What if deliverance got a buff like a second chance in second phase?

There are times where I run deliverance and sometimes I get hooked first and after that the perk is useless now. I think deliverance should be given a second chance in case you didn’t go for the unhook for whoever was hooked first. I believe deliverance should be used as a second chance in second phase just in case you get hooked first? But it only can work and activate if you unhook someone
Like many powerful perks, you take the risk it might get no value. It's like unbreakable, some games it gets no use, but when it gets value, it gets a lot of value.
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The LAST thing this perk needs is a buff.
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Deliverance can literally turn a lost game into a won one. It's fine as it is.
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killer main I see 👀
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survivor main i see 👀
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Nope, this perk is high risk/high reward. Doesn't need to remove the risk part.
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Literally one of the absolute strongest perks in the game and is so strong it is used in every single comp DBD match that has ever been played since its inception.
Denies all killer wrks that are tied to unhooks and obliterates any pressure gained ESPECIALLY in SWF. It needs no change.
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do you see my profile I main Sadako so what are you talking about 👀👀
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I don't play much anymore but self unhooking is so incredibly powerful in terms of efficiency. @board24jason123
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stating the obvious isn't an indicator of what side the person mains :)
Post edited by EQWashu on5 -
Deliverance is already extremely good. It has the ability to apply game-changing levels of pressure on the killer. It's one of the last perks that should be considered for a buff at the moment.
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I didn't think this perk needs anything. It's already pretty good in general, especially good if you can coordinate.
Is rather they spend their effort on some of the game's many underused, underpowered perks instead.
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Like profile picture indicates anything….
Deliverance doesn't need buff at all. It's already one of best perks with very strong effect, only thing that needs to be changed is to show survivors eachother's perks, so other survivors know they don't have to rescue… That's just soloQ issue in general.4 -
Yea I don't think deli needs any buffs
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That's not how good and bad ideas work. If I proposed the old Moris system come back and survivors could be killed off first hook, most people would rightfully say it's a bad idea. Because it is. It doesn't make me a survivor main to think that's a bad idea. It's just a bad idea.
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The original incarnation was that mori offerings allowed you to kill survivors in dying state with no hook requirement.
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Really? I remember it taking a hook but in fairness I ran them only a couple of times.
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It got changed pretty early in the game (2017) to requiring a hook.
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Wicked should have this
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Deliverance is fine as it is, it's already quite a strong perk and if used in a stealthy build, means the Killer loses their pressure as well as the ability to keep pressuring you. It should only ever activate once a round and never in endgame.
I do think maybe, MAYBE it should activate on second hook if you didn't get to use it before first hook, like you couldn't save, got hooked, then unhook someone and got hooked again. Or if you get tunnelled off the hook. But it shouldn't activate more than once a round period.
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what if old alchemist ring got buffed to work on missed attacks?
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Deliverance is good as it is, no buff or nerf is needed.