Which killers need changes (Qol or Reworks) coming into year 9?

There are a lot of killers right now that need some love as we approach Year 9 of Dbd, so which killers do you think need changes the most?
Personally (and I'm quite biased here) I think Knight needs a lot of QoL improvements, or even a miniature rework before he feels complete. This like Map of The Realm and Call to Arms being basekit, a way to recall guards without hitting them, better rewards for sniping survivors with guards, as well as more direct counterplay for survivors I think would make Knight feel better to play as and against.
Trapper, Freddy, and Myers are also in desperate need of reworks. Trapper has suffered the most over the years, with BHVR consistently weakening defensive playstyles. Freddy doesn't really feel like Freddy, with just m1-ing survivors and a semi-decent teleport, and Myers is reliant on Tombstone Piece to feel lethal. What are your opinions?
Almost every single killer has at least one janky mechanic or bug. For example:
- The Knight can't place a guard if there's even a pebble nearby.
- Blight has a double fatigue bug that's been happening for years now.
- Nurse's nauseating camera POV after blinking.
- Spirit's FOV can lose you games due to how it works.
- Slinger's harpoon sometimes hits a survivor but doesn't spear them; it just goes back.
- Victor can easily go out of bounds after leaping.
- Plague's projectile vomit can visually hit a survivor, play the contagion sound effect, and still not infect the survivor.
- Dredge can't select a locker to go to if one is behind the other.
- Xeno's whip can go through a standing survivor and not connect the hit.
- The Artist's crows aren't tied to the ground, so the slightest bump will make them go out of bounds, leaving some areas unhittable with the crows.
These are just the ones I experience constantly. They are so common that if a single BHVR employee even played the game, they would experience them, but here we are.
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Nurse's basekit should be reverted and her lunge after blink should be the same as a regular lunge.
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Knight for QoL.
SM for Redesign.
Freddy for rework.
Myers for update.
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Knight needs some small buffs (basekit addons) and Quality of Life changes
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I agree all of the above, but pyramid head needs some desperate addon changes. And for the love of god bhvr it isn’t going to kill your to fix his jank movement when holding m2. No reason for such poor movement but to give survivors more than necessary counterplay at the cost of killer player enjoyment
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Myers and Freddy badly need an update. Ghostface NEEDS his Reveal mechanic made less janky, and maybe given some more QoL or small buffs so he doesn't struggle as much. Knight, Singularity, and Doc need various kit aspects fixed. Xeno needs tail jank fixed but isn't high priority. Dredge has needed help involving how bad locker placements on maps can be for years now, but isn't high priority. Both Sadako and Xeno can have their TVs/Tunnels spawn in ways that can get them trapped in some maps and that IS high priority. Pyramid Head and Nemesis have trash addons save a couple. Wesker has a collision glitch after throwing Survivors sometimes. Nurse needs a total rework; her power is too strong and breaks the rules of modern DBD too much. Legion still has a "stuck" glitch involving Frenzying and pallets. Pinhead still has a camera FoV bug with his chains.
In short? A lot of Killers need QoL or some love.
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they probably do play the game but issue with bugs is finding ways to reproduce them reliably. if you can't figure how to reproduce, it is very difficult to fix bugs.
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Rework and update are two different things.
I don't think Michael needs a rework. He just needs buffs to his existing kit. I love basic premise of his power. It captures the feel of the character from the Halloween movies. They just need to tweak some things to put him in a more comfortable spot like remove tier 1, let stalk regenerate on survivors after X amount of time, add some more things to tier 3 to go with the big lunge and fast vault speed like breaking pallets faster etc.
Freddy on the other hand needs a rework from the ground up. Nothing about current Freddy is good or even feels like movie Freddy in my opinion.
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I thought it is a regular lunge or even smaller?
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Her lunge after blink is much shorter, barely distinguishable from just a tap. I think it's a bug BHVR decided not to fix after all
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It's honestly laughable that we have a Killer power in 2024 where survivors can take away their power by simply just looking at the Killer.
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as much as i agree with this i dont think SM and freddy will get changes in year 9
pretty much agree
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Trapper, Freddy, Dredge and Myers should see some significant buffs, Knight should see minor buffs and QoL changes.
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I agree. However, there's a clear lack of urgency in addressing about 90% of quality of life and bug fixes related to specific killers. For example, the Nurse has had a bug for at least half a year where the camera swings awkwardly after every single blink, making it extremely nauseating. This bug is so common that you can notice it in a single match. Yet, I guarantee that BHVR won't fix it until someone on Twitter goes viral, claiming that BHVR doesn't care about people with motion sickness or something like that. Then they will rush to fix it.
It's the same with almost every killer bug: BHVR doesn't care and doesn't fix them until they get publicly called out. Blight, for instance, has had a bug for around two years where you experience two fatigue animations. This is crazy, especially considering he has received numerous balance changes without any mention of this bug.
The priority simply isn't on making killers smooth to play. Actually, I can't think of a single killer that doesn't feel janky to play as in one way or another.
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Wraith, Deathslinger, Nemesis, and Pinhead could do with their nerfs reverted.
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Don't even get me started on Freddy or Dredge. They are so weak.
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myers needs it the most tbh he needs a full on rework everything Michael does other characters can do 100x better
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I don't think so. He has his strenght.. I think all he needs is basekit buffs, quality of life and a full addon rework. There are scenarios where he is stronger than for example Ghostface... Let's say someone is on the hook, you stay close by with 3 ready and you down the guy that goes for the unhook... That game is basically done... The guy on hook will most likely die on hook and the downed guy needs to crawl really far away so he can be picked up. Sure Ghostface can reach a similar result, but that needs a bit more work.
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Please don't rework Myers. Maybe a small tweak here and there but he is nearly perfect.
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Agree with this. Just don't take away my Scratched Mirror 🍳
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Pretty much every killer needs changes, but the one's that need reworks are Freddy, Skull Merchant, and Knight.
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Agreed. His existing kit just needs tweaks/buffs. Not a rework.
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Freddy and Myers need some significant buffs, and Trapper still needs more as well.
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Dredge needs.... something I don't know what. But currently as is they're a monster on midwich and kinda terrible everywhere else.
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Big changes: Myers, Freddy
Addon pass: Nemesis, Pyramid head
Then you many killers who need simple number changes, or single features.
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Just buff Freddy.
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I think Trapper, Myers, and Freddy are in desperate need of some kinda buff. Like, taking away the whole deal with Myers being able to essentially lose his power would be INCREDIBLE, and that's like, the biggest thing needed between all three of them.
Besides that, some QOL changes for Knight and Pyramid Head would be great. I love Knight, but you basically need Map and Call for the guards to be viable, and even then, they're mid. Plus, he's crazy buggy. And then Pyramid Head… both him (and Slinger fr) need some addon fixes. Otherwise, everyone else feels ok to me.
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Knight needs a base-kit buff,
Dredge needs better lockersFreddy needs everything better lol
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Freddy needs an update
Knight needs more QOL
SM needs a re-do (for all of those complaints)
In short the game needs better coding for these things to work… would we be willing to play the game as it is now for a better version later on
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Trapper needs some grass for god's sake, almost every map feels like you're playing on the moon. Obviously a bunch of more changes but it's a trap for crying out loud that's supposed to catch survivors off guard.
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I just want a small QoL for Demogorgon. The way his power works now, you can cancel Shred by pressing m1 during the animation where he opens his mouth. You can also cancel it by simply letting go of the m2, so it doesn't really make sense to me why this would happen, other than to simply making Demo's skill floor a little higher.
What i want to suggest is for his Shred attack to work just like most other killer powers, where you can hold m1 while charging m2 to use it as soon as the attack is ready (e.g. Nemesis, Executioner, Oni, Deathslinger etc).
So, this way you could just hold m1 while charging m2 to launch a quick shred, or just hold m2 and press m1 when it's fully charged to go further.
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@Emeal see if this is "consensus" enough for you about the Knight situation.
Another killers that might need some tweaks are
Singularity: the camera get blocked by leaves and very small objects. Need some changes and other small QoL
Hag: still need something to adress the "S Tech" that makes her almost unplayable against anyone who knows this tech.
Trickster: Maybe Memento Blades basekit or at least some form of acceleration in the knife throw speed
Dredge: Lockers are too annoying to deal with and have a horrible placement in many maps (this is something related to Huntress and Trickster too).
Legion: Some small buffs and QoL changes.
Myers: Tier III should give some advantages against pallets, maybe shorter stun and faster break speed.
Anyway, if BHVR follow the trend that they did with killer in the last midchapter i think we are going to have some very nice changes as killers can become less addon dependant.
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- Dredge. He is very weak outside of nightfall and bad locker placements can make him weak period.
- Trickster. He needs further buffing imo. Bamboozle is pretty much a must have on him. He also needs memento blades basekit. And other buffs would be appreeciated.
- Myers. Needs just updated. He was the 6th killer added and has barely been changed since.
- Freddy. Extremely boring killer. They basically neutralised this killer, he doesn't cause a problem but he isn't interesting for it.
0 - Dredge. He is very weak outside of nightfall and bad locker placements can make him weak period.
Consensus usually means a lil more than 5 guys.
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Ad ons for Deathslinger, nemesis, Freddy, and a few others
Trappers kit.
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1 3 4 agreed 2 however people want him nerfed