Event abilities teleports everyone DONT go for saves

So the event abilities dont work as intended picking up a survivor to teleport to hook also randomly teleports other survivors to hooks🤣
This was honestly one of the stupidest abilities they could have put in this event. Dont get me wrong, I love the event but putting in the ability to totally bypass the wiggle mechanic for the entire event was bad enough. Now the bug for that ability is literally game breaking. I posted earlier a clip where someone who did a flashlight save got teleported to a hook and killed. Someone else said pallet stunning the killer also teleported them to a hook.
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Apparently pallets save and Flash saves also teleports them to hook
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The insta hook power is the worst thing they ever put in the game
Now I understand why the event is a separate queue
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Someone else said pallet stunning the killer also teleported them to a hook.
Looks like they are testing a buff for Hubris
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Wifi hook is the best thing that happened to this game