I'm afraid of The Pig

I'm literally paralyzed with fear if I see those things on the map that you use to look for a key or whatever to take off her headsets.
I can't start repairing until I know her whereabouts. It really turns me into a puddle and I can't focus. That growl makes me jump.
How do you get over The Fear of The Pig?
I pull my self together, crouch, and approach to boop the snoot.
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If you're so afraid that you cannot play, I'd recommend stop playing for your health's sake.
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Yeah, share the same vibe when it’s Ghostface🫣😅
Don’t fear the Piggy
…approach slowly n crouched, n jus boop the snoot😊
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I have it with Ghostface too but he's like a 7 or 8 on my meter. Pig dials it up to 11.
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This is definitely me (and yes, I have died trying to get boops from a Pig that did not want them... never stops me from trying with the next Pig I match with, though lol).
I can understand it is a bit scary to potentially not see or hear her approach, then suddenly get the roar right behind you.
I think a kind of "exposure therapy" may help a lot: Go into a Custom match with one or more friends, play as Survivor, and a friend as the Pig. The map(s) can be whatever ones you are the most uneasy on when going against The Pig (for me, I used to struggle against her on Lery's). Being in a controlled match environment can allow you to feel less scared by it, but also become more aware of her stealth (i.e. rotating your camera, watching out for startled crows flying that might be her, etc).
The other would be (if you are able) is to play as the Pig in public or custom matches <3 sometimes getting into the other side's shoes (or I guess Pig mask in this instance) can help understand her mechanics to feel more at ease with her too!
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Hey, that's solid advice! Thank you! 😊
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Yes, always boop! I'm definitely not just trying to save STBFL stacks since you are the Obsession, nope, not at all.
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Pig isn't the best killer but I'm not the best survivor so Pig matches keep me in a tense state of paranoia for most of it.
Unless it's going badly. Then the paranoia quickly gives way to frustration. I have had Pig matches where I honestly could not play the match at all because I would get downed early, spend the next couple of minutes running around to get the trap off, just to get downed again and killed having never touch a generator or helped another survivor.
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Would it help, if we painted a butterfly on her nose?
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I have to play with headphones on. That growl bro.... it's enough to scare you irl
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Dodge ambush, pick her up and then hook her
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I have never betrayed a poop. If they're brave enough to attempt it, the may scamper off while I hunt another.
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Just always remember the cute sound she makes when getting stunned 🐽
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Frankly I don't even mind a hit. It's in the cards anyways, and even a quick boop costs valuable killer-time while three others are doing gens. I might as well give it back by getting healed.
I also quickly and respectfully run away to signal that I want no special treatment. First and foremost we came for a trial.
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Pig: E
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Yeah, they both sneak up crouched! I always get a different ‘startled’ vibe w Myers when he pops out standing silently, but still gets my heart racing😄
You could always try playing as Meggers wearing her ‘Boop the Snoot’ mask n letting Pig know you’re a big fan… maybe it’ll help if ya see Pig more often in a friendly manner.
fwiw tho, I’ve played w GF and Pig since they released and still get uneasy at the start of every match when the Killer hasn’t yet been revealed n I kno it might be them sneaking up🫣 Especially on indoor maps.
Always good to keep yer head on a swivel!
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That sad whimper she let's out sounds like a gorged fat mouse being stepped on to me...
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Sadly that mask has only been available for a limited time twice, the last of which was literally only two days.
As to the OP, as a Pig main myself, I'd agree with what some others have said, and also maybe consider giving her a try yourself. Learning to play her for a few matches will possibly help you.
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I had a Pig tonight and one the other night that didn't use their stealth ability. If other Pig players would also refrain from going Undetectable, my heart would appreciate it 😆
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I just had the best Pig idea ever and had to revive this thread!
What do you think about giving the Pig Tiers?
Just like Myers, no more stealth after reaching a certain Tier which would be accomplished by growling or ambush or head trapping.
This is obviously a rough draft / brainstorming idea and I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts.
The goal is not to make the Killer useless, just not to give unlimited stealth.
Pig players could have a way to expose a Survivor, anything. Just... let's work on removing the jump 😱
Thank you in advance for your forthcoming ideas 💡
Also, feel free to mention how you would buff her as compensation. A way to expose Survivors? Faster movement speed?
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If you want to, Ill be your therapy-Pig 🐽
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Oh you're so on! Idk how we do this though because you're going to scare me!
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Not gonna lie... this thread warmed my heart immensely.
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This probably won't 😔
This happened in my trial the other day.
I felt bad because she brought Bloody Partystreamers 😕
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Nah. I wont. BEEP on that.
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No just kidding I usually crumble like a biscuit with most killers lol
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always be booping the snoot
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For the most part, if you make the attempt to boop the snoot upon meeting us lil ol piggy mains then it makes us less inclined to attack you or be aggressive. 🐷 🐽 especially if someone brought BPS or a Cake(s).
So please, consider approaching us to give boops! 🙏🏽Hope to see you in the fog! *oink *oink 🐷