Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Casual and Competitive game mode

In summary, just different rule sets for those two game modes.

There have been a lot of threads about making two game modes in dbd, I'm sure. Let me talk about the idea I had, how to let loose of a lot of toxicity, you know. Killers complaining about gen rushers, or lots of saves in one game. And then they switch to meta perks and better killers next game. Survivors complaining about sweaty killers with strong add-ons.

The casual mode: We ban ALL meta-perks, strong add-ons, and strong items on BOTH sides. The problem I have is not that there are stronger perks and add-ons, but I never know what I will run into on both sides.

What if I face a killer with double iri add-ons, meta-perks, and a map offering? I'm… not well.
What if I wanted to try out a killer, or a funny build, and then I run into survivors with 4 strong medkits, iri, etc.
It would be fair, if I knew what I will face, but I don't get that information.

Ban meta-perks, strong add-ons, and the stronger items. Only one medkit, one toolbox etc. is allowed. Maybe even get the strongest killers less perk-slots, to make killers more even (why not a nurse with only two/three perk slots?)

Competitive mode: everything is allowed. Tunneling is vital. Ban map offerings, because luck should be applied to both sides. Maybe you get a good map, maybe you don't.


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  • Member Posts: 17

    This will never be in the game for obvious reasons. This new mixed perks mode was a great example. Competitive SWF'S and competitive killers will want to play in casual mode for an easy victory. This new mode made this very clear, killers who camp and tunnel with 5 gen up were only playing in random perks mode to be able to tunnel calmly without worrying about decisive strike or OFTR. They were even doing win streaks in this new mode.

  • Member Posts: 9,700

    I don't see why people would pick a mode where the chance a perk they use is banned. Also kind of weird to call a mode that is trying to create an equal footing between sides as the "casual" mode. Generally casual modes are more unrestricted and ranked modes are more restricted.

  • Member Posts: 14

    You can call it differently, if you want to. DBD has a lot of perks!!! Banning a pain res won't hurt any player xD. This would just open up to variation and creativity.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Win streaks may be harder, if you can't run your usual build.

    You may still have games where you get tunneled out at 5 gens. There is no game where you always have fair and enjoyable games.

    I think, those games would be diminished.

    Game-inbalance sometimes comes from different builds. Survivors run iris, you don't. You may need to sweat. Killers have iris, you don't. You may need to sweat.

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