Rank mode

I believe a rank mode will solve the 2 problems the community has right now. 1 separating players that want competitive vs people that don’t want competitive that would end that argument. 2 quitters wouldn’t be playing rank or else you would lose your rank plus a heavy ban that stacks up the more you quit making it over all better for players quality wise. There’s a lot of different ways to make the rank system work and can add rewards but sometime needs to be changed I feel like. solo queuing is no longer fun when your one of the highest ranks in the game and you have people that are new to the game in the same lobby.
Would never work, people with a competitive mindset would choose the "casual" mode to get easy wins
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Well rank mode should match you with similar MMR score then it could work. But good players would still play casual mode to get ez wins.
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If you've ever played a game with ranked and casual queues, you'll know you'll face just as many people playing with a competitive mindset if not more in casual queue.
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Yeah because they have a rank and want to keep that rank will only want to play when they are ready for the challenge and also just practicing. People in most casual modes in most games play for fun since there really is no point in "winning" or practicing.
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It would work only if you give valid rewards for rank system and blood points won't save it.
Otherwise people won't care imo.
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Even people who "play for fun" will still play to win. We already see that in DBD's current queue as it's already a casual queue. Adding a ranked queue is not going to stop people from playing the same way they do now in a casual queue.
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People that are competitive will play it and we see this in every game with a rank system. It's something to work towards and show off at the end which you wont get from playing casually.
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Those players would be outliers in the big picture point is solo q will be better with a rank mode because you will team with people your skill level and can't just quit without consequences. Also, I can't entirely agree with competitive players choosing causal over rank look at every game with a rank mode they are all doing very well and they all have a causal game mode plus they create meaning of having a good rank by creating a record on your previous ranks and even rewarding to a certain level with limited items, etc.
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I would have to disagree sure you will have outliers players would play causal but wouldn't get what people would get from playing rank. Of course, casual is always going to be easier to play but for real competitive players, they will play rank which is the point I'm trying to get to, and other game rank systems statistics prove people play it and increase the game's population along with it after every new season. Plus rank is not for everyone only for people that want to show their skills and work towards something.
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Why would they? It's just additional stress for nothing.
If you think other mode would be actually "casual" then you are just naive.
People play exactly same, just usually less stressed.
I definitely won't care about it unless it's worth it (reward) and just stay on casual.
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So, basically what already happens now? Would it make two better modes more suited to those respective players? I think so. Nothing is going to be perfect. DbD is not the first game in history to face this issue.
Pub stompers are always going to pub stomp in any game. But players with an actual competitive mindset will chose ranked 99% of the time.
A ranked mode is the only thing that would get me to consistently play DbD again. There is nothing else for me to play for at this point.
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Right now in the state of the game is you are playing just to play there is nothing to work towards once you are a seasoned player. Rank means nothing right now because you don't even lose pips so i wouldn't even see it as a rank. What's wrong with a little bit of stress for something you want and are working towards creates emotion therefore more meaning to actually play the game. Plus you only play rank if you want to rank is not for everyone.
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Rank in dbd never had any value for most players.
Even before grades, whenever someone tried to bring "I am red rank" into argument, they were laughing stock. It didn't mean anything.
Why exactly would that change?
If I want to have something meaningful, I will go climb the ladder, or try tournaments. Simply because I believe that is test of skill. I don't believe ranked would be any different to casual mode.
It doesn't matter if it is casual or ranked, people still try to win. Only difference is people are less affected from results with casual mode.
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Having fun and looping killers over and over for nothing at the end burns players out. The way you get players to stay is with constant updates which they have been doing which is really great or creating an emotional attachment for players which is what rank does because you get players to care about their rank and not about escaping against killers you know are new/ not great.
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Back then with the numbers rank solo q was extremely better and would actually have teammates know what they were doing. You would also be surprised the amount of people that care about their rank lol. I also said in my first post ranking would need to change with the mode many different ways to change it not like how it is now since it's not the best for the competitive side of the game.
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I would have to disagree there is always going to be outliers that just play causal but for people who want to work towards something and play with a team with the same mindset people would play. we can also see this happening in other games with a rank mode. They're not perfect but better than what's going on now. Plus good players like comp along with winning makes the game more fun an example is imagine playing 10 games with a baby killer and winning it doesnt even feel like a win rather playing a killer that is good seeing it as a challenge makes the game more fun and test you.
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Splitting wouldn't work as you think. People above have explained already but we'll give it a try in our words.
It won't fully separate the "competitive" ones from the casual ones. Nothing stops a competitive mindset player from "practicing" in the casual mode with their full meta load out and hyper tunneling play style. The other hand it also doesn't stop the casual player from trying to play in the "ranked" mode with their casual build where 1 casual survivor does whatever and probably [censored] off the other 3 to high hell.
Separating modes into ranked and unranked would only (maybe as it's still not guaranteed) solve this at best: "quitters wouldn’t be playing rank or else you would lose your rank plus a heavy ban that stacks up the more you quit" but then you leave all the quitting in the casual que...guess which mode will start dying.
We are also obligated to point out rank means f all currently. You can be a high rank and still suck (how many p100s does it take to work on a gen?).
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Separating modes into ranked and unranked would only (maybe as it's still not guaranteed) solve this at best: "quitters wouldn’t be playing rank or else you would lose your rank plus a heavy ban that stacks up the more you quit" but then you leave all the quitting in the casual que...guess which mode will start dying
They would have to disable completely suicides on hook.
That would actually make me play it tho...
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Yes, but then what would stop them from disabling swinging in the casual mode?
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I mean there are reasons to die on hook on purpose.
For ranked I would disable self unhook attempts too.
Basically if they adapt some rules from competitive scene, I would play it.
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personally, we feel that'd water down the experience
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that’s a great idea I feel some different rules along with a rank system change would work better overall .
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What if certain perks/items/addons were banned in the casual mode? I feel like that would even further discourage people who want to play competitvely from slaughtering casual. I agree with most here that without some sort've rules they will dominate. Solo is a perfect example of this lol.
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You cant.
You may ban 2nd chance on survivor, and then average casual survivors have no chance against tunneler since tunneling is a play style, not perks/addon. Then average casual survivors forced to play rank who are greatly skilled.
You may ban slowdown on killer, and then average killers may still matched with 4 players SWF.
MMR itself splits the playbase already.
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I just posted a thread about this topic. I wouldn't do a ranked system, but a casual and competitive game mode. I wrote this down in the thread. Maybe you wanna check it out.