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General Discussions

This video pretty much explains why things get nerfed, like vecna.

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  • Member Posts: 409

    Sounds like skill issues again.

    Also maybe learn what life service games mean before you click on clickbait videos trying to tell you its ,,illegal"

  • Member Posts: 121

    i dont know why i waste my time with yall, i could never get a civil discussion with anyone here, always with so much aggression, and saying skill issue as their only defense. we'll never go anywhere like this.

  • Member Posts: 83

    This is missing the point of the argument the problem isn't people buying new content for a advantage and the having it removed. It's the intent of "making" new content have a advantage knowing as the seller you'll "fix" it down the road with out that info being given at purchase. It's a ompletely different issues

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    so that is not how it works. there is two types of game-balancing in games.

    The first one is called Upscale balancing and the other one is called Downscale balancing.

    Downscale balancing is when you balance a character from their highest point. The goal is to make the ability/character as strong as possible then down-scale the character until the character's power-level reaches the tolerated power-level.

    Upscale balancing is when you balance a character from their lowest estimated starting point. The goal is to make the ability/character purposely weak then slowly upscale the character until they reach acceptable level of strength.

    you can argue that games that produce DLC tend to Downscale balance which is why a lot of DLC get nerfed. It is just normal part of game development. DBD tends upscale over downscale. Most things start off in dbd as very weak and get buffed to be relevant.

  • Member Posts: 584

    Bro I hate to disagree but everyone else is correct. It’s a live service game and changes are going to be made after release for balancing.

    Honestly I do empathize because I did say that I was tired of buying DLC for survivor perks and then having those perks nerfed into the ground. Guess what I did?

    I decided that I had the option to not buy new DLCs on release. We can wait until after release to see how the new perks work, see what changes BHVR decides to make and then buy it later once we decide if the changed perks are worth our money. Are you gonna have some FOMO? Probably but that’s the trade off if you feel like your money is being unfairly taken. Wait it out.

    With the exception of Sable there are no other survivor characters that I play out of the last 5-6 chapters. I don’t play Vittorio, Thalita, Renato, Gabriel, Ripley, and I don’t run their perks because they either got nerfed into the ground (Gabriel) or I don’t find them worth running. But I bought those DLCs so basically those were a waste of my money in the long run. This is why I’ve begun to wait it out.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited June 2024

    Did you know that human beings react 5 times stronger to something being nerfed than they do for something being buffed?

    It's derived from a survival Instinct that humans don't like to lose something they have, because there is obviously a limit to how many things you can lose before you run out of resources and die, but there is theoretically no limit to how many things you can gain to stay alive. The simplest example is people are benign about gaining £10/$10, but get very upset at losing £10/$10.

    This difference in the scale of human reaction tends to lead me to conclude that most complaints/conspiracy theories about being ripped off or exploited for money, while not to be dismissed completely, should analysed with very heavy scrutiny.

    Needless to say, people complaining about Vecna nerfs to Mage Hand and trying to claim its all part a greater plan of release strong to sell the character and then nerf after the fact, don't really hold up well to scrutiny and can usually be written off as bias, click bait or someone pushing an agenda.

  • Member Posts: 333

    i guess everyone who is in denial forgot about mettle of man, mft, decisive strike, eruption, circle of healing, legion's first design which should have never escaped testing or rather brainstorming, or freddy's rework. these are all obvious cashgrabs. if you say "you shouldn't have paid for an OP thing and not expected a nerf", that's pretty much agreeing.

  • Member Posts: 1,558
  • Member Posts: 1,558

    No amount of testing can ever be the same as when something actually goes live and the expanded playerbase finds new ways to use it and make it OP. MFT by itself wasn't too bad, it was when it was combined with other perks that it became insanely OP.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    Do you get upset when they buff killers? I mean, as a survivor main maybe I don't like spending money on this game to repeatedly watch my escape rate drop as more and more killers get buffed. But they do. If you'll happily accept the buffs that BHVR dole out but not any nerfs then your concerns are only around your own competitive advantage and not actual balancing issues that are necessary for the game to thrive.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I'm sure it is a problem to a degree, but how much is hard to say seeing as people refuse to stop mindlessly camping pallets or anticipate Mage Hand usage.

    I don't see how it's much different than the vault mindgame with huntress or running into a Bubba randomly. In both those cases you just die.

  • Member Posts: 521

    Comparing BHVR to companies like EA and Ubisoft is absolutely wild. BHVR can be guilty of inept balancing and design but they're not straight up evil like those companies are.

    Also literally by this logic nothing in DBD is allowed to be balanced if they it's released over or under tuned which is a very obviously ridiculous take.

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