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Yesterday, I once again encountered the *wonderful* DBD community

BasementKing Member Posts: 46
edited June 10 in Feedback and Suggestions

This is a serious problem and it needs a solution. Yesterday, my friend and I were playing against Rin. We lost, and she slugged us, the last two survivors, stomped on us, and nodded her head for no reason. We hadn't shown any toxicity. But the point is that we couldn't do anything, just slowly bleed out and watch the killer's gloating. The person just wasted as much of our time as possible. Why, instead of starting a new match, do I have to watch some jerk boost their ego in a video game? Maybe I'm taking it too personally, but it's so annoying. I wish the developers would add an option to bleed out after fully recovering the scale. I understand that many killers play the slugging strategy to secure a 4K, but there are people who abuse this and hold players hostage. Alternatively, they could add a voting system for survivors to surrender, because no one wants to waste their time like this.


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,913

    We hadn't shown any toxicity.

    I think I need a video testimony from the Killer before I believe claims like this anymore.

    I think you may get your wish, depending on what elements of "finisher mori" that bHVR picks to implement, it could very well mean that Killers cant slug everyone, because that would automatically trigger a mori event and then end the game.

    Come lets rewatch the broadcast again:

    Now they don't specifically say that it activates on two downed Survivors, but it could be easily implemented in a way that checks for abilities to get up and if none, it just ends the game. @BasementKing Would that be a solution to your issue?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197

    My preferred feature would be a 'sprint' or faster crawl option as basekit, that allows you to hold down the sprint button to crawl at 2x speed for 2x health drain. You can either try to get away faster (same range but quicker) or bleedout in half the time, whichever your goal is.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,707

    We hadn't shown any toxicity.

    I think I need a video testimony from the Killer before I believe claims like this anymore.

    Does it really matter though? Both sides can and do initiate toxic behaviour even if not directly provolones and it’s up to the devs to take away these tools if the toxic behaviour is crossing a line. That line is of course subjective but the devs said that it’s not against game rules to bleed someone out as the game will reach a ‚natural‘ end.

    New mechanic like the finisher mori - if implemented right - can be a good way to avoid this kind of toxicity. Just hopefully it will not introduce new unfun mechanics

  • Rauy556
    Rauy556 Member Posts: 41

    I think you do not truly understand what it is to be held hostage in dbd, it is a very common misconception that slugging people for 4 minutes is holding the game hostage but that is not true, this is as the game continues to progress via means of bleeding out. While it is unpleasant and toxic it is NOT holding the game hostage. Holding the game hostage is something like the infamous locker glitch, body blocking the last survivor in a corner while hatch is opened, survivors staying within glitched areas where the killer is unable to do anything.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,259

    Does it really matter though?

    It matters in my opinion.

    For example yesterday I had survivors crying and complaining about bleeding them out.

    But the detail they all were in corner and it was impossible for me to hook (The Game map) was clearly not relevant...

    I really don't believe I was toxic in that moment, I simply had no other choice (unless you count letting them leave).

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,913

    That is exactly what I don't believe anyone who makes that claim, but this is besides the point of the post.
    This problem isn't a problem of toxicity, its a problem of enabling toxicity and bad behaviour.

  • Laendra
    Laendra Member Posts: 84

    Giving a slugged survivor a way to "give up" after, say 20 seconds would be a welcome addition in my mind.

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    I'm just happy to see that people want a solution to the toxicity.

    Ultimately, some people just suck. They want to win because they don't see themselves winning anything or anywhere else in life, which I hate for them, but that doesn't warrant acting like a piece of crap to a stranger. All that just to say, I wouldn't take it personal by any means, but I do understand the anger fully.

    In terms of a solution, they're working on that finisher mori thing, but if I remember right, that's only for the last survivor in the trial. Stuff like you described though, where the killer is clearly gloating, I think that could have something like the anti-camp. Like, the killer is standing right next to a slugged survivor and isn't doing anything, after maybe ten(?) seconds a timer starts that'll let you pick yourself up. Otherwise, if they start running after someone else or whatever, it's just up to getting healed.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: I am by no means a professional game dev or balance guy or whatever. I'm just someone who enjoys DBD and tries my best to help everyone in whatever game I'm in have fun. I'm by no means perfect with even that goal, but I just don't see that need for being a piss-poor individual in a video game.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,182

    Yeah, this needs a solution from the game design end. There's a lot of things people can do to drag the game out longer to annoy people deliberately.

    Things like anti-slug on a 2v1 (and reworking adepts to discount the hatch etc), a bleed out faster button, and a give up button for killer once the gates are open would be welcome changes for me.

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    Yeah, those would actually be pretty nice. I know it isn't the main focus, but the adept thing would be really nice. I've been scared to try adept for that exact reason.

    Point is, yes, correct.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 550

    Were there any hooks left around? When you got 4% escape, did you do anything you would expect from a player, like making noise and T-bagging in front of the hatch?

    I personally feel bad about slugging because it wastes my time, but if I was playing with a player I didn't know, including Solo, I would give up and think, ``Maybe he did something,'' and then I would play on Twitch. I try to kill time by watching Youtube. It can't be helped because you don't know what's going on outside your sight or what the other person thinks about you.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I don't really think it is an issue, because the game ends after a maximum of 4 minutes or so when you bled out, it is not like he can hold you hostage forever by slugging you. And while he is doing all that nobody forces you to watch, just do something else, talk to your buddy, tab out do anything other than staring on the screen while he bms you…

    On a side note sure a surrender option would be nice. However you are only wasting time if you don't do anything else other than watching the guy bm you xD Read a book or something ^^ Or Manga, if that is more your cup of tea, watch some videos do anything else and you will soon see how little this actually matters.