Are they gonna nerf vecna’s mage hand spell? I hope not because survivors will complain

board24jason123 Member Posts: 73
edited June 7 in General Discussions

I have seen a lot of survivors complaining about vecnas mage hand spell that blocks down pallets to reset with the hand I can guarantee I hope they don’t nerf like the same thing the devs did with Chucky’s scamper. I think survivors complain a lot because they want to take killers to pallet city every time you’re in a loop. Also survivors have way more opportunities with pallets because of windows of opportunity if they nerf vecnas mage hand spell which I hope they don’t just like the same thing they did to Chucky’s scamper when they nerfed it for the same stupid reason. They should nerf windows of opportunity if survivors think they can abuse and camp around pallets in a loop they are just mad they hate free hits around pallets.


  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,644

    Yes they already confirmed it. Time to pick up a pallet with mage hand reverted back to 0.5 seconds from 0.35 and range of mage hand reduced to 14m from 16m. Then they are also reworking the telekinesis ring add-on.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 666

    Never played PTB so does this mean using mage hand will allow a survivor to complete the loop and get back to safety at 0.5 seconds?

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    Honestly mage hand is his only ability that has any real value. FOTD is borderline useless except for zoning and the fly spell feels like it doesn’t know what it’s trying to bed.

  • Akumos
    Akumos Member Posts: 16
    edited June 7

    Nerfing mage hand honestly makes zero sense. The ENTIRE POINT of the ability is to get a free hit at pallets. If you can't do that, it literally serves ZERO purpose at all lol. If you're going to make it a totally pointless ability to use then replace it with something you think is more skilled but can be useful, so dumb.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,903

    It's a 38 second cooldown ability. It really shouldn't be considered getting nerfed not even 3 DAYS into the live release. What happened when bhvr wanted to let things cook before making changes?

  • board24jason123
    board24jason123 Member Posts: 73

    I am saying it shouldn’t get nerfed did you read what I’m saying?

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Devs doin a day 3 panic nerf

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489
    edited June 7
  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275
    edited June 7

    Oh good, BHVR performing knee jerk nerfs because survivor mains are crying up a storm. Just like the knee jerk nerf to the Xenos tail strike that was unneeded and killed its play rates because survivors cried about it.

    Killers demonstrating repeatedly that Survivors have overpowered combos that Killers can't counter like BUP+FTP though? Takes BHVR a year, year and a half to nerf. Took them like 6 years to finally nerf DH from "Must have" to "Nice to have" too and a year and a half for them to nerf CoH when it was an infinite use medkit for the whole survivor team.

    Not to mention they are refusing to touch how overpowered the portals are for survivors on the Forgotten ruins, being able to generate literal infinite loops out of them.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    Again with bringing up the nerf to Mage Hand without any context as to where in the world BHVR announced that this nerf was happening…

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    It was announced here on the forum. I don't have the post, but it's going from 16m down to 14m. They're also reverting the buff it got, putting it back to 0.50s instead of 0.35s. They're also changing the haste add-on.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,903
    edited June 8

    @CrypticGirl It came from Peanits' own forum post so.

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275
    edited June 8
  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Trolling, no. Can't say I'm surprised to see the uptick in complaints, that's essentially what the forums have become; but usually, when I see you in a forum, it's typically you taking side to the killer's plight while remaining either intentionally, or unintentionally aware of the survivor's dilemma; which is often solo Q, which is where all the complains to nerf the mage hand is stemming from.

    Pertaining to this post in particular, nothing but sarcasm since I'm on the side that Mage hand should be toned back a little, it LITERALLY cannot be punished or countered in any way, shape, or form, which is the very same thing you preach.

    (This excludes the artifact that gives you a 3% haste when Mage hand is used on you, but the chances of you getting that artifact is rare as it is. It'd be understandable if it were more common, but it's not sooo….)

  • The_Yosh
    The_Yosh Member Posts: 150

    Funny, I have seen a lot of killers complaining about survivors complaining, but I haven't seen many survivors complaining about mage hand. 🤔

    Also, if WoO is that much of an issue for you, bring a blindness perk/addon. Not every perk needs a nerf to make it useless, there are perks and addons that counter other perks and addons. In some cases (Iron Maiden) there are perks that counter entire builds.

  • BembridgeScholars
    BembridgeScholars Member Posts: 68

    How many killers are they gonna nerf into the ground? They did it with Xeno, they did it with Chuckie, and now Vecna. All his other abilities are lackluster except for the hand, and now they want to nerf the only good ability he has on top of the already long cooldowns, game is getting worse and worse with all the unnecessary nerfs they've been spewing over the months.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    The point isn't to just give you a free hit. That is just terrible design. You should have to mind game a survivor at a pallet, and the upcoming nerf will achieve exactly that. As long as the survivor has enough distance, you will have to mind game the survivor, trying to predict whether the survivor will drop the pallet or not. That's how it should be.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    That doesn't really work most of the time because once Vecna is close enough to the survivor for the survivor to stun Vecna, he can simply block the pallet instead, and still get a hit against the survivor, because the movement speed penalty of Mage Hand isn't enough for the survivor to get around the pallet loop another time.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,959

    I would need to record gameplay to show what I mean. Ive seen many survivors play around it pretty well. Especially interconnected pallets work very well against mage hand.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    No I am pretty sure I know what you mean. But again, if the survivor is close enough to stun Vecna, Vecna can just block the pallet instead and then get a hit.

    The counterplay you suggest does work on tiles that break line of sight, I admit that, because Vecna won't be able to know if the survivor kept on running or is waiting for the pallet stun. But that to me is not enough counterplay.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,959

    It's more counterplay than other killers have that are not even looked at.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Definitely do not agree. Not to mention just because some other killers have very little counterplay doesn't mean Vecna needs to be like that as well.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,959
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I would argue it's similar to how they have no counterplay. I realise there are other killers with very little counterplay, but that doesn't mean it's fine for Mage Hand to have little to no counterplay.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,959
    edited June 9

    But it has. That is my point. Dont get me wrong, there are situations, where the power has little counterplay, but what else is a power supposed to do in certain situations?

    Lets look at killers and their powers:

    • Trapper: can shut down a loop with a trap making it unloopable. If survivor gets to a loop that is trapped without them knowing it, they go down.
    • Wraith: bodyblocks you at a window and gets a hit because you cant make it somewhere.
    • Nurse: has literally no counterplay if the player is on point. This not even being limited to certain situations. Its just in general.
    • Doctor: negates the ability of a survivor to even vault or drop a pallet if done right also resulting in a hit.
    • Bubba: pushes survivor one way at the pallet and then changes to the other side. With the current buffs, he will get a hit there.
    • Pig: at certain pallets the survivor will 100% get hit by the ambush due to her speed and lack of collision.
    • Deathslinger: just zone them until you get a hit.
    • Demo: even worse than slinger
    • Nemesis: just hits above the pallet
    • Xeno: same as Nemesis, just worse because crouching does not work if Xeno plays it correctly
    • Blight: dont even get me started (can break pallets in less than a second right now and is not killswitched)
    • Hag: similar to trapper
    • Knight: drops guard / if survivor is chased by the guard, the knight is almost guaranteed a healthstate.
    • Skull merchant: a lot worse than knight
    • Artist: not loopable with the exception of mindgaming a pallet. Very similar to mage hand.
    • Wesker: can also zone but not as effectively
    • Pyramid head: zoning and hitting through the dropped pallet while the survivoor drops it.
    • Huntress: also mindgames - if pallet is dropped in her face, it results usually in a hit.
    • Spirit: injured?

    What I want to stress is, that powers are supposed to give you hits from time to time. Sometimes this has very little counterplay from the survivor side. Many killers have something like this in a lot of situations.

    Vecna has a ton of different items that are supposed to help them against his spells. Mage hand can give Vecna in certain situations free hits. Im not denying that. However, if a power is not able to give you a hit at some point, then whats the reason behind it? Maybe its too strong right now? Could be. Is it maybe to early to say it? I definitely think so. I personally would give it 2-3 weeks and then see how it implemented itself.

    Vecnas mage hand is the big talk of the town right now because hes new. Many people see him and have to go against it. This makes him higher priority than problems that should have higher priority (Blight, infinite on new map, tons of bugs on new map, …). This is at least my opinion.

    Vecna has a super complex power. I dont expect the playerbase to get really good at countering him in literally days.

    Saying that Vecna has as little counterplay as a nurse in genral is crazy to me.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    We'll have to agree to disagree on Mage Hand. I think one can say by now that Mage Hand just doesn't have enough counterplay. And yes you are right, there are situations where survivors don't have counterplay against any killer, but with Mage Hand it's particularly noticeable in my opinion.

    I think after the nerf Mage Hand will be in the perfect spot and that's it.

    Also, Vecna definitely has more counterplay than Nurse because Mage Hand has such a long cooldown. I am just saying that Mage Hand has very little counterplay just like Nurse.

    Personally I am just happy Mage Hand is getting a nerf, and just hope they don't nerf FoTD in any significant way.