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Killer Tier List 8.00



  • Member Posts: 2,661

    I'm not rating anyone! My whole point was that this is pointless! Lol

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    It was pointless because you misunderstood its purpose... Just look at arguments people bring forth for their opinion of placements in the tierlist... Do they say t"his killer goes higher because his ability is stronger" or do they say "this killer goes higher because I play him better"... Depending on which it is you should easily know what the point of the tierlist is...

  • Member Posts: 2,661

    We're just arguing at this point. Enjoy the anniversary event. It begins at 11AM. No hard feelings, peace.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I fail to see where an argument is something bad, but whatever.

  • Member Posts: 4,139
    edited June 2024

    Players can't always just "get better". The difference between average MMR and high MMR isn't just time and effort. There are so many reasons why some people will permanently be in average MMR, which includes things like personal dexterity, reaction times, hardware limitations, personal eyesight, personal hearing, ability to multitask, how much the player is willing to leverage killer strategies that might be unfun for survivors, whether or not the player actually wants to push their MMR, etc.

    In reality, many players are stuck in diminishing returns, and some get stuck at average MMR and some get stuck somewhere at high MMR. It feels like you are claiming that average MMR player experiences aren't important, and should be ignored because it's "the player's fault" they are in average MMR.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Might be a bit of an optimistic way to phrase it, but I think if you really want to get better you will find a way... Let's not kid ourselves DBD is not that complicated and you can easily get above average results in many ways, be it bringing busted stuff into a match or by playing a killer that performs better given your limitations in skill... That does not mean everyone is willing to do so... But saying people cannot get better seems like a lame excuse for people who don't even want to become better.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    If this were a fighting game or another type of game that required a lot of skill I would agree but its dbd, the only reason you do not get better at it is either you have no interest to do so or you suffer from a physiological pathology that heavily hinders your senses.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 70

    Doesn't seem like you read what I said, you shouldn't be running a perk to injure someone who breaks traps. If someone is going through your web disarming traps that's the person you should have been chasing. As soon as a trap gets disarmed you chase that person but also come from a direction that would push them back into the web. A lot of times people will disarm traps and immediately run in the direction they know is safe and a lot of times that can only be one direction. So you can cut them off easily and get a free hit.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    i am not saying you should get better. I am just saying that a limited skill-floor of another player shouldn't limit other players that do get better. In other words, a higher MMR killer shouldn't have to put up with bronze-level balance on a character. Most of those C and D-tier killers are killer that player actively avoid playing because they're far too ineffective. Your saying that this is good design while i am saying it is poor design because those players can level-up their game or accept L's when their opponent is better at said weak killer than they are at survivor.

  • Member Posts: 4,139

    Actually, it's important to have a variety of killers that are good at average MMR and a variety of killers that are good at high MMR, so that all players have multiple choices they can pick.

    Yes, a higher MMR killer should have to put up with the fact that average MMR killers exist, because average MMR players deserve to have killers that are good at their skill level too.

    And again, trying to dismiss the majority of the playerbase, by claiming it's "their fault they're at average MMR", is really bad game design. Beyond the fact that many players can't actually ever reach high MMR, there's the fact that they shouldn't be required to be at high MMR in order to have good player experiences.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    It is not about high mmr or not but about at least learning how a killer works… nobody is expecting them to put in 10 k hours, but if a killer only works because the opposing side does not know how to play a game that is bad design.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    You have to decrypt some of these ambiguous words such as "good player experiences". Assuming good player experience is survivor winning when they play worse, no this should not be the case. you shouldn't attempt to make a poor player win.

    And again, trying to dismiss the majority of the playerbase, by claiming it's "their fault they're at average MMR"

    I am not saying it is their fault. i am just saying their inability to win should not compromise more experienced player's gameplay experience.

    Yes, a higher MMR killer should have to put up with the fact that average MMR killers exist

    Why? Explain in detail how this benefits other players.

    average MMR players deserve to have killers that are good at their skill level too.

    Average players will face Average killer players. A killer power could be much stronger but an average player will not utilize kit correctly to their full potencial. You don't need to make a killer purposely worse for worse players because worse killer player won't use kit correctly. the killer and survivor already get self-balanced because both sides are playing poorly in their respectively role.

  • Member Posts: 4,139

    The game having different killers that cater to different MMR levels, benefits everyone, because everyone is included. High MMR players aren't more important than average MMR players, and the game shouldn't revolve around them.

    And the actual problem with Freddy is his skill ceiling is way too low. He has an easy to aim power, that never needs to be aimed at a moving survivor, he doesn't have any fast movement abilities that are difficult to control, and he doesn't really have any advanced tactics. There isn't enough opportunity for high MMR players to mess up his power, so there really isn't a good way to balance him across all skill levels.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean sure, but you also should not design gameplay around people having absolutely no clue how the game works... Freddy is not a complicated killer and his tools are really weak, I don't see why he should have any right to perform as well as he does when people understand the basics of the game... And I don't see how good players benefit from characters they basically cannot play because of how weak they are...

    I would even go as far as to say that there is not really a way to mess up his power for anybody, as it is that simple to control, Freddy has has indeed no skill ceiling and his skill floor is also very low, on top of his power being incredibly weak overall... And because his skill ceiling is basically non existent there is also no way to show skill expression with him, because there is basically no way to tell apart good and bad players from the way they play his killer specific parts…ofc you will see a difference on the m1 killer gameplay...

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    For the it benefits everyone part of this... That is a bit of an oversight here, because sure the overall thing that everybody has killers to play benefits everyone, but certain killers that are limited in their usability for certain players don't benefit those players, and that is the whole issue we are complaining about... A playable character should not be so weak that he only works against players that have no clue how the game works. Or to have a more plastic example...

    We have a library, with all types of different books, medicine, laws, sports and so on, all really specific and not for the general reader... And while everyone benefits because everyone has what they need to read or want to read for their studies... The laws student does not get a benefit because there are books about sports and the other way around... While the overall thing does help everyone, the specifics of it do not help the people it is not addressed at... And that is an issue... Imaginary in dota 2 for example if there was a hero that was so useless that nobody above 3 K mmr could win with it, but all the trash players would stomp using it... That would be terrible design and a good reason for a rework.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    And the actual problem with Freddy is his skill ceiling is way too low. He has an easy to aim power, that never needs to be aimed at a moving survivor, he doesn't have any fast movement abilities that are difficult to control, and he doesn't really have any advanced tactics. There isn't enough opportunity for high MMR players to mess up his power, so there really isn't a good way to balance him across all skill levels.

    What is funny is that Trapper and Myer's share exact same problem. Their skill-cieling are too low. They have easy to aim power that never need to be aimed at a survivor and there are no advanced tactics to using them. I would argue that there isn't a way for Low-Average MMR players to mess up their power, as a result, there isn't a good way to balance all 3 killers across all skill levels. a high MMR player on said killer is not going to make many or any mistakes with their ability because they invented a lot of time to be good at said killer within the killer's limited skill-cieling.

    Trapper and Myer's at least have iri add-on's and Mori to elevate their total power-level while freddy really has nothing.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean on Trapper you can easily misplace a trap... But other than that sure I guess...

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    If nurse safe blinks on MAJORITY of tiles there is no counter play. Double back, stand still, wait and hold W. That second blink will just hit you if the nurse has 20 games and the ability to learn semi-efficiently. Billy is the hardest mechanically but blight is the close second and instant read collision along with creating a geometric path in your head in miliseconds based on that knowledge is FAR HARDER. Like wow, billy holds the tittle of the most mechanical killer, that's nothing in dbd terms. Blight has second to none mechanics and knowledge base above all others. Nurse is nothing mechanically, if you can't learn her timing in 5 games idk. Safe blinking even in comp will result in a hit 90% of the time at least. It literally comes down to LoS rng(GREAT COUNTERPLAY).

    With all that side no blight player has touched something akin to a perfect bot, unlike any other killer main in the game.

    Skill ceiling on the killer side isn't high and nurse is definitly not up there. Wesker, Billy, Blight and Oni are way above that killer with an extremely overated skill ceiling.

    I remember a couple months into dbd my friend who had quit dbd asked me to play nurse. I lossed my first game, and then won my next 20+. You can try and force the knightlight "comp" thing but the safe blink playstyle doesn't care about that whatsoever.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean I am not arguing about the mechanical stuff on Nurse or Blight... But I would assume that one of the best comp players in the Scene and also one of the best Nurse players out there knows what he talks about when he makes a statement like that... Maybe he meant it more in the macro sense than in the mechanical sense? But I would assume his statement to be true in some regard.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    As someone who plays both I actually disagree, mainly because of something. Unknown is miles more punishing than larry, if you get a slipstream and and it gets EMPd you can apply it again in less than 3 seconds, while if you as unknown miss, they remove weakened and you have to wait your entire cooldown again plus you have to hit them again two times.

    Not only that but as singularity while EMPs are strong and you can get out of sight, if he is quick enough getting a slipstream is quite easy. Now while yes the unknowns proyectile has an area of effect its speed is so slow its practically impossible to get hit by it if you are looking at where he is shooting it from. Apart from that you can also run into him since he cannot look down and bait the uvx, wayy better if he tries to correct where to shoot or you start zig zagging them you get rid of weakened because unlike larry unknown is on a timer all the time to use uvx.

    He can hit through walls yes but the solution is to stop hugging loops, and guess what the slow from aiming uvx makes it so even tho you are not hugging the loop he is still not gaining distance.

    Hitting trhough floors is prob one of the coolest things to do with him and trully one of the things thats not very easy to counter on the survivor part so that ability is actually really good no comment on that.

    Now unknowns teleport is incredible when used as a dredge remnant and even kind of busted in loops if you have blurry photo. But out side of a loop its very easy to dispel hallucinations because they literally show you an aura of where they are placed.

    Now you can tell when they are dispelling them so against good unknowns you have to do this while he is carrying a survivor or the hallucinations are on cooldown.

    So in my opinion while singularity requires more multitadking unknown punishes you wayy too much for any misplay making the skill ceiling higher in a game where you are not allowed to make many mistakes. Larry can correct his mistakes and keep pressure.

    Final comment, if what you are refering is that larry is just a better killer than unknown then yes he is and this comment makes no sense, I took your comment as him requiring leagues more effort which I consider to not be true.

  • Member Posts: 10,240

    This is why you can't balance off kill rates, let alone look at them for good data. You can't even look at win rates for good data. Take like 10 matches from low, mid, and high level for each killer, and then look at the other factors of the match. These factors include perks ran, time in-between hits and hooks, time in-between gens getting done, the MMR and hours of each player, SWF or no SWF, the loops that spawned, etc. We still wouldn't know the exact story of the match without spectating it directly, but with this we'd get pretty darn close. I think this is reasonable. Those who don't most likely think that you can do the exact same kind of data analysis that's done in CoD or fighting games, looking at the K/D or who won the round and nothing else.

  • Member Posts: 253

    Spirit is really not S tier

  • Member Posts: 16

    My opinion as a killer main assuming good addons/perks, myers should probably be higher if you aren't high MMR.

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