New modifier...
I'd like to see all aura disabled for killer and all exhaustion perks for survivor as a temporary modifier… That would be interesting.
Would it?
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All you have to do is read what I typed, to know that YES, it would. Take your salt elsewhere.
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Well, we kind of already had that with the Lights Out modifier. I think that's been my favorite modifier we've had so far.
So I'd be happy with the return of the Lights Out, or just a "loadout-less modifier."
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I get what you mean, but I would like to force the use of non-exhaustion and aura… there's plenty of interesting perks left, be a good method to see how they respond.
My only issue with lights out was the proxy camping was outrageous, otherwise fun :)
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Killers wouldn't even bother changing their builds as they just run as many slowdowns as possible and survivors would need to switch out 1 perk. So basically, you're just playing a standard match of dbd.
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Well, since META is slowdown perks i think this would NOT be interesting at all. Aura perk means less slowdown. And why you dont want to use distortion since this removes all aura perks from killer?
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I like this suggestion! Let's just skip the modifier bit and permanently make it the main mode though.
And no, being a stealth player that avoids exhaustion perks and has an intense disdain for aura reading perks like 'Nowhere to Hide' does not make me biased in this decision. Why do you ask?
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I'm talking about a temporary modifier…
The point of those is experimenting with outcome and something a little different. One player with distortion is not what I am talking about.
It would be a completely different skill requirement from both sides.
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I don't think NTH is that strong, once you identify it first time, and it was nerfed a minute ago.
But the main point was to just have a short play style that would be interesting…
I don't really use aura as killer, I find it lazy and unfun (unless it's SM Myers). I much prefer the thrill of the hunt, as it were.
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Maybe you should read your answer again. I see 2 min aura on over 80% of killer builds. Distortion is good and bad as we know, but isn't the answer.
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I kinda agree. Killers on lower mmr do use aura reading perks since they cannot track survivors.
Of course there are some who just want to have more fun matches, not necessairly 3-4k.
But on higher mmr within competetive trials, killers use perks that slows game down, not aura reading.0 -
So a mix of information and other perks? Sounds healthy to me. Distortion is the one size fits all counter to those perks anyway.