Why can’t I find the new survivors perks in the blood web?

I just bought the new dnd survivor and none of his perks are showing up in the blood web. Do I need to prestige 1 before getting them now or is this just a bug?
How many survivor perks do you have unlocked? What level are they? You get their teachables at yellow rarity by default but to start getting the upgraded green and purple versions can take a few levels because they're competing with all the generic survivor perks as well as any perks you have unlocked with prestige 1 or 2 survivors.
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To my knowledge, yeah, you need to prestige the dnd character for it show up in other characters spider web; that or, complete it in the shrine of secrets.
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I think you need to prestige first. I don't usually use perks on other survivors until I get them to prestige 3 anyway.
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It'd be better to just P3 your survivor; then that will automatically max out the perks for all survivors.
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Yes, they need to be prestige 1
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It depends on what you're asking
If you are looking for the new survivor's perks in another character's bloodweb then you have to prestige the new character to at least P1. Then the level 2 and 3 perks will appear in the bloodwebs of all survivors.
If you are looking to get the level 2 and 3 perks for the new character then they should appear in the bloodweb right away but since it's random you could possibly end up having to get all the general perks first.
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no I mean I don’t have any of the dnd survivors perks in their own blood web at all, like I just bought it to try out the perks but I can’t even get them in the characters blood web
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Yeah they can take a while to show up because it's RNG if they show up before the generic survivor perks. Keep leveling them up and they should show up eventually, in the meantime you have the tier 1 versions unlocked by default.
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I don’t have the tier one unlocked though, I went to the loadout screen to check but still nothing..
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Uuuhhhhh for any of them? That's not supposed to happen...
So yeah I would definitely go to the bug report section and contact support because you're always supposed to have a character's perks unlocked at tier 1 even if you haven't leveled them at all.