one that I mentioned in my edits is the alchemist banner that one gets from the newsletter.
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Yea, that's what I figure, but then what other reason would I get a "fraudulent" flag? Doesn't make sense. Granted, my email is 25 years old and the ISP has long since changed their name, but those with the old server email get to keep them, as it's hosted by Yahoo. So, maybe they have issues with Yahoo servers?
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people wondering.
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The Owlbear plush carm will be part of a new series of Twitch drops!
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Thank you! Gonna add it!
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They just released this code for the D20 badge and Mimic charm :)
This code has to be redeemed before June 30.3 -
How about the dice banner? I really want that one, it melds my love of tabletop gaming AND horror! Was that really only a newsletter exclusive? :(
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It's kind of charming with how small the bag of holding is
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You mean this one?
You get it for buying an outfit for Aestri/Baermar :).1 -
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To this day we still have no news about the D20 charm :(.
It's sadly gathering dust in the game files. I am starting to think they forgot all about it.1 -
I'm afraid to say that you're right. The developers seem to forgot about this charm :/