Don’t take bonus bp items
The killers are playing like it’s a comp game save your bonus bp items.
What if I'm playing killer?
When exactly are you going to save them for? When do (the other side) not play sweaty?
How about everyone brings cakes so we all get enough BP to then get multiple more cakes.
If You spend your cakes now you'll earn more to save for later.
25 -
I feel like we get a thread like this every event.
Both sides play sweaty. Killers tunnel. Survivors stick to Generators like a fly on a glue-trap. It's just the nature of the game. Even if there was not an event active, youd still see it.
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So 4K with survivors getting at most 6k and the killer over 30k yes let’s help them. Are you serious?
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Everyone plays sweaty the first week of the event. People that never play come back and are obnoxious. This happens both sides.
When is BHVR going to learn not to just boost BP and to just make the boosts permanent forever all the time (no more Blood Hunts, none of that, they are sweatfests - their bonus should be basekit gain), and to actually do SOMETHING to make it so players can't grief each other?
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Not all killers or survivors play sweaty and you still better off using them as you can buy with bp even more cakes.
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Tsk tsk, killers are obligated to play
badlynicely during events, and also not during events. Survivors, of course, are not under any similar obligation at any time ever.11 -
If you don't want to use offerings, don't use offerings. No one is forcing you to in the first place.
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You still earn more cakes by using them than if you hoard them out of spite.
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I get how this is killer mains only. Clearly cause I see mostly only about 6k bp for survivors so why would we help inflate Kille mains who don’t think about others.
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You care way too much about this.
If you don't want to use offerings, don't. If you want extra bloodpoints and use a BP offering, it doesn't matter if your opponent also benefits.
Frankly, I've only seen survivors get less than 10K BP if they played badly or were someone who suicided on first hook.
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Ignore how someone has played multiple games and seen this. That just shows how you only play Killer. Maybe think of others.
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I had to work freakin' hard to slow down gens without killing anyone in my first match. It sucked. Second match, the survivors threw themselves in front of me when I'd try to go after the unhooker instead of the unhooked, so I said screw it and killed everyone. Two disconnected because I guess me giving them the attention they demanded wasn't what they wanted.
Everyone sucks during these events.
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6K with full bonus turns out to be around 30k, which is enough to earn you 2-3 additional cakes.
Do you understand how that's exponential growth?
Then there's the games where you all get 30k, with bonuses bringing it up to 150k+, netting you another 10+ cakes.
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Again, this just shows how many killer only players there are. You all play like your life depends on it and screw over 4 people. Why should those 4 give you bonus bp? The answer is simple they shouldn’t. I play both sides and during events I play nice cause as Killer you get a ton regardless. As survivors you do not unless you get stuff done. So as I said do not give these killers extra bp they are playing this way on purpose.
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This and only 9000 bp on average per game could just net you more cakes than you could save them by not using them at all.
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Also so get 6k time 4 to give the person who belittles others 30k times 4. Yeah that makes sense.
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So helping the people who are only for themselves is good? No, it isn’t just realize you are not on the right side. Understand you are hurting others to benefit yourselves. That’s not right so do not act like it is.
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I prefer to not be bitter and petty.
I play nice in my games. Everyone gets 30k+. I play BP offerings, so should everyone to maximise EVERYONE'S score.
It's not essential, I don't feel slighted if someone doesn't bring one (maybe they just started the event and dont have any cakes yet), but specifically stating you won't bring offerings to spite other players is another level.
Post edited by EQWashu on6 -
I see survivors earning only 6K very rarely you either very unlucky or exaggerate. Matches where I see this survivors either give up or it's god nurse/blight/hillbilly. One survivor can occasionally earn that low if he is hard tunneled out but at worst that can happen 1/4 games to you and other survivors can still earn decent amount.
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helping the people who are only for themselves is good?
No, helping yourself as a survivor by using the offerings so you earn more BP and thus more offerings is good.
Understand you are hurting others to benefit yourselves.
How am I hurting others by burning offerings when I play survivor? Not burning offerings when I play survivor hurts myself.
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You understand this is a PvP game right
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Didn't know that a killer can tunnel the entire team. Please enlighten me on what tunneling is in your opinion. Normally a killer tunnels a specific survivor.
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I tried bringing a fun meme build on Hag, got a bunch of syringes, BNPs and Adrenalines for my trouble. It's not like this is a one-sided thing.
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Turning BP into a moral dilemma is wild lmao.
But either way logically bringing the cobblers is still correct for BP gains since theoretically people are going to play the same regardless of wether you bring them or not so you're still getting more BP than you would have otherwise which allows you to get more cobblers while they're still available.
9 -
The sweatiest killers around + no MMR resulting in a lot of baby teammates = I'm sticking with regular queue for the first few days of this event, probably only going to bother with the event when the tome challenges require it. Most of these matches are just offensively dull. Even when the lack of MMR brings in a baby killer it's just a different kind of boring.
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Let's remember to please keep the comments in here civil, respectful, and constructive. Thank you.
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So cobblers gets slightly more for survivor, and a ton for killer. So the survivor can get more cobblers to boost the killer more. Yeah that makes complete sense.
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Yeah, I've gotten to the point of just leaving items and bp bonus offerings alone. Just a waste when I'm tunneled out with 5 gens left or genrushed with 2 hooks in. Just the way it is.
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oh yea comp game where 4 ppl play with bnp meanwhile I have the useless perk called Pop. You know every Killer player should only play nurse and slug at 5 gens so you finally get the message.
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Do these kinds of threats actually serve any other purpose than to make people go at each others throats?
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Yes 30K is cool EXCEPT when you see the killer with a 30-40K BASE meaning you’re walking out with 30K total and they’re walking with over 200K. You talk about exponential growth? How many cakes would that 200K buy? Thats the issue they’re referring to and what’s upsetting people. People are trying to maximize during this event and walking out with a normal BP haul during an event with 5 BP offerings is demoralizing.
I’m not advocating not bringing cakes but please don’t be disingenuous like you don’t see the issue they have. It’s clearly upsetting to go into a match with 5 BP offerings and be tunneled or camped out and see that you’re only walking with that 30K while you know the killer is in 6 figure digits after they just ruined the game for you.6 -
So play killer then.
You're just trying to create a problem from where non-exists.
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Yes 30K is cool EXCEPT when you see the killer with a 30-40K BASE meaning you’re walking out with 30K total and they’re walking with over 200K.
So? Why do you care what other people get?
Why would you limit your own BP in an effort to spite other people? It's extremely petty. You're hurting yourself, and the person you're trying to spite doesn't care.
Killer will always earn more BP. If you want that BP, play killer yourself. Play killer, in a fair way, and allow survivors to score. Be the example.
I 2-hook everyone, then depending on how they play, decide how many to let go. Always one, sometimes 3. (Not that I always get a choice in the matter) Strangely the most irritating survivor ends up being the one that didn't bring a cobbler nearly every time.
You don't (usually) have control over how the killer plays or if they tunnel you.
You do have control over boosting your own BP score with an offering.
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It has gotta be exhausting for you guys to sort through hundreds of these bait us vs them threads. I wish we could all take a chill pill and enjoy the game lmao
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I mean how much the killer gets is irrelevant? You get more BP with cobbler is just a factual statement. Not bringing it to spite the killer is an emotional choice, you can certainly do it but the fact remains bringing cobbler maxes out your BP gains.
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This is just false survivors during BP events are rewarded more for doing more then just being a gen jockey as if your incentive is BP getting your repair maxed and only that is wasting your time and cakes and event. As killer you literally just max out tunneling and killing people ASAP. Maybe survivors should be able to get all 4 categories just playing a match like killer does
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I’m not creating anything. If you actually read my post you’d see I said I’m not advocating for not bringing offerings but I’m also not gonna pretend like I don’t understand why people take issue with being tunneled out of a match where they brought an offerings either.
Also maybe killers should get over their entitlement of thinking that people owe them their BP offerings. If they want to bring it they can and if they don’t, get over it.
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It is definitely suspect that killer consistently earned the most BP while having the easier role. And also gains all the BP bonuses that survivors bring.
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I’m not limiting anything I bring the BP offerings. I’m simply saying that I understand why others don’t do it when killers play that way. If they want to hoard their offerings and not use them why do you or anyone else care? If they want to limit their own BP why does anyone else care? The question goes both ways.
Once again I’m simply saying I can understand why they feel their offering is going to be out to waste if they bring it into a match where they get tunneled out instantly with only 6K BP. Especially for an event that’s happening right in rank re-sweat day. The offerings Re t going anywhere and maybe they wanna use them when they feel better about it, despite what others feel is most efficient? All I’m saying is I can understand their feelings even if I’m not going to do the same.
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Don't take bonus BP items and do what, use it in other times, where additional BPs don't contribute for even more BP items
Come on brother, it's not a complex logic, just think about what really help you…
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Seriously though! This playerbase, I swear...
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Wait until we're bringing Survivors back from the dead... at the highest possible cost... I'll never be over this 🤣😂🤣😂
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The morality of bloodpoints deserves its own thread 🤣😂🤣😂
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Don't really care for bp. i'd rather farm salt.
""Oh but can't you have fun?", i have fun watching you die.
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The best solution here is let more cakes spawn per bloodweb for survivors. Killers can always get any value from their own cake if they decide to bring one but survivors are always at risk of getting tunneled or sandbagged at 5 gens and dying with less than 10k points.
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First solo queue match tunneled and hit on hook for no reason with 3 gens left. Good thing DS was nerfed again! I'd hate to ever have perks that actually deter the most effective and easiest strategy of the opposing side in a pvp game. Think I'll be saving cakes unless I'm in at least a 3 man swf.
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Imagine denying yourself and your three teammates bonus points just to deny the one killer player bonus points for no reason except spite.
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I stopped bringing them after my first match. Got tunneled by a Wesker and my build was circle of healing inner strength well make it borrowed time. Clearly I had a sweaty build so he had to sweat back. That was In solo que . Once I joined a swf then I put the offerings back on but made sure to bring ds off the record and dead hard.
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I never bring BP offerings. I have almost every character leveled up and all perks unlocked. I’ve been tunneled, camped, slugged and repeatedly smacked on the hook during every event… No more cakes for the killer (sorry teammates). I won’t reward that behavior anymore. I haven’t used a cake offering for a couple of years now.
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That image made me laugh WAY too much. It’s true though. 😂