Just a reminder that just because you/your SWF want to goof off/meme...
…it does not mean that the Killer does (and has no obligation to join in) and you have no one else but yourselves to blame if the Killer just plays the game and kills you all and moves on to the next match. You forfeited your right to complain post match.
Yeah? What's your point? I'm pretty sure that is common knowledge for both sides. As long as they follow the rules everything is fair.
25 -
As times gone on, I've come to be quite glad console has no end game chat. Whether you get dunked on or you dunk, you never have the drama, and the temptation to take the bait isn't there.
It sad to miss out on the nice messages, but usually when you let someone go, the in game behaviour such as giving a little wave with an m1, or a little nod, says all you need to say, and is the reward in of itself.
2 -
You're complaining about memey SWFs but you have another post about how "bully squads" should be punished.
What kind of interactions do you want?
22 -
Because they whined about me not playing along in post game chat.
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This is the second post I came across from you that's quite pointless.
Firstly, you claim that you want survivors who body block, and hide to be banned. Then your complaining about people who meme around, seriously, just move on instead of posting every experience you didn't enjoy on the forums.
17 -
This guy is the walking EPITOME of an entitled killer. Every post he makes speaks volumes about how effortless he wants the games to be and how SWFS are so broken and powerful; or how the game is survivor sided.
I'm convinced he hasn't being paying attention at all or has been spoonfed all his wins for a reaction THIS….deplorable, it's disgustingly ironic and hilarious.5 -
Who is little bro talking to? I'm not sure the goofy SWFs you are talking about care enough to be on the forums.
Your posts are giving me insight into the type of player you are now, OP. I too remember my first few hundred hours in the game. A word of advice though, the negativity and toxicity will cause you to enjoy the game less.6 -
Ok? Just go on and play the next game then. Really they only make themselves look bad and I'm pretty sure most of us would agree. That is not some super controversial take.
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It's a game, it's not that deep. I think you're taking things a bit too personally. People memeing around don't usually care if they die. I actually think they expect to. So sounds like a win win for everyone.
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Its either swf whines "OP tries hard", or OP whines "I lose to a swf "
5 -
If I had fun and make it to the exit line, I'll turn around and gift the killer my item.
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🧡 Winning gracefully is the best virtue. 🤘
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Nintendo Switch doesn’t even have the option to ‘reach out’ we are truly in solitude.. a bit lonely to be honest, sometimes I might even welcome a good old trashing message as acknowledgment lol
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- "Do gens" —toxic
- "Sabo build" —toxic
- "OTR + Ds" — toxic
- SWF competitive — toxic
- SWF Meme — toxic
- Farming SWF — toxic
- Lithe + Windows — toxic
- Stealth play — toxic
- Renato's perk + flashsave — toxic
what exactly should a survivor do to not be judged as wrong or toxic? Maybe selfcare behind the rock?🤣
7 -
Nah that's throwing the game, also toxic 😏
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I once had a match against a twitch streamer whose video I watched back after the game and I was quite shocked that they considered my character toxic!
I am quite possibly the most feeble, skill-less and general potato in DBD but they didn’t like that I finished off a gen near them whilst they chased another survivor. Then when that survivor got downed, I used For the People (not with. Buckle Up) because that survivor was on death hook.
I mean of course I can understand it can be frustrating for killers in that situation but the game is full of frustrations - but I don’t think these necessarily equate to being toxic so was take aback honestly. I finished the gen off because it was close to completion, I used for the people cos I had health states to spare where the teammate could have been sacrificed so used the perk at disposal.2 -
This is the clearest example of the phrase, "damned if you do, damned if you don't"
10 -
He want the survivor just dying on the first hook and not running I guess
1 -
You played well and were good teamplayer = toxic
1 -
So go complain to your therapist not us 🤣
1 -
Is SWF in the room with us now?
7 -
Playing to win is valid on both sides. Playing to goof is valid on both sides.
The problem is there's no real space for the goofs to hang with just the goofs, and the comp people to play with just other comp people who wish to be serious.
Then there's people like me in the middle who play some Killers/Survivor builds ONLY to be silly and have fun, and some Killers/Survivor Builds in a SWF ONLY to be competitive, and neither jive well with what I want. When I'm playing Shred-Only Demogorgon or a silly meme build as Nic Cage, I don't want to go against the sweaty 10k Hour Blight Main or SWF Team Six. When I'm trying to have a serious Cenobite round or play my aggressive generator build with my SWF as Nea, I don't want to go against people who only have 100-1000 hours and are still learning or running meme builds. That's not fair to the other side.
I feel like the Modes are the solution, it's really hard to actually truly Sweat too much when the game says "no perks/no items/no addons" or "we choose these things for you". It evens the playing field. Did people sweat in the modes? Absolutely, but not nearly to the same calibre as I see in regular matches of DBD.
I would just like my games to feel balanced and fair. I'm not THAT good a player. I'm maybe 1.3k hours. I'm not phenomenal, I'm not Ayrun or Otzdarva, I just want to be able to play what I like and still have a chance. And more and more, it feels like without the Modes? I never stand a chance, no matter how well I play.